#GoogleDocs: #SpeechRecognition Available Inside GDocs Blank Documents for Easy Content Creation

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  • Contributing Editor
    • May 2014
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    #GoogleDocs: #SpeechRecognition Available Inside GDocs Blank Documents for Easy Content Creation

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    Affiliate marketers, bloggers, college students, and everyday working people can now look forward to maximizing their offline and online productivity thanks to Google Docs. For those who don't have a product key to use Microsoft Word or the bundled Microsoft Office package on their desktop or laptops, no need to worry. When you create a free Google G-mail account, a plethora of priceless tools are immediately available after your GMail account is ready for use. And now, they have one specific tool for bloggers and online marketers who own content based sites that'll not only increase content marketing productivity, but also offer a piece of mind when creating unique content from scratch.

    Content is King

    Content is not only King on the World Wide Web but also is a form of online job security. It's virtual online job security to affiliate marketers, bloggers, and other unique content creators who stay dedicated to creating content daily or frequently. What exactly is considered content? Content is the form of articles, press releases, image with text, image with video, image and video with text, Web applications, documents, PDF files, and more. Content is also in the form of comments left one's social networking profiles. When you play your content marketing game the right way and create lots and lots of unique content of your originality, you'll be surprised how that can potentially turn into a full-time business in as little as two years when building a content-based site from scratch.

    The Key to success in the content marketing game is to create a niche-based blog or website you have best knowledge of. Focus your creativity or in creating compelling content for readers to enjoy and not just for search engines to index and rank. The sad mistake some bloggers, affiliate marketers, and content curators make is creating content to rank for a specific search term or keyword using certain software. That's an absolute no-no in the content marketing business because it will hurt search engine rankings in the long run, destroy a positive online reputation of site possibly earned, and put the site owner in a position to start over from scratch while possibly losing advertisers and getting de-listed from search engine results pages.


    Take time to create quality content from scratch without using any kind of keyword software. Speak naturally and fluently in the body of your content as if you were having a natural conversation with a person face-to-face. Don't bother trying to rank for a specific search term or keyword in your niche. If your content is original and unique and not centered around trying to focus on keyword phrase density, you'll rank well better than hoped for in the long run. Don't worry about competition in your niche in trying to out rank them. Just be yourself and create unique content from scratch daily. Search engines prefer sites whether it be blogs, discussion forums, or websites that have original content on them published daily versus sites that update content every other day or once a week. Even if you publish one time a day to your site and your post is 1000 words or better, that's better than nothing.

    How to Activate Voice Typing in Google Docs

    It's quite simple to activate voice typing after enabling Google Docs. Simply Log into your Google Docs account with your Gmail email address and password. Afterwards, create a new blank document. Once the blank document is before you and ready to pre-fill with unique content, take your computer mouse and tap the tab above that says tools. After tapping the tools tab, you'll see a selection that says voice typing. Use your computer mouse and click [voice typing]. You'll now see a small microphone appear in the upper flush left hand corner of your Google Docs document. When you tap the mini sized microphone in the upper flush left corner of your Google Docs blank document, you can begin to experiment with the functionality of the built-in will box speech recognition program, by plugging in a headset with microphone attachment to your laptop or desktop PC.

    The purpose of using voice typing in Google docs is to make the process easier of creating content daily and throughout the day. No content creator wants to sit at their computer dredging for hours daily manually typing content whether it's a blog post, document, article, discussion forum post, or web page while slowly building up carpal tunnel syndrome. Voice typing via Google Docs is the ideal way for people who don't have a manual speech recognition program installed on their computers to learn how speech recognition works and their advantage for web content production, College term papers, writing e-mails, and so. You can always learn more about the amazing power of speech recognition by performing a search in your favorite search engine for more information.

    Ranking Higher in Bing, Google, and YaHoO!

    With the wonderful technology of free speech recognition enabled in Google Docs comes opportunity for dedicated content creators to rank better in search engine results pages. Speech recognition allows anyone to use the power of their creativity and voice to write content as the words appear before their very eyes on the computer screen. Your mouth can help your site rank better in major search engines and get more traffic. It's all about effort and determination when building a business from scratch with content on the World Wide Web. There's more than enough money to be earned by anyone through search engines using the amazing power of unique content distribution.

    When striving to rank higher in major search engines, don't worry about using search engine positioning software or keyword density software to rank for specific keywords or search term phrases. That stuff is a waste of time and will possibly get you ranked in the back of search engine results pages if you're trying to rank for a specific keyword or search term phrase and use it one too many times in the body of your content. Your best bet is to use speech recognition and speak naturally and fluently in the body of your content as if you were having a normal conversation with another human. Let the words flow out of your mind and mouth and you have your speech recognition program activated. When least expected, your site will rank better in major search engine results pages and possibly earn you enough money to triple your day job salary and possibly quit your day job. Remember to always be natural creating content and striving to rank better above competitors in search engines.

    Speech Recognition for Content Production

    A good thing about speech recognition in Google Docs is the opportunity for people to see firsthand how the awesome power of their voice can make words appear on the computer screen and publish to their blogs or websites without forking out $200 to purchase Nuance Dragon Naturally Speaking. Dragon Naturally Speaking by Nuance is definitely a program everyone wants to have on their PCs because once you turn off Google Docs, you still need a speech recognition program to multitask functions on the PC ranging from pulling up different browser windows, writing e-mails using voice, and activating the social networking feature to use your voice to post tweets to Twitter.com, status updates to Facebook, and using your voice to search for content or YouTube. Yes, you can use your voice to tell Dragon Naturally Speaking to search for specific videos on YouTube. But that's a completely different story this site will get into later.

    Speech recognition in Google Docs gives amateur affiliate marketers and bloggers the opportunity to get their feet wet in the content marketing game. If you're knowledgeable about a certain niche and looking to start a blog, discussion forum, or website based around that niche, you can get started by pulling up a blank Google Docs document and activating the speech recognition feature known as voice typing and talk away as the words will appear on the computer screen as you speak. It'll become second nature to you after a while once you get used to using speech recognition for blogging or producing any kind of additional web content. Believe it or not, your voice can actually become a full-time online marketing career using speech recognition for content production. Using this amazing tool inside of Google docs inspires people to go the extra mile in sharing their personal thoughts and in some cases, off-the-wall ideas. How cool is it to speak into a program, watch the words appear on your computer, and have those words published on to a site where people are sharing valuable feedback? That alone should inspire you to consider a full-time online marketing-blogging career and creating content daily using Google Docs and speech recognition.

    It's never too late to get started if you didn't start a blog yet or create a free Gmail account. Get started now and gain valuable experience striving to tap into the online money making industry known as affiliate marketing by blogging and content marketing + joining good affiliate programs. Content is king and as long as you reply on speech recognition to create lots and lots of content and quality content for your blog or website using speech recognition, you'll always be one step ahead of blogging and content marketing competitors.