• LYFT.com drivers can use YouTube.com as a means of discussing their experiences as a side hustle as a form of driver of the company "if they were recently furloughed."

Blogging is starting to gain traction again, as a majority of working class people are creating content as a means of earning side streams of income alongside. Paychecks. Starting a blog as simple as 123. But the thing is, to truly benefit from blogging, you must be consistent in your content marketing efforts. A lot can be about anything legitimately feasible to the empowerment of others. And with a blog, you can monetize it to the point where earning multiple streams of income from it puts you in a prominent position to make money online quietly. The beauty about blogging is that you can blog for a company, or blog for yourself. Blogging for yourself doesn't choir in upfront initial investment, as you're required as an unwritten rule to acquire a domain name, dedicated server, and possibly "if needed" to purchase standalone WordPress plug-ins. Installing WordPress on a dedicated server for the purpose of making money from blogging is an ideal thing to do.

​ One thing free blogging companies don't tell you is that when you start blogging and creating content from scratch and publish to your blog, it is secretly their property. In other words, your hard written content belongs to them. They profit from it, not you. Unless you save the content to your desktop and delete the blog post and invest in your own domain name and dedicated server, then they continue to profit from your content literally without your knowledge. Yes, a blog can make you a future online millionaire. But it's something that you have to want to do and not just seeing a part-time hobby to earn a few extra dollars per month. Blogging separates the men from the boys. Blogging can be monetized with affiliate advertisements from online advertisers, Google AdSense, sponsorships, and the potential to sell ad space as a means of diversifying your online income potential. And while you're sleeping, your blog continues to make money. So if you find yourself working paycheck to paycheck and feeling the crunch from inflation, it's never too late to start a self hosted WordPress blog with a dedicated web hosting solution and your own domain name. Always know that a self hosted blog and domain name on a dedicated server is your personal online real estate that lets people know not only where you can be found, but the information you're consistently conveying to your target audience. ​

Side hustles I becoming today's new norm for transitioning from working paycheck to paycheck and earning a full-time income on the Internet. Everyday people are starting side hustles as a means of generating healthy steady streams of passive income. The article presented by CNBC.com discusses in so many words how a 35-year-old mother who starting a wedding photography project worked on it as a passion project, using her passion for side hustle to turn it from just earning a few extra hundred dollars monthly, now transitioning into side hustle millionaire status. Of course, she didn't generate the millions immediately. She became a master at her side hustle craft with a long-term vision for business. in the beginning of CNBC article, the 35 year old mother stresses the fact that not only did she start a side hustle during the 2008 recession, but she's also glad [in so many words] that she never gave up and retaining her long-term vision. Because she was doing something she loved to do, it probably didn't seem like too much work to her, though her side hustle is in fact work. It potentially took her about five years to achieve side hustle millionaire status with her wedding photography side hustle business. Her husband came on as a chief financial officer in 2003 of her wedding photography side hustle-turned full-time business venture. Despite her wedding photography business now earning millions, she continues to earn steady streams of side hustle income alongside our wedding photography venture. Today, she's offering pay online courses in showing people how to believe in themselves to the point of starting humble side hustles from the ground floor up, and putting themselves in the grand position to earn millions of dollars online in a few years. In in addition to her wedding photography business and online teaching side hustle, she also has a blog. Kate understands that blogging is a standalone simple solution to generating hordes of free search engine traffic, and a basic means of positioning yourself through blogging to earn healthy and steady streams of passive income from monetized advertisements on a blog. Side hustles are for everyone regardless of age, education, have no "respect a person," and can make anyone an online millionaire if they put their mind to it. Side hustles don't discriminate. A side hustle is a test of your personal ambition to see what's in you. And in case you're wondering, affiliate marketing and side hustles work hand-in-hand like Cagney and Lacey, Laverne and Shirley, Batman and Robin, Starsky and Hutch, and the A-Team. Affiliate marketing and side hustles also fall under the umbrella of "performance based marketing."

Cardio in the morning preferably on an empty stomach is a great way to start off your new year and recalibrate your mind for around clock weight loss. For the working class, doing cardio in the morning on an empty stomach before starting your workday is a great way to increase mental clarity, get your heart rate up to snuff, and increase productivity in the office. If you get in the mindset of performing cardio at least three times a week on an empty stomach and strategically plan your nutrition for long-term weight loss while being productive in the workplace, your superiors may wonder what potentially contributes to your increased worker productivity.

​ You can explain to them that not only are you getting your cardio game back on track, but you're also devoted to the work that you currently do. And because you're devoted to your job, that should be one of many subliminal reasons for getting your cardiovascular game up to snuff, by performing cardio on the treadmill in the morning for at least one hour-one hour 20 min. on an empty stomach. And with Covid 19 running rampant throughout the United States, that should give you another motivational push to get your cardio game up to par. Covid 19 attacks the mind, immune system, and heart. When you increase your heart rate output by and up your cardiovascular game, you quietly present a triple threat Covid 19. What kind of threat? You present the type of threat whereas you're fighting back against a quiet killer, by increasing your heart output and boosting your immune system through "good solid nutrition." Always remember cardio, exercise, and nutrition, along with juicing fresh fruits and vegetables, are the transformation solutions and staying healthy, improving your immune system output, losing weight year-round, and increasing productivity on the job.

Remote work is changing the history of human thought. Many people today are no longer relying on one source of income, as he using the digital nomad lifestyle-remote work as a means of working from anywhere. People using a combination of laptops with affiliate marketing, speech recognition to create content for your self hosted WordPress blog, side hustles, and video marketing using TikTok.com or YouTube.com as a means of marketing themselves to the world. The people who are mentally transition from earning one source of income to using remote work as a means of multiple streams of income earned learned that they can earn more money by working from anywhere doing things they love on the Internet. And for those who choose not to travel often and use remote work as a means of earning a 100% living online, real estate developers and landlords, at least some of them, are now potentially redesigning their apartments to accommodate remote workers. Real estate adventurists and landlords are now understanding that many high earning YouTubers are creating video content from their apartments. Not only creating content from the apartment, but using their apartment walls as a means of a YouTube video background. While remote work continues to be on the rise among every day working class people, always know you're never too old to get started as a digital nomad-remote work. Age and education in this line of work is of no concern. Neither is previous working experience.