#NorthKorea and #SouthKorea #breakdancing #contest on #YouTube - DrewryNewsNetwork.com

Politics can get a little intense at times between North Korea and South Korea. Politics can also be boring. As the world knows, North Korea and South Korea has been warring against each other for decades. What if they came together peacefully and formed a truce living together in perfect harmony like Ebony and Ivory?

The YouTube video is a composed skit of North Korea and South Korea supposedly engaging in a breakdancing contest. As everyone knows, rap music and breakdancing started out in the South Bronx back in the 1970s in New York City. Those were the days of rap careers being formed by LL Cool J, Afrika Baambaata UTFO, Beastie Boys, Whodini, Fat Boys, and others. The video has a creative mix of old-school rap music instrumentals from the late 1970s and early 80s from your favorite past time rappers.

If you look at the bright side of this video, it would be nice if the two Koreas came together and lived peacefully. Wonderful things can happen for the good of everyone just by setting aside the politics and spreading love towards one another.

Moral of this video: whatever adversely is taking place in the moment politically, always see the good and look past what's before the eye.