#CJU Announces Upcoming #AffiliateNetworking Event in #SantaBarbara

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  • Contributing Editor
    • May 2014
    • 2710

    #CJU Announces Upcoming #AffiliateNetworking Event in #SantaBarbara

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    #CJ a.k.a. #CJAffiliate by #Conversant #hosts an #annual #affiliatemarketing #event in #SantaBarbara #California for #advertisers and #affiliates - #bloggers

    Commission Junction known as CJ affiliate by conversant (CJ.com) is among the leading affiliate marketing networks on the World Wide Web. They've been in existence since 1998 based out of Santa Barbara, CA. They host some of the Internet's most famous and reputable affiliate programs for publishers to promote on blogs and websites. Each year, CJ hosts an affiliate networking get-together at the Fess Parker Doubletree resort in Santa Barbara, bringing together advertisers, publishers, and attracting new affiliate marketers into the world of online marketing. CJ's affiliate networking events are educational, fun, full of positive energy, and worth spending the money to attend. If you decide on attending any affiliate marketing events, it's highly recommended to attend Affiliate Summit East-Affiliate Summit West first if you live on the East Coast before hopping on an airplane and flying to Santa Barbara, California for the CJU affiliate marketing get together. To learn more about affiliate Summit visit AffiliateSummit.com.

    Mark Your Calendar

    The CJU affiliate networking get-together will be from October 13-October 15, 2015. If you're new blogger-publisher to the world of affiliate marketing, this is an event you don't want to miss. If you're flying in from the East Coast, it is well worth the money to attend, though the price has mildly gone up since 2006. You will pay a few hundred dollars to attend the event which is easy to paid online at CJUniversity.com.

    Last year, NBA basketball legend Earvin Magic Johnson was a speaker at CJ University and delivered an awesome keynote speech about the infinite possibilities of earning "good money" in affiliate marketing.

    Santa Barbara is a very beautiful city. When you arrive and get situated in your hotel room and take a moment to drive around town in your rental vehicle, you'll quickly begin to experience the feeling of not wanting to leave. Santa Barbara is a place that makes you feel as if you are leaving all of your problems behind. And attending the CJU affiliate marketing get together will produce feelings of joy never experienced. Why? You will see all kinds of name-brand advertisers and feel excited about potentially partnering with them. Some of the affiliate advertisers range from Dell, Monster.com, eVitamins, Advance Auto Parts, General Electric, 1800GotJunk.com, VistaPrint.com, 21st Century Insurance, 23andMe.com, 24HourFitness.com, Zappos.com, 6PM.com, ASmallOrange.com, GoDaddy.com, and many more. Depending on the topic of your blog or website, these advertisers may be a suitable fit for you and help you increase the probability of making good money from partnering as a publisher on the CJ affiliate network.


    CJU events are held yearly at the Fess Parker Doubletree resort in Santa Barbara. For those who don't know who Fess Parker is, he played Daniel Boone and Davy Crockett. He left show business as an accomplished entertainer and pursued entrepreneurship, starting an array of businesses such as his resort hotel which continues to be successful long after his death in 2010.

    633 East Cabrillo Boulevard
    Santa Barbara, CA 93103
    (800) 879-2929

    Past CJU events

    Affiliate marketers and bloggers in attendance at past CJ online marketing events profited by walking away with priceless information and advertiser contacts. Though the event does cost money to attend, it's money well spent. When you attend a CJ affiliate marketing get together, you enjoy good food such as butter scallops, fish, and other sorts of great food, in addition to healthy drinks. You are guaranteed to put good solid nutrition in your stomach if you are on a controlled diet and looking to keep your calorie count in check while at the event. It's highly recommended bring a digital camera along with you to the state event because you'll be taking lots of wonderful and memorable pictures with a brand name advertisers. It's also recommended to create in affiliate marketing scrapbook so you know Who's Who to match the picture with the advertiser business card. Are you listening?

    After attending your first CJ event, you'll feel encouraged to attend future CJ affiliate get-togethers. But be prepared to pay over $500 to attend. As previously mentioned, it's highly recommended to attend AffiliateSummit.com affiliate networking get-togethers first if you live on the East Coast. At Affiliate Summit, you'll pay a fraction of what it costs to attend a CJ event and walk away with a plethora of online marketing information and advertiser contacts that will have you excited about starting an online business virtually the next day and spending money to purchase a domain name and web hosting from any web hosting provider.


    If you haven't researched the virtual infinite possibilities of getting into affiliate marketing, now is the time to educate yourself by performing numerous searches about the topic of "affiliate marketing" in your preferred search engine of choice. This line of work requires more work than working a traditional 9 to 5.

    This is your own business. This line of work is also a test of patience and will put your entrepreneurial ambition to the test to see what you are made of. This line of work will also test your ability to build and maintain positive online working relationships with advertisers and fellow affiliate marketers. If you feel you can succeed in this industry, you're encouraged to join and possibly set yourself up for success by becoming a future affiliate marketing transformation success story. Be inspired and never give up.