#YouTube: #VideoMarketing of Your #OnlineBusiness Has the Potential to Make You a #SideHustleMillionaire

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  • Contributing Editor
    • May 2014
    • 2715

    #YouTube: #VideoMarketing of Your #OnlineBusiness Has the Potential to Make You a #SideHustleMillionaire

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    YouTube announced in the past they virtually did away with RSS feeds for user channels. If you're not familiar with what an RSS feed is, it stands for "really simple syndication." It's a programming language used on blogs, published articles on article directories, discussion forums, and websites as a way for site readers to stay updated on new content, as well as a way for savvy publisher to use RSS as a means of content syndication "automated content sharing" to multiple social networking platforms. When it comes to video marketing your online business and reaching new customers without spending money on paid advertising, using YouTube for business is not to be overlooked.

    How to Create an RSS Feed for Your YouTube Channel

    This is the tricky part for those who never fathomed the thought of locating their RSS YouTube channel feed. If you try to locate it now just using YouTube alone, chances are you'll never locate it. This is probably because YouTube allegedly discovered some people abusing the privilege for having RSS feeds openly available for their channels. If you can't locate the RSS feed for your YouTube channel after logging into your account, no need to worry. DrewryNewsNetwork has your back.

    The video above in the middle will direct you to a website whereas you can create your free YouTube channel RSS feed. All you have to do is simply add your channel name in the large box. After doing so, the site will automagically locate and name your YouTube RSS feed for you. After the YouTube RSS creator website returns your YouTube RSS .XML food, simple copy and paste that feed URL address and be sure to bookmark it into your web browser for future reference. Bookmarking your YouTube channel RSS feed will give you easy access to your YouTube .XML feed for when you decide to use it in 3rd party applications for external video content syndication.

    'Google Feedburner for YouTube RSS Feeds'

    Own a GMail account? Wonderful! You have to have a verified Google GMail account before logging into Feedburner. And if you didn't know, Feedburner is a Google-owned company. The purpose of using Feedburner with your YouTube RSS feed is to have the free Feedburner service "auto-ping newly uploaded YouTube videos" to ping directories. When Feedburner's free service auto-pings ever new YouTube video you uploaded to your channel, the result is small increases in traffic to your new YouTube videos, resulting in increased YouTube videos over time. More videos to your videos means potentially more customers, revenue, and increased YouTube RSS subscribers.

    Now that you've created your YouTube RSS feed, use your Google GMail account to log into Feedburner. After doing that, you'll see a prompt to add any RSS you'd like in the box. This is where you paste the RSS .XML from your YouTube feed in. Once that's done, move onto the next stop after clicking "next," which will direct you to a series of tabs. Be sure to click the "publicize" tab.

    You'll see:
    • Headline Animator
    • Display rotating headlines
    • BuzzBoost
    • Republish your feed as HTML
    • Email Subscriptions
    • Offer feed updates via email
    • *PingShot*
    • Notify services when you post
    • FeedCount
    • Show off your feed circulation
    • Socialize
    • Publish to the social web
    • Chicklet Chooser
    • Creative Commons
    • Password Protector
    • NoIndex
    on the flush left side of your Google Feedburner.com account after clicking the publicize tab. Do you see where it says "PingShot?" Click that tab, then click "activate." Activating the Pingshot tab will automagically ping your videos to directories "as mentioned" everytime a new video is uploaded to your YouTube channel. How nice is that knowing you can have a piece of mind and not have to do extra footwork of sharing your new videos manually everytime you put up a new YouTube video? This allows you to concentrate on creating quality video content for your channel and having a deeper concentration in getting more customers with creative YouTube video marketing for your business using RSS and automation.

    Autosharing YouTube Videos to Social Networks

    There's a free service like Dlvr.it that allows anyone to create a free account. The purpose of having an account on Dlvr.it is to use your YouTube RSS feed or any RSS feed you'd like to have your content automatically shared on social networks. With your free Dlvr.it account, you can use your YouTube video RSS feed to autoshare new video content to App dot net, Facebook, LinkedIn, Tumblr, and Twitter.

    Having your YouTube videos shared on social networks will allow you to reach your domestic and global target audience, giving you the ability to focus on creating lots and lots of video content for your YouTube channel, and use the viral energy of other people to share online word of mouth about your videos and online business to their family and friends on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and LinkedIn. The end result? Having a 3rd party free service like Dlvr.it share videos to those social platforms and people sharing your videos means more exposure and revenue potential for your business, all off of the strength of creating engaging videos and using free services to auto-syndicate your video content to the masses. Are you seeing the bigger picture now why you can't overlook the awesome power of YouTube video marketing for your internet business?

    Have faith when building a business on the web when building it with content and streaming web video. Good things come to those who operate in faith and do the transformation business work at full strength. Always know online video attracts and converts eyeballs faster than blog posts, images, news articles, and webpages. Combining content with video will do more good for your online business in the long run beyond imagination.

    Related: Video SEO for Universal Search: Tips, Tools & Techniques to Get Found - SearchEngineJournal.com

    Food for thought: When you use YouTube videos, RSS marketing, blogging, affiliate marketing, and evergreen content creation all combined the right way and do the transformation work in your business out of inspiration or desperation in longevity and believing a bright future is ahead for you financially to overcome personal debt, you'll stay the course in creating lots and lots of content for your blog, discussion forum, website, and YouTube.com videos. Always remember to add a link in the header video decription of every YouTube video to increase awareness of any message you're trying to convey to your YouTube audience. Doing so will get you more video views, free advertising, YouTube video comments, increase advertising revenue potential to be a future "side hustle millionaire," and improved search engine optimization.

    Something to truly think about.

    Have a blessed & productive day.