Can An Everyday Person Build a YouTube Channel to 1 Million Subscribers With a Day Job?

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  • Contributing Editor
    • May 2014
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    Can An Everyday Person Build a YouTube Channel to 1 Million Subscribers With a Day Job?

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    building a high traffic and high you to subscribe to channel starting from the bottom of content marketing and video uploading consistency

    Truth: Many everyday people are sick and tired of going to their jobs and making their employer or company rich without benefiting from financial perks and consistent salary raises. People press their way to work and stay loyal to their company in hopes of retiring with a healthy pension or 401(k) retirement plan. Some people leave home early pressing onward to work taking public transportation such as a bus, train, or Uber. Others drive to work sitting in heavy traffic sometimes getting to work late. Truth of the matter is, a majority of people are sick and tired of getting up in the morning and following a daily routine of going to work for someone else with no Plan B on how to exit the 9 to 5 job life. Good news is, the internet allows everyday working class people and others from all walks of life to use the world wide web to create an escape plan doing something they love, transforming passion into “recurring residual income.”

    We live in an information technology era today. What does that mean? It simply means that anyone can use the power of the Internet to create a business and earn “passive income” doing something they love while empowering others with priceless information. The information technology era we live in today has provided silent opportunities to good people looking to exit the [day job] scene, and start an online business doing something they love, turning a hobby and passion into millions in online profits.

    ‘Side Hustles Are The New Norm’

    Online side hustles are today’s new norm of building a side income by working from home or on the go as a digital nomad. A side hustle is something everyone needs to do to supplement their income. Why? There’s good people loyal to their employer and companies they work for that are being overlooked for pay raises, promotions, and other financial perks, because they don’t fit in with the corporate culture. The overlooked employees are the ones being duped for pay raises and “pushed to the back of the bus,” by coworkers and their boss.

    Do you feel this is you? If so, maybe it’s time for you to start a side hustle and do the transformation business work. is the world’s largest video sharing platform owned by Believe it or not, and the day people like yourself are using the power of YouTube video marketing to build a video marketing based side hustle, sharing their expertise and knowledge with the YouTube viewing audience. YouTube content creators are successfully “earning passive side hustle income.” As many YouTubers started out with regular jobs or working part-time underpaid, they used YouTube to start their “video side hustle,” sharing what they know or creating “YouTube comedy skits.”

    Many YouTube content creators who started from the bottom went from zero to becoming YouTube AdSense millionaires.” Mr Beast on YouTube is one of many YouTube content creators who started from the bottom struggling to earn over potentially $20 million in AdSense revenue today. Many content creators knew little to nothing about video marketing when they started out, going from zero subscribers to over 1 million in potentially under five years. They achieved a massive following, as they had a visionary mindset where they wanted to be with their YouTube based side hustle, possibly vowing to themselves to never go back to a regular 9 to 5 job ever again in life.

    All millionaires are no better than you. If you’ve ever sat at your computer feeling some type of way wondering how YouTubers earn massive amounts of money from the YouTube partner program and have no regular form of employment and how you can be like them, just know that through faith, dedicating yourself, and consistent content creation will help you achieve close to the same results as the most successful YouTubers today. But it won’t be easy in the infancy of your side hustle video career getting to the 1 million YouTube subscriber mark.

    What's your passion? Is it creative writing? Is it the do-it-yourself home-based projects? Is it fixing computers? Teaching? The ability to solve complex mathematical equations? Or how about legitimate ways to get a one million-dollar line of business credit without perfect credit? Whatever your passion and expertise is, there’s a market on YouTube to push your video content to. What you need to do is start visualizing and improvising on a niche topic for your YouTube channel. Once you’ve decided on a topic for your channel that you have extensive knowledge in, start jotting down your goals in a notebook or using Google docs or Microsoft Word. This way, a hot flash idea that crosses your mind can be easily documented in a Google Docs or MS word document before you possibly forget. Once you have the topic and ideas or knowledge you want to discuss on your YouTube channel, take the first official action step by registering a new channel. Be mindful to have a secure e-mail address and opt in to the two-step authentication if necessary to protect your YouTube account.

    Don’t worry about having picture-perfect videos in the infancy of your you to side hustle video career because you’re just starting out. After you’ve created your channel and decided on a niche topic and filled out the necessary information to have your channel up and running, browse YouTube to watch helpful videos on how to create an intro video for your channel. Creating an intro video will introduce yourself to the world and let them know what you’re about. Be mindful in the in of and the YouTube video to ask people to subscribe to your channel. Prompting people to subscribe to your YouTube channel increases the likelihood of organically earning YouTube subscribers without shelling out one dime in online advertising costs to promote your videos and asking people to hit the red subscribe button.

