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Barack Obama’s former campaign manager might have it mentally and politically twisted. Why does he think Trump won’t run in 2024? Everybody knows throughout the entire world how ambitious Donald J Trump truly is. Trump virtually stops at nothing. It’s no surprise that Donald will likely attempt to run for the president of the United States again in 2024 against Delaware’s Joseph Robinette Biden. And besides, Trump allegedly has a grudge-personal vendetta against Joe Biden, because Donald allegedly feels that Pres. Biden allegedly stole the presidency from him. When have you known Donald Trump to sit back and do absolutely nothing, unless it was in a case where he was queried to take justice against someone or something for a wrong that was done and he did absolutely nothing? Donald Trump could care less if his power and influence is weekend. He will likely make every attempt allegedly in 2024 to run for president of the United States of America again, without regard to anyone’s feelings, political costs, etc.

Getting rid of blackheads on your nose and face is more than a cosmetic thing. It requires changing the way you think. It also requires altering your nutrition. Most people believe blackheads occur because they have potentially bad genetics when that’s certainly not the case. Overcoming blackheads starts with good solid nutrition, consistent cardiovascular activity, consistent exercise. And most importantly, getting a good night's rest. And if you really want to overcome blackheads coming off of your face or your nose pores, get in the consistent healthy habit of using aloe vera and certain citrus fruits as a means of exfoliation. Using some facial care products made potentially and allegedly contribute to the growth and promotion of blackheads. Additionally, if you stick to the consistent positive habit of applying small amount of natural aloe vera fresh from the leaf on your face before going to bed at night after you’ve taken a shower and stick to the script of putting aloe vera on your face and nose for six weeks consistently twice a day “once in the morning and once before bed,” you should potentially see viable results in the mirror. Remember to take a picture with your smartphone or camera before starting your six week aloe vera facial blackhead removal regimen to measure the results.

If you’re working overtime on your job and currently experiencing feelings of burnout, one way you can work slowly but surely toward overcoming feelings of burnout is respectfully declining your employer’s invitation to work overtime on a job. When you don’t get enough sleep at night and your body gets used to working excessive amounts of hours, especially working third shift, with very little sleep afterwards, feelings of burnout can be quite overwhelming. Declining your employer’s invitation to work overtime will cost you money. And it may cost you potential employment advancement opportunities. Your health is priceless and shouldn’t be compromised to work overtime for any employer, even if they’re paying $50 plus hourly in overtime. Investing in your personal health by getting more sleep and working on your side hustle should be your mantra in overcoming feelings of burnout. When you work on your side hustle working from home part-time and should thrive to get more sleep, the burnout feelings will slowly disappear. When you decline working overtime because of burnout and make the healthy choice of working on your side hustle either in the morning before going to work or after coming home from work and your side hustles starts making more money than your regular job, total feelings of burnout will be completely eliminated when you “quit your day job.”

Some YouTubers in New York City prefer to rent apartments and lofts in Manhattan versus making the financially healthy choice to purchase their living space. Some YouTubers even took a step further through creating YouTube videos about their Manhattan apartment and how much they pay in monthly rent. Some YouTube content creators allegedly pay as much as over $5.000 monthly in New York City apartment rent. Little do these YouTube content creators know that they’re throwing money down the drain. If a YouTube content creator pays allegedly over $5000 monthly in rent over a five-year period, that’s well over $250,000 flushed down the drain, without the YouTube apartment renter owning their living space. Owning a residential property such as a house or condominium outside of New York City is feasible to achieve at half the cost. When you rent, you throw money down the drain. That is, if you don’t have an action plan to go from renting to owning. A good thing about having a mortgage on a condominium or house is you can borrow against the equity of the home if you need to take out a loan for whatever reason in the future. That’s certainly not the case when you’re renting a $5000 plus monthly apartment in New York City.

While losing your job and your only source of income at the moment can be an emotionally tragic experience to endure. Especially if you’re unsure where your next check may come from. On the flip side of things, losing your job may be a subliminal blessing in disguise. One thing most people don’t think about is the good thing about getting fired from a job. Or, walking away from their job when their employer offers them lies in an employment retention contract. The good thing about walking away from a job or getting wrongfully terminated is you now have the time to work on unleashing your creative entrepreneurial potential on the Internet. Starting an online business during times of unemployment and doing what you do as a labor of love “passion project transformed into a full-time online business” can pan out to benefit you better than working for someone else. Especially, if you’re wrongfully terminated for “Religious” reasons by your narcissist employer.Losing your job and working on building your online business on your own terms in your spare time is not only a potential blessing in disguise, but is also the sweetest revenge you can get on a narcissist employer who didn’t see value in retaining you as a valued employee. Be thankful for bad things happening in your life such as getting fired wrongfully from your job. There’s hidden good in every adverse life experience. Even in situations where some authoritative figures are allegedly and subliminally nitpicking.

