In case you didn't know, content marketing is the life and blood of the internet. Major search engines like Bing.com, Google.com and YaHoO.com earn billions of dollars selling paid advertisements against unpaid natural search engine listings. The unpaid search engine listings contain indexes of pages from blogs, websites, PDF files, YouTube.com videos, news articles, scholarly articles, Etc. You get the picture? Content is not only the life and blood of the internet in terms of searching for whatever you're looking for in any search engine, but content marketing is quietly making everyday people like you side hustle millionaires, working from the comfort of home with a desktop computer or laptop with a content-based, self-hosted WordPress blog as a side hustle. Some people are quietly achieving side hustle millionaire status with or without a day job. Working online remotely as a side hustle with a blog or YouTube channel will help you quietly achieve your personal financial agendas. It would blow the minds of past friends and family members for them to know in the near future you became a side hustle millionaire by working from home in your spare time. They may start to feel quietly envious of you.
What exactly is content? Content is the form of images, text, YouTube videos, news articles, and blog posts. Content is anything that you share with the mass general public on the internet that gets indexed by a search engine and listed in organic search engine results pages. People search for certain things in a search engine and when your content gets indexed, your content and content marketing efforts increases the probability that whatever you publish to the internet will potentially rank well in an organic, unpaid search result.
For example, if you have a dedicated server and you're running a self-hosted WordPress blog and you're publishing a blog once a day for five days a week for two to three years consistently, you increase the probability that whatever niche your blog is about that you're publishing on, you'll not only rank higher in unpaid search engine result pages over your blogging competition, but you’ll also increase the probability of making more money from your blog. In the game of content marketing, consistency is the key to content publishing success. There's no way around it. Effective content marketing does require as an unwritten rule that you must be willing to change the way you think, adapting to change of free will. Being that content is the life and blood of the internet, this opens quiet, subliminal opportunities for everyday people like you to start an online-based blogging side hustle as a freelance project. If you know nothing about content marketing and looking to use the internet to generate income, always know that it's never too late regardless of age, education, employment status or whatever to get started today "with no delay."
“Striving for excellence to get organized” and operate a successful side hustle working from your laptop or home computer can be your new mantra. That is, if you believe and turn faith into works, by doing the transformation business work.
Fast fact: Blogging and affiliate marketing puts anyone who's ambitious enough to make it work for them in the prominent position to potentially make money online 24 hours a day from ads on their blog. Writing and publishing consistent content "as previously mentioned" will help you rank better in search engine results pages, potentially make money online 24 hours a day from ads on your blog, and put you in a certain positive light before your blog readers to be an expert in your niche as a “go-to person - ask the expert.” If you have a job now in today's age of employment uncertainty or currently unemployed, continue reading for 5 emotional reasons what content marketing can potentially do for you. Always remember as with any business, you can make more or less depending on your personal effort invested.
‘5 Reasons Why You Need to Change Your Mindset and Sart Creating Content Now’
- Get you off your rotten day job and do what you do as a labor of love - Today’s world we live in is quite scary. Where is financial stability in today's world of traditional employment? Even with a college degree and relevant employment experience under your belt, you can still be wrongfully terminated from a company if someone doesn't like you or has it out for you for whatever reason. If you don't think the way they do, if you don't act the way they do, if you “wear a certain pair of sneakers” to work that your employer thinks has an [ankle bracelet] attached to it, and if you dress different, those are subliminal reasons for your employer and some jealous co-workers to start huddling together in secret to contemplate your upcoming [wrongful termination]. If you've ever felt like you're a target by your employers, supervisor, assistant “vice-president,” operations coordinator, employment staffing agency representative, or someone on your job and feel in the back of your mind you have no future working for the company, this is the time that you need to be improvising a plan B, C and plan D. No one wants to keep going to work for the rest of their lives working for an unthankful employer or having a salary cap. You can