Fact: Marijuana, dubbed Cannabis Sativa, Ganja, Spliff, and Greenery was not created to be smoked. The green herb was made as a medicinal avenue for the human body to ingest naturally not by smoking. Men who smoke large amounts of Marijuana in their youth have no knowledge that smoking the green herb is hurting their internal organs as they age. Moreover, Marijuana consumption by young men slowly but surely results in lowered Testosterone, reduction in cognitive mature judgement making, lowered libido as a man ages, headaches, low energy levels upon awakening, lack of interest in education, slacking on the job or loss of motivation to seek gainful employment, and withdrawal in socializing with people. Lower Testosterone results in visceral weight gain, dependence on smoking for instant gratification, decades of marijuana smoking addiction, and less spiritual focus. Lastly, soda also takes away from good health. Now is not the time to enjoy yourself in the guilty pleasures of this world because Scripture is being fulfilled.

Something to truly think about.