Looking to Make Money with Your #Pinterest Pinboard? Promote #AffiliateLinks and Increase #Sales!

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  • Contributing Editor
    • May 2014
    • 2705

    Looking to Make Money with Your #Pinterest Pinboard? Promote #AffiliateLinks and Increase #Sales!

    Realtime Website Traffic

    #Promoting #affiliatelinks on #Pinterest as #subdomain #URL is good for #SEO, #business, #sales & #contentmarketing

    If you're not pinning yet or have an account on Pinterest.com, it's time for you to use your Facebook with Twitter account to create one. Not only is having an account there good for business, but it's also good to boost your positive online reputation. In addition to those social networks, also good post frequently to LinkedIn in efforts of staying connected with the followers.

    What do all of these social networks have in common? If you have a blog or website or any kind of online business, you have the potential to make money. Especially with Pinterest. In fact, virtually every billion-dollar news website one line is talking about the company, ranging anywhere from:

    The list virtually goes on. Something a majority of people are not completely understanding is that there is a way, or, many ways, to increase your potential of possibly making money with Pinterest. Believe it or not, Pinterest makes money off of you potentially, virtually every time you post something to your pin board.

    'Making Serious Money Potentially 24 Hours a day Using Pinterest for Business'

    When you start promtoting affiliate links masked as sub-domain SEO friendly 301 redirects on Pinterest, you're achieving numerous thing. First, you're increasing the probability someone will feel an attraction to your pin and repin your Pinterest image with sub-domain affiliate link masked in teh pin description to their Pinterest followers. Second, you improve your organic SEO and increase chances of being found in Bing.com, Google.com and YaHoO.com. This is definitely something you want to achieve especially if you're not running PPC ads on AdWords by Google or Bing ads by Microsoft.com to increase your site online visibility. Pinterest helps you increase online visibility, sales, SEO, and more without spending one red cent on paid online advertising services.

    If you're building your business from scratch and diversify your online revenue generating streams, Pinterest and marketing your sub-domans with affiliate links masked is a wonderful way for affiliate marketers, bloggers, technology professionals, college students and amateur Internet business CEOs to potentially make money. The beauty of working online and partnering with affiliated advertisers is that you can do all of this from the comfort of your home computer or laptop. You don't have to sit at your computer and dredge all day. In fact, you can run an online business on the go, run a business online and make money, manage your Pinfiliate account, all while focusing on your business and building up your online income full-time.

    If you're looking to become a future online "side hustle millionaire," just starting out on the Internet with running businesses, and or unsure where to start in terms of if you should spend money on a dedicated server to launch your online business and want to test the waters in terms of making money online for free, it's a good practice to have Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest, and a durable smartphone. With a smart phone, you can record video, use speech recognition to write content with your voice from anywhere, and more. Using your creativity and researching effective Internet marketing methods in any search engine of choice, you can pretty much learn how you can use your Internet marketing creativity and the aforementioned social networks to potentially create additional streams of income for yourself beyond promoting affiliate links on Pinterest. On a serious note, you may want to see what Pinterest can do for you because it's helping everyday people like you earn decent quiet money from home.

    'Stay The Course'

    Drewry News Network can tell you from first hand experience it won't be easy starting out. There's virtually unlimited ways on the Internet anyone can potentially make money. Not just with Pinterest, but many other ways as well. It's all about your determination to succeed with earning a full-time income online and having a humble mindset to learn a new way of thinking. Making money on the Internet is an entirely different ballgame. Forget everything you''ve learned in school in the past. Forget all the mistakes you''ve made and all the people that walked away from you also.

    Get organized, stay the course and believe in yourself despite any awesome life challenge. Striving for excellence should be your daily mantra when trying to make money online full-time and building a web business from scratch. Despite the length of time it takes for you to generate a full-time income on the World Wide Web, "Stay the course and do the transformation busin ess work."