have a salary cap working for the company even with a Ph.D, because someone doesn't like you and doesn't want to see you move up in the company. That said, using the internet to start a side based business working from home or your laptop as a digital nomad is a great way to quietly generate a secondary income. Secondary incomes are a possible for anyone to learn working in their spare time as a digital marketer - side hustler using the awesome power of the internet. Think about things you used to love during childhood, teenage years and your early twenties you thought could turn into a viable - profitable business. For example, if you love art and you have a passion for creating oil paintings and never thought of using the internet to create oil paintings and sell them, the first initial action step you need to take is to map out a plan how you're going to create oil paintings and so a global level across the internet. After you map out how you're going to go about scheduling days when you will create an oil painting, then you need to brand yourself online by purchasing a domain name, reserving a dedicated web server, and having a self-hosted version of Wordpress installed on your dedicated server. The reason why you need to brand yourself online is too because you're now doing what you're doing as a labor of love and turning that past hobby into an online business today. You need a domain name and a self-hosted WordPress blog on a dedicated server, even if you decide to sell your oil paintings on sites like Offerup.com, eBaY.com, Poshmark.com, Souq.com, uBid.com, Etsy.com, etc. You still need a blog regardless. With it, it's your unique stand-alone voice that also enables you to showcase images about your oil paintings and connect on a personal level with your target blog reading audience. And lastly, you also open yourself to diversifying your online income streams above and beyond selling oil paintings online as a secondary source of income when you use your blog to partner with online advertisers and have your advertisers ads on your blog. When you run ads on your blog and publish images of your oil paintings for sale, you open yourself to benefiting from different avenues of income. This process is known as “passive income streams.” You're not solely relying on making money alone from creating and selling your oil paintings. You are creating and selling oil paintings oh, you're blogging about oil paintings on your blog, while your blog is optimized with relevant ads. imagine making money in your sleep and generating enough income whereas you no longer need your job. All you dream is possible of transforming into fruition entrepreneurially, if you believe and “do the transformation business work.”
- Helps you have a great respect for using the internet to make money working on your laptop or from home - The moment you decide to change the way you think willingly and rely on using the internet to make money full time, it'll shift your way of thinking for the rest of your life. You'll start to view getting up and going to work as a burden - liability. You wake up in the morning and look at going to a job and working for someone else: something like “Breaking the Law.” It's just something you're not going to want to do any more for any employer. Using the internet to make money potentially 24 hours a day from selling things online, to using affiliate marketing and blogging to generate online income is possible for everyday working-class people like you. It's all in your mind how you see and believe in yourself. It definitely won't be an overnight operation of making money right away. All good things take time to come into fruition by doing the transformation business work. The founder of this site willingly resorted to a change in thinking after accidentally discovering the power of affiliate marketing and blogging in 2005. It took years for the founder of this site to understand the concept just how powerful content marketing really is, especially the production of "Evergreen content marketing." Using the internet to make money can be achieved solely through "affiliate marketing and blogging.” This process can be achieved by the everyday working-class person from the comfort of their home working in their spare time as a “side hustle.” As you start to generate online income, you'll start to gain a great respect for the internet, as this will be your new method of generating stable online income and relying less on your [narcissist evil employer] for a bi-weekly paycheck. If you're always on the go, it's highly recommended to have a reliable laptop on deck during travel as a digital nomad, alongside a durable speech recognition program enabled on your laptop such as Nuance Dragon Naturally Speaking. This way, you can use the power of your voice to create consistent content for your self-hosted WordPress as a “digital nomad - side hustler- remote worker." Sometimes, it's good to be on the go as a digital nomad with your laptop. You need fresh air to help you have a clear mind set. This way, having a clear mind by being out and about consistently breathing in fresh air will help you generate “creative content marketing ideas,” that’ll help you stay closely connected to your target blog readers.
