Dnn is against any side hustle that goes against Biblical scripture. That goes for cosmetics, alcohol, investing-stocks, anything that earns interest, scams, pants for women, tobacco, smoking marijuana, etc.

Affiliate marketing, blogging, content marketing, and side hustling all work hand in hand. Apart of the same business bunch. Traditional employment is good for keeping your bills paid and working until retirement if you achieved 100% job security. There's nothing wrong with getting up in the morning and going to a regular 9 to 5 day job.

If you're looking for a new routine, a new way of thinking, a new way to live life in total entrepreneurship, just know it's never too late to try your hand at starting a side hustle working from anywhere or your smartphone. And blogging is a great way to get your side hustle going. A blog can be posted from your smartphone while on the go. Little do most people know that their thoughts can be translated into blog content which gets indexed by Bing.com, Google.com, and YaHoO.com after publishing your thoughts to your blog from your laptop or smartphone. The blogging side hustle can be a lucrative side hustle business if you're a creative and business-savvy person. And you can do this with or without a regular job. Watch the video above from Forbes.com for side hustling inspiration. Share this post with everyone on Pinterest.com, Facebook.com, Twitter.com, LinkedIn.com, and discuss in YouTube.com videos.