When you work on your side hustle as a passion project and start to earn steady streams of passive income in efforts of avoiding going back to a regular job and working for a narcissist employer, it’s a wise idea to take your online earnings and diversify into other areas. For example, if your side hustle consists of the three main ingredients “affiliate marketing-blogging-YouTube content creation,” and your side hustle is building momentum in increasing income, you shouldn’t rely on living solely off of [affiliate marketing-blogging-YouTube content creation]. You should take those earnings and diversify into other areas such as perhaps owning a store, diversifying your side hustle income into real estate. Or perhaps looking into owning your own car dealership. This way, you won’t solely rely on one particular side hustle to bring you residual income. While it is truly possible to live off of the Internet 100% with 0% employees and become and maintain online millionaire status, investing your money in other businesses is a wise choice and can’t be emphasized enough for you to consider doing. And while you work on making millions on the Internet, it’s also a good idea to be frugal with your money while working to become a near future side hustle online millionaire. It’s okay to avoid spending money on lavish things. Don’t try to keep up with the Joneses or Kardashian’s. You’ll end up going broke trying to look rich. Act your wage!

Did you know there’s a virtual gold mine waiting to be earned silently by buying and reselling clothes on the Internet? Your local thrift store can help you get really really rich. Thrift stores are becoming today’s new norm for people looking to earn steady streams of passive income online by buying and reselling thrift store clothing on fashion websites.,,,, and, along with are some of many buying and reselling clothing sites to resell fashion items on for an upsell profit. Some people became so successful at buying and reselling clothing online from thrift stores and garage sales that they earned enough passive income to quit their day jobs and do what they do as a 100% living online. Believe it or not, buying gently used clothing and reselling on fashion clothing reselling websites for a profit can become a million-dollar work from home business. Most people working regular jobs do this as a side hustle to earn a secondary stream of passive income alongside their job.

If you live in Africa as a healthcare professional and looking to create a steady stream of income outside of your day job, YouTube may be the transformation business solution. Creating engaging and emotionally stirring YouTube videos may help to build and engage your audience quickly. In addition to African healthcare professionals creating steady streams of passive income outside of their healthcare day jobs with YouTube, they can also build other streams of online income through the process known as affiliate marketing and blogging. Affiliate marketing is the process of partnering with an online appetizer and promoting their affiliate link in hopes of earning affiliate commission through selling their products and services. Affiliate marketing is helping good everyday working class people go from day job employees to quiet online millionaires using affiliate marketing, blogging and YouTube. If you plan on using YouTube as an African healthcare professional to generate passive income outside of your job, make it a habit to consistently upload videos to your YouTube channel throughout the week. The goal is to earn 1000 YouTube subscribers and 4000 hours of watch time before being accepted as a YouTube partner. Once you’re accepted as a YouTube partner, Google ads will automatically appear in every YouTube video you upload and publish to your YouTube channel. It’s also recommended to promote affiliate links in the header, center, and footer of every YouTube video description in efforts of making more money from your YouTube videos.

Former Goldman Sachs employee Darren Dixon understands there’s no future in working for someone else for the next 20 or 30 years. Even with a college degree, there’s still no guarantee of job security as long as you’re working under the mercy of an employer. If you want to move up in the uncertain game called life and earn more money and gain independence from working a regular job and liberate yourself from the norms of being at employers mercy, it’s an unspoken-unwritten rule that you must strike out on your own and start your own business. And that means taking a leap into the abyss of entrepreneurial uncertainty. That’s exactly what former Goldman Sachs employee Darren Dixon is about to do. He’s leaving the financial giant to start his own fund. Mr. Dixon was responsible for driving much business to Goldman Sachs. And today, he’s noted by news as “Goldman’s Youngest Black Partner.” According to Bloomberg, Darren “rose rapidly putting together lucrative deals.” Darren is truly doing the transformation business work today out of “inspiration or desperation,” by refusing to settle for average and starting his own business. This site will strive for excellence to bring you a future update on Darren Dixons entrepreneurial progress.

More than 1400 New York City workers were fired in the earlier part of 2022 due to not being vaccinated against Covid 19. And recently, a judge has lifted the mandate for masks not being required to wear on flights. Looking at the bigger picture… Doesn’t it sound as if one contradicts the other? 1,400 + New York City employees terminated for refusing to get the vaccine: yet, people on airplanes no longer need to wear masks. Either way you look at it, it sounds as if there’s potentially “respect a person,”

If you need assurance in knowing that affiliate marketing, blogging, selling digital e-courses is online, YouTube, and side hustles work, virtually echoes literally the same thing others are about making money online as a side hustle. Earning steady streams of passive income online from affiliate marketing and side hustles is today’s new norm of staying financially stable. Working a regular job and depending on your job alone for your income is slowly but surely becoming null and void-obsolete. If your employer or coworkers have an art against you for any reason, even with a college degree, you could potentially be set up for wrongful termination and your case will be hard to prove in a court of law. Believing in yourself by starting an online business-side hustle is the way to get out of the day job mindset and make affiliate marketing and side hustles work for you. Additionally, if you specialize in a specific skill set such as writing, buying and reselling online, or creative marketing of some sort that others aren’t doing, the Internet is your place to put your handiness to work at full strength. Yes, it’s absolutely possible for you to earn a full-time living online doing what you do as a passion project. Even if it’s blogging and making money from ads on your blog. Whatever you do online, you need a self hosted WordPress blog and a YouTube channel as the simplest way to get started making money online as an employee in transition to full-time online entrepreneur .