Here's a guy who got tired of working for someone else. He defied the odds by doing the transformation work, out of "inspiration or desperation." He didn't see himself working a regular job for the next 20 to 30 years, wondering if he would make it to successfully retire on earning pennies in a pension. Instead, he dove in and did the transformation work.'s Jeff Bezos started out of the house. And he started out like everyone else: small potatoes. With a visionary mindset and refusing to be another statistic in corporate America, he took a leap of faith and started Amazon.

Seven Lessons Jeff Bezos Subliminally Taught Entrepreneurs

1. Don't put your faith in working for someone else

2. Don't go to college to get a degree just to go to work for someone else: get your degree and start your own business instead

3. Change your mindset from using the internet in searching for singles to date to using the world wide web to earn passive income from doing what you love as an online business

4. You'll make alot of phony friends when you're making millions online. But you'll also not only earn new haters, but also channel the negative energy from haters to continually move forward in your business endeavors

5. People you never spoke to or saw in the last 10, 20, or even 30 years will come out of the woodworks "including family sometimes," and contact you after discovering the amount of success you've achieved

6. Keep a keen eye for shady family members!

7. Regardless how long it takes to cross the business marathon finish line of success in making millions online, stay the course and do the transformation work, out of [inspiration or desperation].

Facts: Bezos is an everyday person like you. He didn't come from money. He started with a $300,000 investment from mommy and daddy. He didn't make excuses before and after starting Amazon on the note of "I'm going to wait until things are right in my life to start a business," or "this ain't right and that's not in place yet."

Despite numerous failures on behalf of Bezos, he kept going and persisted until the company took off. Your current mindset and situation doesn't determine your future. You have the power to change, as long as you're in the "land of the living."

Update: Bezos is NOT Jeff's real and legitimate last name. Jeff Jorgensen's mother re-married while his biological father is still living. There is no such thing as "divorce and remarriage." In other words, if a married couple separates and are both living, and one or the other remarries by permission of the court, that is "Adultery." You can't remarry while your spouse is still living. Therefore, Jeff's legitimate last name is "Jorgensen," NOT [Bezos].

Miguel Bezos is NOT Jeff's legitimate father!