- Gives you national and global potential to connect with a diverse audience - Content marketing on your self-hosted WordPress blog will definitely give you a standalone voice in due time. It'll give you a respected stand-alone voice. With your consistent blogging at least five days a week for two to three years and your blog readers sharing your blog posts across Pinterest.com, Twitter.com, Facebook.com, LinkedIn.com and YouTube.com, people will give you free advertising you don't have to forge extra effort to achieve. Moreover, as your consistent blogging efforts continue to get indexed in Bing, Google and YaHoO! over your niche blogging competitors, you never know what people are searching for in search engines. Not just in the United States of America, but across the world. Someone in a country let's say Uzbekistan, Syria, Israel, Iran and Iraq, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates - Dubai, Ireland, China or Japan, or even the continent of Africa. The more you blog about a trending topic that's appealing to people online to search for, the more you increase your probability of ranking high in search engine results Pages, better known as the “SERPs.” When your blog connects to a global audience, that opens you up to infinite possibilities. Not just the infinite possibility of making more money from ads on your blog or anything you're selling online through your block. It opens the door for your blog to receive respected global recognition. As your blog receives global recognition and the respect it deserves, people from across the world will start linking to your blog posts. People who link to your blog post not only help you get free advertising from the people they're sharing your content with, but the links that people share from your blog posts help you naturally boost your search engine rankings. Search engines like Google.com and YaHoO! quietly notice when people not just in America, but across the world start linking to your blog post. This is one of many ways how your blood can receive respected global recognition, naturally build backlinks, connect with a diverse audience on a global level, increase blog comments from blog readers known as "user-generated content," putting yourself in the driver's seat to make more money online from ads on your blog known as "affiliate marketing.” Affiliate marketing quietly helps everyday working people who have self-hosted WordPress bloggers not only make it successful transition from employee to side hustle entrepreneur by working online full time, but also using their blog to connect with a global audience and quietly achieve "side hustle millionaire" status. If they can do it, so can you. This is why it's important to change the way you think because it affects your profit potential and the way you articulate yourself before an online and offline audience.
- Alleviating financial debt - The beauty of having a side hustle on the internet and working from your laptop or your desktop computer in your spare time with the hope of achieving a secondary stable internet-based income is the potential to generate enough finances to relieve debt. That is the reason most people stay in their under paying jobs and endure countless harassment from their employer. That is the reason most people stay in their jobs and work paycheck to paycheck with no plan B in sight. Debt is the reason most people can't afford to move into a condo or purchase a bigger home. Debt is the reason most people prefer eating fast food over decent home cooked meals. Financial debt alleviation is absolutely possible using the power of your ambition, affiliate marketing, blogging, creativity, and having a long-term vision for your work from home or digital nomad based side hustle. You will never achieve financial freedom working a traditional job. That’s an undebatable statement. Even if you're working in a sales and marketing based job and earning a salary plus commission. Your employer will certainly see to it that your commission and salary will somehow hit a glass ceiling as you bring in more money for the company. That's certainly not the case with running an online based side justle. Your income potential is solely based on your ambition and creativity, in addition to your content marketing efforts. You can alleviate financial debt solely with affiliate marketing and blogging “as previously mentioned.” You definitely need a blog. It’s your unique voice and standalone investment. In addition to your blog and using affiliate marketing to make money online, it's important to have a YouTube channel harmonized with your blog in the same niche. Appealing to your target audience using a YouTube channel and including links to your blog posts in the description of the YouTube video will encourage YouTube watchers to go to your blog to read more. This is another way to generate hordes of traffic using YouTube to bring more traffic to your blog and increase your affiliate marketing income potential, additionally to speeding up the process of relieving your financial debt. It's not impossible for you to overcome debt using affiliate marketing, blogging, consistent content marketing and YouTube as viable avenues to make money for you as a side hustle.
