Key Points:

For the average working professional, they don’t think of creating a secondary source of passive income using a simple method known as “content marketing.” Most people are still in the “job mindset,” working paycheck to paycheck at the mercy of their employer without having a secondary income backup plan. Search engines like,, and financially thrive off of indexing fresh content into organic, unpaid search engine results pages as a result of scouring the web for newly published content from blogs, websites, YouTube videos, scholarly articles, etc. Everyday working professionals who have a mindset for creating a secondary source of passive income have the grand opportunity now to change the way they think and get into the “content marketing mindset.”
What exactly is content marketing? It’s the process of creating contextual content for a blog post, webpage, .PDF, YouTube video, e-book, Microsoft Word document, Google Docs document, etc. When the content is created contextually and published to the internet for the world to see and search for in search engines, this is a process known as content marketing. YouTube video creators or also known as “content marketers.” Bloggers are [content marketers]. Website owners who consistently create webpages are known as “website content marketers.” Additionally, when you create content on your favorite social networks like,,,,, submit content to and, you’re creating content for those networks. Even if you have content already published to your YouTube video channel, blog or website and submitting content to ReddIt, Flipboard or Mix, not only is that a form of content marketing, but it’s also known as “exponential content distribution.” Submitting content to those networks is extending your reach to an untapped audience who might take the time to read what you published to your YouTube channel, blog posts, or webpages. Either way you look at it, it is still a form of content marketing. With consistent and effective content marketing, you can potentially make the shift from the average day job employee to working full-time from the comfort of your home computer or laptop as a digital nomad with content marketing alone.
Another great thing to know about content marketing is that if you stay the course for at least 2 to 4 years consistently publishing to your blog, website or YouTube channel and one or all of those mediums are monetized with advertising, you put yourself in the driver's seat for great potential as a future “content marketing millionaire.” But it won’t be easy getting to the top of the [content marketing millionaire] mountain. You will experience great trial and tribulation in the process of doing the transformation business work, out of “inspiration or desperation,” while in the process of creating “lots and lots of content.” With the content marketing mindset, there is no prejudice toward age, educational background, credit score, employment references, etc. all you need to do is have a willing mind to change the way you think and get started “with no delay,” by “getting organized” and creating [lots and lots of content] in your spare time.
Wake up in the wee hours of the morning 5-6 hours before starting your day job: It takes a disciplined mind to do this. Especially if your schedule is to start your day job between 9 AM and 10:30 AM. Getting organized by waking up in the wee hours of the morning by 4 AM or a little after four o'clock in the morning can sometimes be a bitter pill to swallow. Your body is still in a restful state and hormones relaxed. And with that overwhelming feeling of sleepiness beasts bowing you shortly after opening your eyes before the sunrises, you may feel tempted to go back to bed and do some more “sleep cardio,” sleeping restfully while “sleeping down the pounds.” If you feel you can get yourself organized to wake up around 4 AM or little afterwards, make it a healthy habit to perform morning fasted cardio on your home treadmill. Performing morning fasted cardio from 20 min. to 1 hr. successfully with only water and vitamins in your stomach, resting for an additional hour after completing your wee hour in the morning, semi fasted cardio and not consuming any food will allow you to burn stored body fat. While you’re riding out that post 20 min. - 1 hr. morning cardio stent, this is the window time frame you could be using to create content. You can create content for your blog, website or YouTube channel. It’s a good practice to create content in your post morning cardio because while your body is still in a fasted state burning calories after hopping off the treadmill, your mind and heart rate sped up. This means you have more energy now to create “lots and lots of content,” due to the temporarily increased energy spike-heart rate. Pace yourself in the beginning of planning out your content marketing strategy how many words you can create in rough draft mode in one hour's time. Moreover, it’s a good idea to create content in your post wee hour morning semi fasted cardio, because this is also the time when your hormones are at their peak. Have you ever noticed after high noon that you tend to feel a little sluggish toward the evening? This is because your hormones slowly declined toward the end of the day. It leaves you with a slight feeling of fatigue-sluggishness, whereas you don’t feel like doing much. If you get an appositive habit of creating content in the morning before starting a work day, chances are you’ll write longer blog pages, webpages or create longer YouTube video descriptions.