    If you promote yourself consistently on YouTube and your video content is meaningful, people will automatically promote your videos on their social profiles on,,,,,,,, etc. for you. In turn, this means free advertising, steady increases in AdSense advertising revenue and affiliate income, more YouTube subscribers, and positioning yourself to passively earn income potentially 24 hours a day. Yes, even making money online while you’re sleeping. This is why you need to consider having a side hustle and using to generate passive income.

    Creative Ways to Build Out a YouTube Channel

    Upload Videos Consistently (Everyday is Possible) - Maybe you’re used to doing things the way you want to in your own time frame and comfort zone without meeting anyone’s deadlines or their sales production quotas. When you start a video based side hustle using YouTube video marketing to build your business, it’s an unwritten rule you have to “stick to the script.” Script sticking entails being consistent with uploading videos to your YouTube channel. YouTube doesn’t tell you this, but your videos are ranked in search results and receive passive traffic based on your video uploading consistency.

    Moreover, your videos are ranked by YouTube not just off of the strength of “consistent YouTube video uploading,” but also the content and length of your videos. In other words, if your channel has a low amount of YouTube subscribers and your videos are between 5 to 10 min. long and you’re inconsistent with video uploading, you’ll never graduate to the point of receiving increased “YouTube video traffic.” Once you start changing the mindset to the point of uploading videos to YouTube consistently and increasing the length of your video content from 5 to 10 min. to 30 min. to one hour, you’ll start to notice a slow and steady increase in the YouTube views and YouTube subscribers.

    Uploading videos consistently to your channel will also increase online rapport and trust among your YouTube video viewers. This is good for business in making yourself an authority in your video marketing niche, simply because not only did you gain online authority status and respect from those who look at your YouTube videos and the YouTube comments, but it’s so it easier mentally for you to convert affiliate links promoting in your YouTube video description section, thus putting in the pond in a position to benefit from multiple streams of passive income. In other words, your video uploading consistency puts you in the position to benefit from advertising revenue from Google ads in your YouTube videos, affiliate commissions from affiliate links in the video description section. And potentially additional revenue from collecting YouTube video donations in the YouTube video chat box, located in the upper flush right section of every live streaming YouTube video.

    Comment on High Subscriber-Traffic YouTube Channels in Your Niche - This will definitely benefit your YouTube channel in the long run. Commenting on other people’s YouTube videos is a good idea, especially if you leave a comment immediately after they uploaded the newest YouTube video to their channel. Good news is, the more you’re consistent with commenting on high traffic YouTube channels and leaving meaningful comments, the more you’ll be notice not just by other high-traffic YouTube is with 1 million subscribers or more, but those who have left YouTube comments on that same video will most likely like your YouTube comment and reply to your comments, despite the fact that they don’t know you at all. Commenting on highly trafficked YouTube channels that also builds your expert status in your niche. The more you show up and comment on videos and don’t copy and paste from other YouTube video comments, the more likely you’re able to increase YouTube subscribers, YouTube likes on your newest videos, increased advertising revenue as a YouTube partner, and get free advertising from people who watch your videos by sharing your videos on,,,,,, and other social networks.

    When strangers who watch your YouTube videos share your video content across different social media platforms without you asking them to do so after commenting on other high-traffic YouTube channels, you benefit from their energies through free advertising. If you’re a YouTube partner and people share your videos giving free advertising, you’re benefiting from their energy in increasing your Google AdSense revenue and affiliate income potential. This is good for business because you’re using your energy to build your online exposure by commenting on other people’s high-traffic YouTube channels and leaving valuable comments on their videos. If you can get in the mindset of commenting on high-traffic YouTube videos and do this on a daily basis for at least six months to one year, your mind will adjust to this habit and it will become a normal habit for you. In other words, don’t let a day go by without leaving a YouTube comment, because you understand by leaving valuable YouTube comments on high-traffic channels, your YouTube channel will benefit from increased subscribers, shares to social networks, and positioning yourself to benefit from passive Google AdSense and affiliate marketing income. Are you listening?

    Answer People’s Questions in Your YouTube Videos After They Leave Comments - This is one of the most organic ways to easily build your YouTube subscriber base. Many people who leave YouTube comments in videos don’t expect a reaction video to be uploaded and targeted directly towards them. Especially if they didn’t leave a question in the YouTube comments section. A good way to stay “up to snuff” on building your YouTube subscriber base is enabling your YouTube notifications to notify you every time someone leaves a YouTube comment on your video. If you take time to immediately create and upload a reaction video answering a comment to their question or feedback they left and drop their name in the video and hash tag their YouTube channel in the title description section, chances are not only will you earn a new subscriber, but they’ll likely feel grateful and special that you took time out of your busy video marketing schedule to personally make a reaction video answering their question. People don’t tell you, but they tend to get quietly emotional and silently attached to you, when you take time to personally answer them in “YouTube reaction videos.” Do this often for 2 to 3 years consistently and watch your YouTube subscriber count virtually skyrocket overnight.