- Helps you understand the importance of creating great content for people to read and enjoy and not creating content for search engine position manipulation - Many Affiliate marketers, black hat SEO and content creators of all times quietly fail because they create content for the purpose of manipulating search engine rankings and not for people to read and feel empowered from. Creating great content for people to read and enjoy has to be something that's naturally in you to do. Moreover, creating great content for people to read and enjoy can turn out to be a sustainable million-dollar online business, if you do it genuinely and consistently. Notice "consistent - consistency" mentioned often in this threat. It can't be emphasized enough the power of it. Creating great content has to be something you want to do of free will, even on days you don't make money from your blogging - content marketing efforts. No one achieved “side hustle millionaire” status online with affiliate marketing and blogging publishing only twice a week. Unless they wrote 10,000 words or more per blog post twice a week. Maybe. Creating great content also helps you understand the importance of connecting with your blog readers on a deeper level and showing them you have a sincere interest in learning and retaining their blog reading viewership. The importance of creating great content goes further than writing and publishing blogs for the purpose of getting good search engine rankings and earning affiliate income. You never know if your blog posts will be linked to from magazines like Forbes.com, new sites like CNN.com or Bloomberg.com. You just never know. This is why it's important to do what you do online free will as a side hustle, in terms of creating and publishing content to your blog. Over time, you’ll potentially be seen as an expert in your niche and the go-to person for more information. And if you do this as a labor of love for at least 3 years to five days a week by creating and publishing great content for people and not for the purpose of manipulating search engine rankings illegitimately for blackhat SEO purposes, you'll never resort to a day job ever again in life. No one wants to be 50 or 60 years old getting up in the morning and going to work for a [narcissist employer] who wrongfully keeps the cap on their salary, or limit that person's potential to move up in the company because they have a secret ought against that employee for whatever reason "weirdo.“ Effective content marketing can't be preached enough that it’s by far a sustainable model for building a business online based on your ambition and creativity. It can't be stressed enough that effective content marketing is the transformation business solution. Building a content-based blog from the ground floor up will help you become a [side hustle millionaire] in due time and fire your employer. Write and publish great content for your blog three years consistently and don't look at how much money you're making or not making. In due time, you'll notice the habit of writing and publishing content to your blog will surely change your thought process to doing this as a daily routine. And in due time, you tpo just might become a “side hustle millionaire.” It all starts if you and the way you think.
Online side hustles are today's new new of self employment and employment stability. Your evil employer who continues to harass you and secrecy and get away with calling you names in front of others in continued workplace harassment should be your motivation to get out of the employee mindset. If you think your employer wrongfully discriminated against you due to religion, the way you dress, the way you think or your level of education, or just wants to tear you down to try to make you feel less about yourself, now's the time for you to consider changing the way you think and take up a new career and side hustle internet-based entrepreneurship. Affiliate marketing, blogging, reselling online, and making money on the internet 24 hours a day is here to stay. You have the potential to achieve your financial dreams and more with the internet. Building a content based business is a freelance industry and has to be something you want to do a free will.
No one's going to stand over your shoulder and encourage you to keep going. No one's going to come up to you and tell you they need a certain sales number achieved by the end of the month or threaten to take your job away. No one will encourage you to build that business online working from home as a side hustle, As you drill into your head that “online millionaire” status is right around the corner for you, you have to be willing to get in the trenches and get started today "with no delay." Get organized now by starting your online side hustle with affiliate marketing and blogging - creative content marketing while those million-dollar ideas are still rambling in the back of your mind you haven't yet transformed into fruition. You don't know what people are searching for in search engines. That idea in the back of your mind you probably told someone years ago and they told you it was dumb can turn out to be a million-dollar online business. If you shared a business idea with someone in the past and they told you it was dumb and stay on your day job, guess what? Chances are they were jealous of you and didn't want to see you succeed in entrepreneurship, so they Debbie downed you, YMCA style.
It's never too late to start a business time as a side hustle. Doesn't matter what happened in your life or how many jobs you were wrongfully terminated from. Doesn't matter if you only have a high school education or “General equivalency diploma.” Doesn't matter if you work in fast-food flipping burgers at Wendys.com or McDonalds.com or BurgerKing.com. It doesn't matter if you're a school administrator with a $200,000 annual salary. It doesn't matter if you're a janitor working night shift cleaning offices in toilets. It doesn't matter if you're a cab driver. It doesn't matter if you're driving a jalopy vehicle. What matters is your willingness to start now in the midst of all your problems and turn nothing into something. The last thing a current or former employer wants to know is the one they mistreated is the one they'd subliminally inspired to start their own business and “achieved [side hustle online millionaire] status.” That would eat the employer's mind up for life. If you're looking to take negativity and transform it into the power of positivity and empower others while getting revenge on your employer in a respectful way, now’s the perfect time in the most uncomfortable time of your life to “get that side hustle going.”
Stay inspired and regardless of what happens in your life. Keep going no matter what. Do the transformation business work, and use negativity to stay inspired out of entrepreneurial desperation. Content will always be king on the internet.