Newbie Internet marketers and bloggers have no idea about these two online companies. For those who don't know, these are two online article marketing is created for the sole purpose of people submitting quality written articles. In exchange, publishers who submit articles and approved benefit from having their written works showcase on these sites links pointing back to their blog or website. However, and operate differently.
Ezinearticles has been around since 1998. This is the same year started from humble beginnings out of a home garage in Menlo park, California. Since then, Ezinearticle's mission is to help publishers submit quality articles and build traffic back to their blogs and websites, through submitting articles for potential approval. Ezinearticles ranks very well in major search engines and have extreme online authority as a leader in the article marketing industry even until today. With your Ezinearticles account, you may submit only quality written articles that have not been produced on any other article directory site. Also, you are allowed to possibly have only one link anywhere in the body of the article pointing back to your blog or website. No affiliate links are allowed to be hyperlinked anywhere within the body of the article.
In the author resource bio section of your Ezinearticles account, you are allowed potentially up to two links pointing back to your blog or website. The purpose of having a link in the body of your article is to potentially help your search engine rankings improve for your blog or website. Another purpose of having a link within the body of your article is to improve your Google page rank. The third purpose of having a link in the article is to drive traffic potentially from Ezinearticles back to your blog or website, which can potentially result in increased RSS subscribers, clicks on Google ads if you have on your site, or possibly people buying something from an affiliate link which can result in possibly earning affiliate commissions by way of driving traffic from your published Ezinearticles back to your site.
The downside to submitting articles to Ezinearticles is you are only allegedly allowed one link in the body of your article. Additionally, you cannot get paid from ads within your published articles from affiliate programs. This is how Ezinearticles makes money from your published content on their article directory with ads alongside your writings from AdSense, Chitika, and ads by Zinc. Third, it is unsure if you're published articles will potentially receive what's called "link juice" from improved search engine rankings, as it's uncertain if Ezinearticles is a "Do follow SEO article directory." If a site has "Do-follow SEO" enabled on it, that simply means anyone who submits content to that site with a link or links embedded within the body of the content pointing back to their site will benefit from not just improved search engine rankings, but also improved Google page rank plus more. And as we all know, search engine algorithms and rules virtually change every day without notice. Though Ezinearticles doesn't allow you to directly profit from ads on your published articles, it is still a good article directory to submit quality written works.
'Hubpages' is the ideal article-content directory to submit uniquely written works to. Why? They rank "abnormally excellent in search engines." That's not even the meat and potatoes of why you should submit content to them. Besides the fact of HubPages being a "do-follow SEO article directory," and giving authors the ability to potentially build link juice from their submitted and approved content, Hubpages allows you to make money from affiliate programs while your content is displayed. If you are an affiliate of AdSense,, or, you can enter your affiliate ID credentials within your HubPages author account. This gives you the grand ability to make money from the aforementioned companies after your content is approved. Ezinearticles does not allow this. Hubpages has been around since 2006 and founded by Paul Deeds, Paul Edmondson, and Jay Rietz.
Another great thing about submitting content to Hubpages is the ability to add images, potentially PDF documents, and inserting YouTube videos within the body of the article-hub. It is a fact online video drives traffic and sales faster than blog posts, press releases. That said, inserting video in your hubs is always a good thing alongside inserting links within the body of the article pointing back to your blog or site to possibly improve search engine rankings and generate online revenue. You can possibly increase your online revenue generation potential if you get creative with your hubs and earn pretty good affiliate revenue from affiliate programs, and possibly increase sales for your personal products and services created by yourself and sold on your site.
If you look at the big picture as a content marketer, submitting content to Hubpages is definitely a good thing. However, don't completely overlook submitting one or two articles every once in a while to Ezinearticles. When it comes to your online traffic building diversification and creative marketing strategies, you must stay open-minded in diversifying your "marketing mix." The marketing mix helps one to stay ahead of their competition, indirectly show respect to their competitors, while serving value to their targeted audience, keeping them coming back for more. Last but not least, using Ezinearticles and HubPages for submitting content to is always a good thing, although Hubpages is possibly performing better in search engines and than Ezinearticles.
While E-Zine-Articles only allows article marketers who submits content to add 1 link in the body of their article content, Hub Pages allows article marketers to add more than 1. This policy may change depending on what these two fine article directories allow. If you want to build "Do follow SEO inbound links and increase affiliate revenue," your best choice would be to submit more content to