    Create Reaction Videos and Respectfully Speak Your Mind - When you create a reaction video, be mindful to please respect the commenter. Even if they left a disrespectful YouTube comment, creating a respectful [YouTube reaction video] will prove to your audience you have character and self control. Even if the person who left a disrespectful conduct decides to double back around the block and leave another disrespectful YouTube comment, don’t get bent out of shape and flow out of character by giving them the reaction they're potentially looking for. There’s a way to creatively express yourself in reaction videos and speak your mind without “acting out.” Moreover, speaking your mind respectfully in a reaction is good for business.

    You have to abide by YouTube’s policy of governing yourself accordingly with maturity, because you’re not only a YouTube partner and in a blessed position to benefit from passive streams of income from Google AdSense and promoting affiliate links in the YouTube video description section of your videos, but you also want to keep your advertisers in a positive light. Regardless if anyone is out of character with you, that’s not your queue to follow their stupidity.

    Lastly, creating reaction videos in response to other YouTube videos you’ve watched is also a great way to instantly build YouTube traffic and subscribers to your channel by mentioning other YouTubers. Reaction videos, when done properly and consistently, are a huge moneymaker. It’s a beautiful feeling to wake up in the morning and know you earned income while sleeping from your videos in response to how you felt about other YouTube videos. This is why it’s important to change your mindset and get consistent with building your “YouTube side hustle video business.” Good news is, it’s never too late to get started.

    Help People With DIY Videos - DIY, dubbed “do it yourself” tends to garner tons of traffic from YouTube,,,, and search engines years to come. People enjoy watching [do-it-yourself YouTube videos], that shows them how to do something in the simplest form step-by-step. The beauty of creating a “niche-based DIY YouTube channel” is doing something you’re passionate about on video without a care in the world about making money in the infancy of your video marketing career.

    Your “DIY YouTube side hustle” can actually pan out better than hoped for. If you stay on track with your video uploading consistency and post one video a day for 2 to 3 years consistently. A lot of people are stuck trying to achieve certain things and resort to YouTube for helpful videos showing them how to do something step-by-step. This is where your personality and expertise will help you gain unlimited YouTube subscribers and Google ad revenue. And recurring affiliate passive income. An example of a “DIY YouTube video” could be anywhere in that part of showing people how to build a home deck step-by-step without spending large sums of money, and purchasing inexpensive goods from places like If you have a mind for showing people how to achieve certain things around the house such as building home decks, renovating their own kitchens, or how to achieve a finished basement by doing it themselves step-by-step, you can actually “use YouTube to become an expert authority,” in the niche of showing people how to DIY things around the house. There’s a market for almost everything.

    ‘Staying Focused With YouTube Growth Marketing’

    Building your YouTube channel to 1 million subscribers is not a get rich quick overnight operation. With a viewing audience for every niche you can think of, it’s never too late to get started with your YouTube video marketing career and thinking of a trending topic that’ll drive business to your channel. Always know that good things come to those who are consistent and patient.

    Take those rambling ideas in the back of your mind now and think of a meaningful topic-niche you want to center your YouTube channel around. Get in the mindset of uploading at least one video a day to your channel. And, get in the mindset of not just uploading one video a day to your YouTube channel, but also staying consistent for the next 2 to 3 years of uploading videos.

    Many YouTube content creators failed to win more subscribers and views to their videos because their YouTube video descriptions are very thin. These types of YouTube content creators are lazy and rely on videos and keywords to drive traffic. If you upload one video a day to your YouTube channel for 2 to 3 years consistently, staying on track with consistently filling up your YouTube video description with content to the brim optimized with affiliate links, you will always be lightspeed ahead of competing the YouTube content creators in winning more subscribers, earning their affiliate income from affiliate links promoting in your video description section, and make more money from Google AdSense as a you to partner, and possibly earning over 10,000 subscribers monthly without lifting an extra finger.

    'Age is Nothing But a Number'

    YouTube is for everyone regardless of age. You can be 80 years old starting out on YouTube with 0% experience. And with an open mind, an 80+ year old person can use YouTube to become an online millionaire and earn passive income while sleeping. Don’t look at the circumstances. Believe in yourself and do the transformation work, by creating “lots and lots of content.”

    Content is king on the Internet and always will. It’s never too late to start as an aspiring affiliate marketer + YouTuber. The best things come to those who operate in faith at full strength and press on.
