Didn't start your blogging side hustle yet? Guess what? You're leaving millions in long $ gUaP $ on the table for someone else to achieve "side hustle millionaire" status. But the good news is, as long as you have ambition and a mind to get started and stay on track, you can still achieve [side hustle millionaire] status by blogging your way to financial freedom. While a day job is good to have and use as a means of bootstrapping your side hustle blogging venture, you should be looking to the future with the intention of making a smooth "transformation" by doing from "employee to side hustle millionaire," by doing the transformation business work out of inspiration or desperation.
To get started blogging with 100% administrative control, you'll need your own domain name, "dedicated hosting" or a "cloud web server," and Wordpress installed on your web hosting plan. Reserving a web server with a self-hosted WP installation on it allows you to have total administrative functionality over the look and feel and backend of your blog. Resort to the web server advert in this forum for getting started with a server and your own WordPress installation.
5 good reasons why you need to keep your content fresh on your WordPress blog:
- Too much $ gUaP $ quietly waiting to be earned online from "affiliate marketing and blogging" alone
- Build credibility and establish yourself as an expert authority in your niche
- Build and sustain meaningful relationship with your blog readers
- The more "evergreen content" your blog has, the more you improve search engine traffic
- Publishing fresh content in the form of [evergreen content] and [answering people's questions in blog posts] will yield you passive search engine traffic years to come from Bing.com, Google.com and YaHoO.com
And lastly, you can be a "side hustle blogging millionaire" like Michelle Schroeder-Gardner, founder of the million dollar blog MakingSenseOfCents.com. She started her blog in 2011 broke as a joke, with almost $40k in student loan debt and working a day job. Less than 3 years later, she quit her day job, and shortly after quitting her jobby job, Michelle achieved side hustle millionaire status with "blogging and affiliate marketing."
WordPress, publishing quality content often, having the right WordPress plugins, and a long term visionary mindset will help you achieve your SEO search engine optimizaitonal goals, get you off that day job in possibly the next two to three years, help you potentially achieve aside hustle millionaire status, and earn a full time living online 100% at full strength. As long as you do the transformaiton work and stay on track with positive thinking, creating lots and lots of content, and building meaningful relationship through effective content marketing, you'll be an A+ blogging student in virtually no time.
Stay humble and hungry on your way to getting rich from "blogging - affiliate marketing."