Set aside 1-2 hours after clocking out from your day job to work on your content: If you have a daily goal of writing a certain amount of words for a blog, website, or YouTube video, you can get organized with no delay by setting a daily goal of writing a certain amount of words. Make it a habit in the morning before starting your work day to complete the first half of your content. And after you clock out from your day job whether you work from home or working in the office, set aside 1 to 2 hours after getting off work to finish the second half of your content. As you follow this healthy pattern of creating half the content you hope to publish for that day in the morning and completing the second half of the content after clocking out from your day job, your mind will slowly but surely start to adapt to the healthy content marketing pattern of content production in that manner. It’ll be challenging in the infancy of your content marketing career to craft content marketing in the morning and afternoon-evening. Appreciate the struggle of getting out of your comfort zone and adapting to a new way of thinking by crafting content marketing for future passive income. Content is the life and blood of the Internet. And while this method of creating and publishing content to blogs, websites and YouTube channels can drive hordes of free search engine traffic and potentially convert into multiple streams of advertising revenue, you must be willing to hunker down and commit yourself wholeheartedly to crafting content for the purpose of empowering your target reading audience. This means getting serious about producing quality content and marketing it to your audience, putting people first before profits. Creating and publishing quality content will automatically put you in the driver's seat for earning passive income years to come, and creating less of a dependency on your day job for your sole source of income. Always remember that the purpose of crafting quality content and marketing that content to your target audience is for the purpose of joining “the great resignation,” and achieving the ultimate goal of “quitting your day job.”
Overcoming “writer’s block” in your content marketing strategy: Every content marketer occasionally experiences [writer’s block]. Writer’s block occasionally happens when every content marketer’s mind potentially goes blank on content production days. If you’re just getting started with affiliate marketing, blogging, side hustles and learning about earnings streams of passive income, one of the ways you can overcome writer's block as a new content creator-affiliate marketer-blogger is to openly admit in a blog post or YouTube video that you have officially experienced writers block. There’s nothing wrong with admitting that to your audience, whether it’s blog readers, YouTube video viewers, people on your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. When you’re experiencing writer's block, it’s a good idea not just to be honest about your mind going blank for that particular day or week, but you can also explain in a blog post or YouTube video other things you achieved during your day. For example, if you exercise in the morning on an empty stomach and you ate nothing but healthy food, you can discuss that in your YouTube video or blog post. Letting people know you occasionally experience writers block humanizes yourself online. Without you overthinking it, people are more gravitated towards you because of your honesty.
The importance of staying on your A+game in “consistent content marketing”: Consistency in your content marketing efforts is quietly rewarded by search engine crawlers. One thing many people don’t know is search engine crawlers quietly take note of content creators' behavior in secret. What’s meant by this? If you’re writing and publishing every day to your blog or creating extensive YouTube video descriptions and then switching up and creating what’s known as “thin content,” search engine crawlers will notice your content marketing behavior patterns “switching up.” Just like phony friends when they “switch up.” Inconsistent content creators who only post once a week to their blog, website or YouTube channel won’t benefit from improved search engine rankings and the increased probability of earning long-term passive income. The entire purpose of content marketing, by the way, is to earn passive income doing what you love by creating [lots and lots of content]. When you stay on your a game in [consistent content marketing], the fringe benefit of that is people automatically share your content on,,,,,,, and elsewhere without you asking them to do so. Free advertising means improved SEO (search engine optimization) resulting in improved search engine rankings in Bing, DuckDuckGo, Google and YaHoO!,,, etc. The more people that share your content from staying on your eight-game ink system content marketing, that also sends social signals to the search engines that your blog, website or YouTube channel is frequently mentioned. The end result of that is moving up in unpaid, organic search engine results pages, resulting in more traffic and more passive income. Bottom line? Consistent content marketing will put you in the driver's seat for years to come to earn passive income potentially 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This is why it pays to do the transformation work by creating “lots and lots of content.”
