Quick Ways to Get The Search Engines and YouTube Algorithm to Notice You

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  • Contributing Editor
    • May 2014
    • 2715

    Quick Ways to Get The Search Engines and YouTube Algorithm to Notice You

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    • Content marketing can take an average every day working class person from ordinary to extraordinary.
    • Mindset is everything in this line of work.
    • Remote work by making money online through affiliate marketing, side hustles, and earning ad revenue from YouTube videos is today's "new new" of generating healthy steady streams of side income "with or without a day job."
    • This line of work is not multilevel marketing; this line of work is here to stay until the end of time with millions of dollars quietly waiting to be earned by everyday people like yourself.

    ​ The best way to start a blog with zero capital is by using the 4K video feature on your camera phone after launching your YouTube channel and creating lots of videos for YouTube. If you have some capital of about $200, you can purchase a domain name and small business dedicated hosting for the purpose of starting your self hosted WordPress blog.

    ​ Blogging plus YouTube equals steady streams of passive income. If you consistently upload videos to your YouTube channel in a particular niche for 2 to 3 years consistently, you likely have over 1000 YouTube subscribers in 4000 hours of watch time. The ad revenue you generate as a YouTube partner can also be applied toward paying future web hosting bills, domain name renewal fees, and possibly dabbling with paid online advertising services.

    ​ When you're creating content from a hotel lobby without your cell phone, or speech recognition program installed on a laptop and you're sitting at the computer with an open Google Docs document, the best way to start creating content is by using your voice to watch words appear within the Google Document. To achieve this, simply tap the "tools" tab, conveniently located in the upper flush last section of your Google Docs document. After you click the tools tab, you'll see an option that says "Voice typing." After you’ve activated the voice typing function, all you need to do is sit at the computer and watch the words appear on a large PC screen, as you use your voice to create content on the Fly for your blog, website, or YouTube channel. Using your voice to create content and a Google Docs document reduces carpal tunnel syndrome.

    ​​ As you gradually into the consistency of creating content on a daily basis for your blog and YouTube channel, search engines like Bing.com, DuckDuckGo.com, Excite.com, Google.com, Lycos.com, YaHoO.com, and Yandex.com will quietly start to notice your increase in content production. Increasing content production is always good because the more content you produce for your self hosted WordPress blog and YouTube channel, the more probability of traffic earned to your YouTube videos and published WordPress blogs for years to come. The end result is guaranteed probability of increased passive income. Always remember that the more passive income you generate from the Internet from your YouTube channel and blogs, the more financially independent you can become. However, this is definitely not a get rich quick overnight operation, as this does require lots and lots of content, additionally to your heart being vested in this line of work that doesn’t guarantee any kind of financial success.

    ​​ Search engines and the YouTube algorithm quietly crawl and index fresh content 24 hours a day. That being said, because YouTube and search engines are always indexing fresh content from publish blogs, webpages, news articles and YouTube videos, this gives any dedicated content marketer to the grand ability to start their own business as a side hustle or working from home in their spare time, with the intent to generate unlimited healthy streams of passive income. Believe it or not, content marketing alone in the form of blogging and YouTube video uploading, combined with affiliate marketing can help you generate enough income to out-earn your day job income. Yes, you can live 100% off of the Internet. But it all starts with your mindset.