Passive Income: She's Leaving Money on the Table Because She Quit Blogging

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  • Contributing Editor
    • May 2014
    • 2705

    Passive Income: She's Leaving Money on the Table Because She Quit Blogging

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    Key facts about blogs:
    • Blogging is a way to create separate streams of passive income independent from
    • Blogs are a great way to immediately share self-expression on an array of topics
    • Consistent blogging can help you quit your day job and become a full-time digital nomad
    • A blog can put you in the position to earn from your "grand hustle" by waking up in the morning to passive income

    Cathrin Manning mentions in this video she just quit blogging to become a full-time YouTuber. What Cathrin fails to think about is...she's actually putting all of her side hustle eggs in one basket. What does that mean? She's possibly making YouTube her number one dependecy for earning her "side hustle passive income." While YouTube videos and Google AdSense are the easieast way to make money online and benefit from "passive income streams," she's allegedly being a little "La-Z," meaning she's not creating another stream of income from by creating "lots and lots of content" on a self-hosted WordPress blog.

    A blog is something every aspiring digital nomad and day jobber needs to have. Not only a WordPress blog hosted on a dedicated server, but also staying consistent with blogging. When a digital nomad-affiliate marketer-blogger uses blogging and YouTube videos combined, the passive income snowball effect is "that much grater," meaning the online income earning potential is so much more.

    Many YouTubers earn tons of revenue from the YouTube partner program that they tend to overlook blogging as a means of staying relevant and earning more money from affiliate marketing. Sometimes, YouTubers tend to have a change of heart and no longer want to create YouTube video content on the niche topic of their channel. This sometimes happens due to a change of mindset, life circumstances, loss of a loved one, or a marriage or dating relationship going sour. This is why YouTubers need a standalone WordPress blog alongside their YouTube channels as a means of benefiting from passive income streams and staying relevant outside of YouTube.

    Moreover, you can easily use an iPhone, or laptop, or a camera phone with the dictation speech function enabled on a phone to create content using the power of your voice for your blog. While you can do the same thing for creating content for a YouTube video using your phone, a phone doesn't allow you to possibly see the entire YouTube video description section to let yo u see every word you're inputting into the description section. With your phone and WordPress, you can easily speak your content into a rough draft blog post and have it auto-save itself on your phone, for the purpose of going back later in the day and adding more content to your drafted blog post before publishing the final edit. This is why YouTubers need to "stop being La-Z," and start blogging. There's too much money to be made online from affiliate marketing and Google AdSense to overlook blogging.