#AffiliateMarketing: 3 Reasons Why People fail in #OnlineMarketing - #Blogging as the Ultimate Million-Dollar #SideHustle

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  • Contributing Editor
    • May 2014
    • 2714

    #AffiliateMarketing: 3 Reasons Why People fail in #OnlineMarketing - #Blogging as the Ultimate Million-Dollar #SideHustle

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    John Crestani went from #TerminatedToMillionaire

    Crestani is now a side hustle millionaire today, building his million dollar online business from the ground floor up. But he was also fired from his job. He knows work and sacrificed to get where he is today. If he can do it, so can you.

    1. They have very little knowledge of how to use the power of the internet to generate income full-time. It's an iron-clad fact if a person wants to succeed in business or anything, they’ll go above and beyond by researching and deploying useful skills to make it happen and entrepreneurship.

    In fact, those who decide to go above and beyond in business tend to be much more successful versus people who work on day jobs. The mindset of a day job offer versus entrepreneur it's totally different. If you want to go from extraordinary to extraordinary, do your research, change your mindset, and get out of your comfort zone by getting organized.

    2. Not willing to shell out the money to purchase a domain name and dedicated web hosting. It's an ironclad fact that if you want to succeed in online business, The truth is it takes money to make money. But the good thing about starting an affiliate marketing side hustle as your part time online business is it doesn't cost an arm and a leg to get started. All you need is to purchase a domain name and dedicated web hosting as previously mentioned. That's it. Joining affiliate networks that pay good affiliate commissions is absolutely free of charge. No affiliate network should ever charge you one red cent to join their affiliate network.

    If you're getting into MLM multi-level marketing, that's a totally different story. Amway charges an upfront fee for purchasing a membership. but this is affiliate marketing and not multi-level marketing. The only thing you should shell out money for is a domain name and hosting. That's it. And once you get your WordPress blog installed on your dedicated server, there are a few decent paid WordPress plugins that are worth spending money on. But that's later down the road.

    3.Inconsistency. Some people actually purchase a domain name, get dedicated servers to host their self hosted WordPress blogs on. They get lazy and have nothing to blog about when it comes time to create content. Inconsistency will keep a person on a day job and never achieving the status of “side hustle millionaire.”

    Facts About Entrepreneurship and 'Side Hustle Millionaire'

    Everybody wants to be a side hustle millionaire but hardly anyone wants to put in the work of creating content. if you want to be a side hustle millionaire, you have to get out of your comfort zone, get on board with consistency, pick a niche topic for your block you'll never get tired of blogging about, and do the transformation business work out of inspiration of desperation. there's too much quiet money to be earned online. How do you think eBay, LinkedIn, Microsoft, and others make their millions and billions? It's either by creating content of their own or allowing others to create content for them.

    Bottom line is, content is king on the internet. The sooner you shift focus by changing your thinking patterns and get on board with consistency and start creating content today, you'll never achieve [side hustle millionaire] status, and continue working for that narcissist employer who keeps robbing you of bonuses and commissions.

    Check back regularly for questions and answers about affiliate marketing, blogging, side hustling and how to achieve side hustle millionaire status through online marketing.