Cross promoting content in YouTube video descriptions: Writing and publishing great content is one thing. Going to the public ninth step by cross promoting it through narrators YouTube videos is another. YouTube is the ideal place to get started online with video marketing and promoting content at zero dollars. For YouTube to be effective for your content marketing efforts, it’s a wise choice to promote links in your YouTube video descriptions that’s relevant to the video you’re uploading to your channel. For example, if your YouTube videos are about weight loss, then the links in the body of your YouTube video description should be about weight loss. Or relevant links about the betterment of human health. Cross promoting content in YouTube video descriptions is also a good idea for SEO “search engine optimization,” which benefits better search engine rankings for your blog or website in organic search engine results pages “SERPs.” Adding links consistently in the YouTube video descriptions not only betters your search engine optimization, but also adds credibility to your YouTube videos, and helps improve your passive income potential. Leveraging traffic from YouTube is a zero dollar investment which only requires ambition, effort, and long-term visionary thinking. Anyone can start a YouTube channel off of their cell phone or camera. Not only do you leverage free additional exponential traffic from by including links in your YouTube video descriptions pointing back to specific blog posts and webpages, but it also helps your passive income to grow for years to come. This is why it’s important to cross promote your content in every YouTube video description.
So there you have it. Five ways to craft content marketing now for passive income. This information was provided to you at absolutely no cost. All it required was for you to sit at the computer and take some time out to read what this forum post was emphasizing in regards to content marketing. Many people will fail in this freelance line of work of content marketing, because they simply don’t have the patience or long-term thinking or the "UMPH" to create a sustainable secondary source of passive income. So they settle for less and decide to stay on their cushy day job. If you believe enough in yourself and join “the great resignation population,” you’ll have enough time in your daily schedule to start your content marketing based side hustle. And if you don't know already, sign hustles are today’s “new new,” or “new norm” for creating stable secondary streams of passive income. A side hustle is also today’s [new new and new norm] for creating the type of lifestyle you desire to live. Side hustles will help you achieve financial freedom. But also bear in mind that content marketing-side hustles are not a get rich quick overnight operation nor a Bernard Madoff Ponzi scheme.
You have to do the work of creating “lots and lots of content.” If you believe enough in yourself and think you can make this happen within the next 2 to 3 years with the intent of “quitting your day job,” bookmark this page to your favorite web browser for future reference. And share this content on,,,,,, and
- Creating content can sometimes create mental fatigue. Eat the feelings and work slowly at crafting great content.
- Consistency is quietly rewarded by Bing, DuckDuckGo, Excite, Google, and YaHoO!.
- Content marketing can earn you enough passive income to become a future online millionaire. It is what you make of it.

For the average working professional, they don’t think of creating a secondary source of passive income using a simple method known as “content marketing.” Most people are still in the “job mindset,” working paycheck to paycheck at the mercy of their employer without having a secondary income backup plan. Search engines like,, and financially thrive off of indexing fresh content into organic, unpaid search engine results pages as a result of scouring the web for newly published content from blogs, websites, YouTube videos, scholarly articles, etc. Everyday working professionals who have a mindset for creating a secondary source of passive income have the grand opportunity now to change the way they think and get into the “content marketing mindset.”
What exactly is content marketing? It’s the process of creating contextual content for a blog post, webpage, .PDF, YouTube video, e-book, Microsoft Word document, Google Docs document, etc. When the content is created contextually and published to the internet for the world to see and search for in search engines, this is a process known as content marketing. YouTube video creators or also known as “content marketers.” Bloggers are [content marketers]. Website owners who consistently create webpages are known as “website content marketers.” Additionally, when you create content on your favorite social networks like,,,,, submit content to and, you’re creating content for those networks. Even if you have content already published to your YouTube video channel, blog or website and submitting content to ReddIt, Flipboard or Mix, not only is that a form of content marketing, but it’s also known as “exponential content distribution.” Submitting content to those networks is extending your reach to an untapped audience who might take the time to read what you published to your YouTube channel, blog posts, or webpages. Either way you look at it, it is still a form of content marketing. With consistent and effective content marketing, you can potentially make the shift from the average day job employee to working full-time from the comfort of your home computer or laptop as a digital nomad with content marketing alone.
Another great thing to know about content marketing is that if you stay the course for at least 2 to 4 years consistently publishing to your blog, website or YouTube channel and one or all of those mediums are monetized with advertising, you put yourself in the driver's seat for great potential as a future “content marketing millionaire.” But it won’t be easy getting to the top of the [content marketing millionaire] mountain. You will experience great trial and tribulation in the process of doing the transformation business work, out of “inspiration or desperation,” while in the process of creating “lots and lots of content.” With the content marketing mindset, there is no prejudice toward age, educational background, credit score, employment references, etc. all you need to do is have a willing mind to change the way you think and get started “with no delay,” by “getting organized” and creating [lots and lots of content] in your spare time.
