#ContentMarketing: It Takes More Than #ArticleMarketing and Paid #PressReleases to Rank Well in #SearchEngines

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  • Contributing Editor
    • May 2014
    • 2715

    #ContentMarketing: It Takes More Than #ArticleMarketing and Paid #PressReleases to Rank Well in #SearchEngines

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    Did you know promoting your blog, discussion forum or website with article marketing, document sharing, Facebook fan pages, paid press releases, and Pinterest can potentially help increase your organic traffic, improve SEO and possibly put money in your pocket from online sales?

    When it comes to the power of the Internet in effectively promoting yourself without the use of paid online advertising services, content marketing does wonders. Whether it's marketing your website through article marketing, sharing a PDF document or free e-book through document sharing, auto posting content to your Facebook fan page or a paid press release, the content you produce and share online helps build your Internet credibility for years to come. The key to success on the World Wide Web is to continually create and distribute content in the form of document sharing, article marketing, paid press releases, discussion forum posts, website pages, blog posts and so forth frequently.

    Article marketing has been around virtually since the digital age of the Internet began. Article marketing is a process of a work-at-home professional, blogger or affiliate marketer submitting a uniquely written article to any article directory in hopes of potentially being approved. To find out what article directories perform best and may be good to submit articles to, perform a simple search in your preferred search engine for "best do-follow article directories." Once the article has been approved by the directory the content producers submitted the article to, the article is possibly seen by thousands of people in a matter of months. Other website publishers and bloggers have the ability to republish the article on their blog or website, giving the originating author-article marketer the ability to have their works seen on someone else's website, in addition to getting traffic from blogs and websites of people that republish their articles as well as inbound links. Article marketing is a free process of improving a site's search engine visibility, build rapport with the Internet audience and getting better positions in search engine results pages. In a nutshell, article marketing is something every blogger and website owner needs to do daily, as it does increase back links to sites, helps improve positions in search engines, and possibly increase online ad revenue.

    Document sharing proves itself times over to be a cost-effective medium towards organically building web traffic, potentially increasing affiliate revenue, and building natural SEO backlinks to rank better in search engine results pages. Using document sharing to promote your site, affiliate links, or effectively convey messages to your targeted web audience is always a good thing to do, as it'll benefit your site for years to come.

    Facebook fanpages for business are not to be overlooked either. Social networking on Facebook is absolutely free and you just might be able to build a strong following using a free Facebook fanpage for your online business. When it comes to social media, the opportunities are endless.

    If you're looking for more creative ideas to make the wonderful power of social media work for you, stay tuned for more threads to come.

    If you want to rank well in Bing.com, Google.com and YaHoO.com, write content often for your site. And take time to personally interact with people online in off-topic conversation without trying to sell something. You can sell more by "not trying to sell online." Reverse psychology!