Truth: Put God 1st and you can't fail! Relying on the LORD Jesus Christ for your full strength will help you achieve more than build your independent side hustle online business. Ask the LORD to help you build your business and be sincere about giving back unto HIM. You live, breathe, eat, sleep and work by God’s permission!
As your business builds up and you make money, don’t forget to tithe 10% of all earnings in Church in paying tithes and offerings.
Believe and you shall achieve!
A user asks:
Answer: Center your blog around a niche topic your passionate about and have extensive knowledge of. The reason you want to do that is because you will not earn enough money to live off of in the very beginning. And you won’t live off of your blog for at least the next two years. You want to center the niche topic of your blog about a subject you have extensive knowledge in, simply because you’ll want to continually create valuable content for your blog and go the extra mile on days you don’t feel like writing and publishing anything to it. Content is king on the Internet and always will be until the end of time. The content you continually publish to your blog gets indexed by search engines and builds traffic for years to come. When people perform searches in Google and YaHoO! For certain keywords and search terms phrases and a search engine producers organic, unpaid search engine results with your listing in it, this great is your potential to receive free search engine traffic for years to come from your published blogs. The more you write and publish to your blog, the greater the probability of getting increased free search traffic years to come, increasing your potential to earn a 100% living from your blog and rely less on a “cushy job.”
Purchase a domain name and dedicated web hosting package and install a self hosted version of WordPress on your dedicated hosting package. Having a self hosted version of WordPress on your dedicated server allows you to install an unlimited number of priceless WordPress plug-ins that’ll help you increase visitors to your published blogs. You want to install a WordPress plug-in that’ll allow you to automatically have your new blog posts shared to multiple social networks at once after publishing your blog, without logging into every social network manually to publish the new post. Perform a search in your favorite search engine for more information on “WordPress social network plug-in auto poster,” and your search engine of choice should return some pretty fruitful results. When your new blog posts are automatically shared on social networks, this automatically increases your blog traffic, even if your blog is new. The more you write and publish to your WordPress blog and have your new posts automatically share on social networks like,, and, people become increasingly aware of your posts, strangers are quietly compelled to share your content on their social networking profiles, thus giving you free additional exposure and back links to your blogs, improving your rankings on and in organic unpaid search engine results pages. The more you publish content to your blog, the more your blogs are shared by strangers on social networks and improve your natural search engine rankings.
Get yourself a quality speech recognition program. Dragon NaturallySpeaking is a paid speech recognition program you can automatically purchase from places like,,,,,, and other fun places online or off-line. Once you purchase a speech recognition program and download to your computer, you don’t have to be logged onto the Internet in order to use the program to create content in rough draft mode using word. If you don’t mind being online any using the free version of a speech recognition program, all you need is a headset with a microphone on it, a free account, and use Google docs speech recognition program. Make sure that your microphone on your headset is plug-in completely to the computer before using the program. Once your headset and microphone is plugged into computer, all you need to do is to log into Google docs using your Gmail username and password, create a new Google docs blank document,click the tools tab within the blank document, and select “voice typing.” You’ll notice the [voice typing] tab with the small microphone next to it after clicking the “tools” tab.the microphone will automatically appear in the upper flush left corner of the blank document. Click the microphone and start using the awesome power of your voice to create content hands-free. When you use the power of your voice to create content, it’ll help you to create longer pages for your blogs. You want to create long pages for your blogs, simply because the longer the blog post, the better your search engine rankings. Search engine rankings want to see a consistent pattern of long pages-blog posts. Producing a consistent pattern of long page blog posts will help your blog rank well in search engines, thus resulting in you relying less on your cushy day job,” inching you closer to achieving potential financial freedom in the near future and quitting your day job for good.
So there you have it. This is something for you to think about if you’re serious about using the power of the Internet earning 100% living. All you need is ambition, a long-term vision, using negative energy from your naysayers-haters to make something positive happen in reality.
As your business builds up and you make money, don’t forget to tithe 10% of all earnings in Church in paying tithes and offerings.
Believe and you shall achieve!

A user asks:
Answer: Center your blog around a niche topic your passionate about and have extensive knowledge of. The reason you want to do that is because you will not earn enough money to live off of in the very beginning. And you won’t live off of your blog for at least the next two years. You want to center the niche topic of your blog about a subject you have extensive knowledge in, simply because you’ll want to continually create valuable content for your blog and go the extra mile on days you don’t feel like writing and publishing anything to it. Content is king on the Internet and always will be until the end of time. The content you continually publish to your blog gets indexed by search engines and builds traffic for years to come. When people perform searches in Google and YaHoO! For certain keywords and search terms phrases and a search engine producers organic, unpaid search engine results with your listing in it, this great is your potential to receive free search engine traffic for years to come from your published blogs. The more you write and publish to your blog, the greater the probability of getting increased free search traffic years to come, increasing your potential to earn a 100% living from your blog and rely less on a “cushy job.”
Purchase a domain name and dedicated web hosting package and install a self hosted version of WordPress on your dedicated hosting package. Having a self hosted version of WordPress on your dedicated server allows you to install an unlimited number of priceless WordPress plug-ins that’ll help you increase visitors to your published blogs. You want to install a WordPress plug-in that’ll allow you to automatically have your new blog posts shared to multiple social networks at once after publishing your blog, without logging into every social network manually to publish the new post. Perform a search in your favorite search engine for more information on “WordPress social network plug-in auto poster,” and your search engine of choice should return some pretty fruitful results. When your new blog posts are automatically shared on social networks, this automatically increases your blog traffic, even if your blog is new. The more you write and publish to your WordPress blog and have your new posts automatically share on social networks like,, and, people become increasingly aware of your posts, strangers are quietly compelled to share your content on their social networking profiles, thus giving you free additional exposure and back links to your blogs, improving your rankings on and in organic unpaid search engine results pages. The more you publish content to your blog, the more your blogs are shared by strangers on social networks and improve your natural search engine rankings.
Get yourself a quality speech recognition program. Dragon NaturallySpeaking is a paid speech recognition program you can automatically purchase from places like,,,,,, and other fun places online or off-line. Once you purchase a speech recognition program and download to your computer, you don’t have to be logged onto the Internet in order to use the program to create content in rough draft mode using word. If you don’t mind being online any using the free version of a speech recognition program, all you need is a headset with a microphone on it, a free account, and use Google docs speech recognition program. Make sure that your microphone on your headset is plug-in completely to the computer before using the program. Once your headset and microphone is plugged into computer, all you need to do is to log into Google docs using your Gmail username and password, create a new Google docs blank document,click the tools tab within the blank document, and select “voice typing.” You’ll notice the [voice typing] tab with the small microphone next to it after clicking the “tools” tab.the microphone will automatically appear in the upper flush left corner of the blank document. Click the microphone and start using the awesome power of your voice to create content hands-free. When you use the power of your voice to create content, it’ll help you to create longer pages for your blogs. You want to create long pages for your blogs, simply because the longer the blog post, the better your search engine rankings. Search engine rankings want to see a consistent pattern of long pages-blog posts. Producing a consistent pattern of long page blog posts will help your blog rank well in search engines, thus resulting in you relying less on your cushy day job,” inching you closer to achieving potential financial freedom in the near future and quitting your day job for good.
So there you have it. This is something for you to think about if you’re serious about using the power of the Internet earning 100% living. All you need is ambition, a long-term vision, using negative energy from your naysayers-haters to make something positive happen in reality.