Wake up in the wee hours of the morning 5-6 hours before starting your day job: It takes a disciplined mind to do this. Especially if your schedule is to start your day job between 9 AM and 10:30 AM. Getting organized by waking up in the wee hours of the morning by 4 AM or a little after four o'clock in the morning can sometimes be a bitter pill to swallow. Your body is still in a restful state and hormones relaxed. And with that overwhelming feeling of sleepiness beasts bowing you shortly after opening your eyes before the sunrises, you may feel tempted to go back to bed and do some more “sleep cardio,” sleeping restfully while “sleeping down the pounds.” If you feel you can get yourself organized to wake up around 4 AM or little afterwards, make it a healthy habit to perform morning fasted cardio on your home treadmill. Performing morning fasted cardio from 20 min. to 1 hr. successfully with only water and vitamins in your stomach, resting for an additional hour after completing your wee hour in the morning, semi fasted cardio and not consuming any food will allow you to burn stored body fat. While you’re riding out that post 20 min. - 1 hr. morning cardio stent, this is the window time frame you could be using to create content. You can create content for your blog, website or YouTube channel. It’s a good practice to create content in your post morning cardio because while your body is still in a fasted state burning calories after hopping off the treadmill, your mind and heart rate sped up. This means you have more energy now to create “lots and lots of content,” due to the temporarily increased energy spike-heart rate. Pace yourself in the beginning of planning out your content marketing strategy how many words you can create in rough draft mode in one hour's time. Moreover, it’s a good idea to create content in your post wee hour morning semi fasted cardio, because this is also the time when your hormones are at their peak. Have you ever noticed after high noon that you tend to feel a little sluggish toward the evening? This is because your hormones slowly declined toward the end of the day. It leaves you with a slight feeling of fatigue-sluggishness, whereas you don’t feel like doing much. If you get an appositive habit of creating content in the morning before starting a work day, chances are you’ll write longer blog pages, webpages or create longer YouTube video descriptions.
Set aside 1-2 hours after clocking out from your day job to work on your content: If you have a daily goal of writing a certain amount of words for a blog, website, or YouTube video, you can get organized with no delay by setting a daily goal of writing a certain amount of words. Make it a habit in the morning before starting your work day to complete the first half of your content. And after you clock out from your day job whether you work from home or working in the office, set aside 1 to 2 hours after getting off work to finish the second half of your content. As you follow this healthy pattern of creating half the content you hope to publish for that day in the morning and completing the second half of the content after clocking out from your day job, your mind will slowly but surely start to adapt to the healthy content marketing pattern of content production in that manner. It’ll be challenging in the infancy of your content marketing career to craft content marketing in the morning and afternoon-evening. Appreciate the struggle of getting out of your comfort zone and adapting to a new way of thinking by crafting content marketing for future passive income. Content is the life and blood of the Internet. And while this method of creating and publishing content to blogs, websites and YouTube channels can drive hordes of free search engine traffic and potentially convert into multiple streams of advertising revenue, you must be willing to hunker down and commit yourself wholeheartedly to crafting content for the purpose of empowering your target reading audience. This means getting serious about producing quality content and marketing it to your audience, putting people first before profits. Creating and publishing quality content will automatically put you in the driver's seat for earning passive income years to come, and creating less of a dependency on your day job for your sole source of income. Always remember that the purpose of crafting quality content and marketing that content to your target audience is for the purpose of joining “the great resignation,” and achieving the ultimate goal of “quitting your day job.”
Overcoming “writer’s block” in your content marketing strategy: Every content marketer occasionally experiences [writer’s block]. Writer’s block occasionally happens when every content marketer’s mind potentially goes blank on content production days. If you’re just getting started with affiliate marketing, blogging, side hustles and learning about earnings streams of passive income, one of the ways you can overcome writer's block as a new content creator-affiliate marketer-blogger is to openly admit in a blog post or YouTube video that you have officially experienced writers block. There’s nothing wrong with admitting that to your audience, whether it’s blog readers, YouTube video viewers, people on your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. When you’re experiencing writer's block, it’s a good idea not just to be honest about your mind going blank for that particular day or week, but you can also explain in a blog post or YouTube video other things you achieved during your day. For example, if you exercise in the morning on an empty stomach and you ate nothing but healthy food, you can discuss that in your YouTube video or blog post. Letting people know you occasionally experience writers block humanizes yourself online. Without you overthinking it, people are more gravitated towards you because of your honesty.
