#SideHustleMillionaire: Who Made Money and Posted #BloggingIncomeReports for August 2018?

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    #SideHustleMillionaire: Who Made Money and Posted #BloggingIncomeReports for August 2018?

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    #bloggingincomereports for #August 2018

    Blogging. It's quietly making some people online millionaires. Side hustle millionaire status can be achieved in affiliate marketing and blogging by Anyone who puts their mind to it and takes the leap of faith into the abyss by acquiring a domain name, purchasing dedicated hosting, and installing WordPress on their dedicated server to start their niche based blogging career. The internet is taking the World by storm quietly because people from all walks of life have the grand ability to start a blog from scratch without any previous experience and build it up through content marketing to a point where they're making more money than their regular day job. Blogging is for everyone who has a dedicated mind to prosper in entrepreneurship and not for the faint-hearted. And blogging is also not a get-rich-quick overnight operation. It's going to be a very good while until you start earning a full-time income, yet even a few monthly pennies from writing blogs and promoting ads on it.

    Dedicated bloggers know that they have to create lots and lots of content on their blogs in order to earn a full-time income. Lots and lots of content doesn't mean sitting at your computer for hours a day and writing writing writing without having a regular life. You can post a blog in excess of 2,000 words a day which is considered Evergreen content, and post Evergreen content in excess of 2,000 words a day to your blog at least 5 days a week for 2 years. If you get in the consistent pattern of writing and consistent content marketing for at least 2 years or even 3 years posting 2000 words a day 5 days a week for 2 years, and notice the emphasis is on 2 years, you'll potentially have the option of walking away from your employer, possibly earning a full-time income from your blog, and never having to work a regular job again a day in life. But it all starts with belief in yourself, having the right tools in place, and staying consistent with your content marketing efforts. Believe it or not, many bloggers who are side hustle millionaires today started from the bottom and we're either frustrated working on their job because they didn't get along with your employer, living at home with their parents, broke, unemployed, homeless, or wanted a new career path. Regardless how long it takes for your side hustle blog to get off the ground and earn a full-time income, keep going the extra mile regardless how many years passed by. time is going to pass anyway. You might as well get started now and get your foot in the door with early blogging career establishment and learn along the way while building a future healthy income that'll be more than enough for you to live on.

    These monthly blogging income reports or from bloggers who started from the bottom :

    Michelle Schroeder-Gardner of makingsenseofcents.com had another fantastic month of blogging and earning side hustle millionaire income. The millionaire blogger who started her blog back in 2011 reported in the month of August 2018, Michelle earned a whopping $110,284 working on her blog. Michelle continually emphasizes in the infancy of her blogging side hustle back in 2011, she never intended for her blog to make money as used it as an online tool to keep herself financially accountable. A friend had told her about making money from ads on blogs and she dabbled with getting a sponsorship. If the facts are correct, she's dabbled with advertising on her blog and 6 months later, she earned her first $100. Two years later, she quit her day job as a financial Consultant working for someone else. She decided to use blogging as a way to build up her financial net worth and earned enough to pay off personal debt. Michelle's a millionaire today from her blogging side hustle and she often offers free and useful tips for people to make money online full time transitioning from side hustle to online entrepreneurship full-time.

    Alex and Lauren from createandgo.co. Started blogging as a side hustle while they had day jobs. 3 years into their side hustle blogging venture, they manage to earn enough money to quit their jobs and achieve side hustle millionaire status. In the month of August 2018, the couple reported a total combined side hustle blogging income of approximately $162,051 working from home. When they first started blogging, they had no clue how to make money full time as aspiring bloggers. The first year of blogging income resulted in massive earnings of $103,457.98, a claim made on the create and go blog. They also made a statement on their blog that they went from broke and frustrated to $100,000 monthly. Alex and Lauren are everyday people like you. If they can do it so can you!

    Read this blogging income report how other Bloggers use their self-hosted blogs to earn themselves substantial monthly incomes and stay off of the corporate 9 to 5 day job scene.