#AffiliateMarketing: #SideHustleMillionaire Status Awaits You in #AffiliateMarketing by Starting a #Blog and #Writing Your Way to Good #SEO

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  • Contributing Editor
    • May 2014
    • 2715

    #AffiliateMarketing: #SideHustleMillionaire Status Awaits You in #AffiliateMarketing by Starting a #Blog and #Writing Your Way to Good #SEO

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    Making #money #online #24hours a #day as an #affiliatemarketer & #blogger in your #sidehustle #journey to #sidehustlemillionaire #status

    A content rich site blended with image and video gets good search engine rankings and streaming conversions for years to come. That's a no-brainer. Quality content engages people and converts affiliate links into affiliate commissions with virtually 0% effort. How does one stay on their A + game with creating quality content on a daily basis when they are creating it themselves? As challenging as it sounds it's not as hard as you think.

    Creating quality content can be achieved in many ways. It can be in the form of daily blogging. Streaming online video on your YouTube channel with links pointing back to deep pages within your blog or website. Article marketing. Press release distribution. Commentary on news articles and news blogs on your blog or website. When it comes to creating content and publishing to your site daily, there's always something to talk about. That said, your mind can roam creatively and publish content on virtually any topic when blogging something on your site daily.

    Is there a day that goes by without you opening your mouth and saying something whether it be online or off-line? You don't get paid to run your mouth off-line when conversing with others. Unless you're on your day job. When you're opening your mouth online and publishing to your blog or website, you are building up the value of your site and increasing the probability of getting better search engine rankings and increasing affiliate commissions from affiliate program advertisements you have on there. This is how bloggers and Internet marketers make money in affiliate marketing and improve their overall SEO "search engine optimization."

    Is it possible to potentially make money online full-time in affiliate marketing through organic SEO and content marketing? Yes. The key to success in creating quality content and staying on your A + game in affiliate marketing and content creation is to write and publish daily. If you're not able to do so write as often as possible. At times, take a pause and walk away from the computer. This gives you time to gather your thoughts and re-organize your content marketing strategy. It'll also allow you to critique your writing and possibly ask others their point of view of how your content sounds to your online audience. You can earn good money from affiliate marketing just with content alone. Most people fail at doing this because they're not persistent at creating and publishing content to their site on a daily basis. You have to have a passion what you do as a blogger-Internet marketer. No passion equals no entrepreneurial success. At least not in the field of affiliate marketing and content distribution.

    If you're looking to gain a better understanding about affiliate marketing and how to pull organic traffic from search engines while improving your SEO, bookmark this thread so you can view the video from AffiliateSummit.com for future reference.

    Blogging is job security and good money. "Side hustle millionaire" can be your new financial status by getting dedicated web hosting, purchasing a domain name, installing WordPress on your dedicated server, picking a topic you're passionate about, and write away to your hearts content. The more you write, the better your positions in search engine results pages will be, resulting in better "search engine optimization - SEO," more traffic, and affiliate sales.