The importance of staying on your A+game in “consistent content marketing”: Consistency in your content marketing efforts is quietly rewarded by search engine crawlers. One thing many people don’t know is search engine crawlers quietly take note of content creators' behavior in secret. What’s meant by this? If you’re writing and publishing every day to your blog or creating extensive YouTube video descriptions and then switching up and creating what’s known as “thin content,” search engine crawlers will notice your content marketing behavior patterns “switching up.” Just like phony friends when they “switch up.” Inconsistent content creators who only post once a week to their blog, website or YouTube channel won’t benefit from improved search engine rankings and the increased probability of earning long-term passive income. The entire purpose of content marketing, by the way, is to earn passive income doing what you love by creating [lots and lots of content]. When you stay on your a game in [consistent content marketing], the fringe benefit of that is people automatically share your content on,,,,,,, and elsewhere without you asking them to do so. Free advertising means improved SEO (search engine optimization) resulting in improved search engine rankings in Bing, DuckDuckGo, Google and YaHoO!,,, etc. The more people that share your content from staying on your eight-game ink system content marketing, that also sends social signals to the search engines that your blog, website or YouTube channel is frequently mentioned. The end result of that is moving up in unpaid, organic search engine results pages, resulting in more traffic and more passive income. Bottom line? Consistent content marketing will put you in the driver's seat for years to come to earn passive income potentially 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This is why it pays to do the transformation work by creating “lots and lots of content.”
Cross promoting content in YouTube video descriptions: Writing and publishing great content is one thing. Going to the public ninth step by cross promoting it through narrators YouTube videos is another. YouTube is the ideal place to get started online with video marketing and promoting content at zero dollars. For YouTube to be effective for your content marketing efforts, it’s a wise choice to promote links in your YouTube video descriptions that’s relevant to the video you’re uploading to your channel. For example, if your YouTube videos are about weight loss, then the links in the body of your YouTube video description should be about weight loss. Or relevant links about the betterment of human health. Cross promoting content in YouTube video descriptions is also a good idea for SEO “search engine optimization,” which benefits better search engine rankings for your blog or website in organic search engine results pages “SERPs.” Adding links consistently in the YouTube video descriptions not only betters your search engine optimization, but also adds credibility to your YouTube videos, and helps improve your passive income potential. Leveraging traffic from YouTube is a zero dollar investment which only requires ambition, effort, and long-term visionary thinking. Anyone can start a YouTube channel off of their cell phone or camera. Not only do you leverage free additional exponential traffic from by including links in your YouTube video descriptions pointing back to specific blog posts and webpages, but it also helps your passive income to grow for years to come. This is why it’s important to cross promote your content in every YouTube video description.
So there you have it. Five ways to craft content marketing now for passive income. This information was provided to you at absolutely no cost. All it required was for you to sit at the computer and take some time out to read what this forum post was emphasizing in regards to content marketing. Many people will fail in this freelance line of work of content marketing, because they simply don’t have the patience or long-term thinking or the "UMPH" to create a sustainable secondary source of passive income. So they settle for less and decide to stay on their cushy day job. If you believe enough in yourself and join “the great resignation population,” you’ll have enough time in your daily schedule to start your content marketing based side hustle. And if you don't know already, sign hustles are today’s “new new,” or “new norm” for creating stable secondary streams of passive income. A side hustle is also today’s [new new and new norm] for creating the type of lifestyle you desire to live. Side hustles will help you achieve financial freedom. But also bear in mind that content marketing-side hustles are not a get rich quick overnight operation nor a Bernard Madoff Ponzi scheme.
You have to do the work of creating “lots and lots of content.” If you believe enough in yourself and think you can make this happen within the next 2 to 3 years with the intent of “quitting your day job,” bookmark this page to your favorite web browser for future reference. And share this content on,,,,,, and