#AffiliateRevenue and #SEO: Instantly Capitalize on #AffiliateIncome and #SearchEngineOptimization 3 Unique Ways and Win!

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    • May 2014
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    #AffiliateRevenue and #SEO: Instantly Capitalize on #AffiliateIncome and #SearchEngineOptimization 3 Unique Ways and Win!

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    Many bloggers and Internet marketers are deceived into believing writing quick 200 to 500 word posts and using certain types of search engine marketing software will help them improve long-term search engine optimization efforts and boost affiliate marketing income. That's certainly not the case. If you're looking to succeed in the field of affiliate marketing, blogging, and simultaneously boosting your long-term SEO while building and sustaining positive relationships with your site visitors and readers, there's a few habits you're going to have to adjust to as an online business person. If you're using any kind of black hat SEO software to get your site to rank at the top of Bing, Google, or YaHoO!, your victory is temporary. Your site is virtually guaranteed to crash and burn, meaning getting be listed after a few months from search engine results pages. And, most likely lose affiliate partnership relations with online merchants. Always remember that improving your SEO as an unwritten rule requires that you do the transformation work by writing "lots and lots of content." Writing quality content and creating content in "evergreen content" form over a lengthy period of time will definitely improve your search engine optimization and positions in search engine results pages, giving you the "1 step ahead feeling" of being ahead of your niche competitors.

    White hat SEO and unique content marketing will test your patience. Succeeding in this line of work while improving search engine optimization efforts and making more money from affiliate programs is possible for anyone who believes they can achieve and does the work.

    If you follow this approach, you may potentially see improved results in your blogging and Internet marketing efforts in as little as six months to one year.

    Simple brick and mortar approaches to improving SEO and earning higher affiliate commissions:

    1. Write and submit articles - This is a very time-consuming process of promoting your blog or website. Creating a thought-provoking article requires creativity and original writing. You will be caught and plagiarize online. If the niche topic of your blog or website is about weight loss, you can write and submit articles to reputable article directories about your site. You can find reputable article directories that rank well in search engines such as Bing.com, Google.com, or YaHoO.com by performing a search in your favorite search engine for more information. Depending on the article directory you choose to submit your article to for site promotion purposes, you're possibly allowed to add anywhere between one and three links to any blog post or web page within your site in the body of the article. This is the fringe benefit of improving your long-term SEO goals. When links to specific pages are included in the body of the article pointing back to your site, you direct readers not only to specific pages within your site to learn more information, but most importantly, the content of your article is relevant to the blog post or webpage you hyperlink within directing your readers. Try article site EZineArticles.com or perform a search in your favorite search engine for "high ranking reputable article directories," or other search terms like "submit quality articles to credible article directories," and your search engine of choice should return fruitful search results.

    If you write anywhere between one and three articles a day of your own original works and submit to article directories at least 300 days out of the year, you have anywhere from 300 to 900 articles published in the web universe. This will significantly help improve your search engine optimization goals, increase the probability of earning more money from affiliate programs you are an affiliate of, potentially increase Google page rank, and build trust with your target audience. After your articles are published on the article directory you choose to submit to, you can use a third-party content sharing service to have your articles automatically shared on social networks like Twitter.com, Facebook.com, LinkedIn.com, Pinterest.com, and more.

    2. Create fresh content daily for your blog or website - This can't be emphasized enough. Take time to write fresh content for your blog or website of your own original thoughts. If your fingers are tired from typing on the keyboard manually in rough draft mode before publishing to your site, you can acquire a quality speech recognition program to do your content writing for you. Speech recognition is a beautiful program recommended for article marketers, bloggers, college students, and government officials to achieve more in writing content from scratch using the awesome power of your voice. Once the speech recognition program is loaded onto your desktop PC or laptop, all you have to do in efforts of keeping your site content fresh is go to your start menu, load up your speech recognition program, pull up Microsoft Word afterwards, turn on the speech recognition program, and start writing content with your voice in Microsoft Word. After writing your content in MS Word in rough draft mode, be sure to go back and proofread everything before publishing to your site.

    Related: Blogging SEO For Beginners - Business2Community.com

    To add a tidbit of creativity to your content, be mindful to include images and video. Add both in if possible. People are instantly attracted to image + video in blog posts and web pages. If you're looking for an extra edge in having people share your content on Pinterest.com, you can go to Pinterest and look for the small snippet of JavaScript code to add within the template of your blog or website that'll allow people to instantly pin your images to their pin boards. This will allow you to exponentially use the energy of other people to not only advertiser site on Pinterest, but also, boost SEO for your blog-website. When you create and publish fresh content daily for your site of your original work and publish content additionally throughout the day, you are automatically boosting long-term search engine optimization efforts with or without image and video. Most importantly, as you can see in this post, it's quite lengthy. If you write 1 to 2 posts per day for your blog over 1000 words each, you'll see a significant boost in your SEO within six months to one year. However, you have to be consistent and publish fresh content to your site daily.

    Writing fresh content from scratch is also a natural and unique way to build links. Natural link building is crucial to the success of your site. How does one naturally build links? Writing good content. Engaging with your audience meaningfully. Having your blog posts or webpages linked to by reputable, high-ranking blogs and websites here it let's say for example if your blog post or webpage gets linked to from a major news sites such as Reuters.com, Bloomberg.com, or Forbes.com, not only will you experience a significant spike in Web traffic without paying one dime for online advertising services such as Google AdWords or Bing ads or even Facebook.com ads, but, your SEO will significantly improve as well as you are United States traffic rank on Alexa.com. This is why it's important to write unique content to stay one step ahead of your competition, show your target audience you're a real person creating and publishing content, and striving to be of service to others. That's true transformation of entrepreneurship when you wholeheartedly serve others with quality written information.

    3. Link deep pages from your site in the header of YouTube video descriptions - YouTube.com is the world's number one video platform. People across the world watch every video on YouTube, even if the video is boring. That means opportunity for you. You may start out after creating your YouTube channel uploading boring videos. It's okay. As long as you're getting your feet wet and starting off somewhere with video marketing, you're good to go.

    Something most bloggers and Internet marketers don't do when uploading videos to their YouTube channel is include a link to a specific page within their blog or website. This is crucial for improving search engine optimization efforts. Did you know YouTube videos are crawled and indexed by Google in less than 20 min. after publishing? It doesn't matter how you write your video title either. You could write the most awkward video title and still have that video indexed virtually in no time. That means increased probability of traffic back to deep pages in your blog or website.

    Let's say for example if you're promoting a specific blog post about weight loss. You took time to write a 1000 to 2000 word post outlining specific steps for easy weight loss. You want to specifically promote that post in a YouTube video. The first step to doing so is introducing in a teaser video what a blog post is about. Keep the video short between 30 and 45 seconds. Be sure at the end of the video to direct people to read more on your blog by clicking the link in the header of the YouTube video description. Believe it or not, this actually works. Be sure to add a link to the specific blog post in the header of your YouTube video description. After doing so, take time to write a 1 to 2 paragraph unique description using speech recognition software "as mentioned above," so that not only does your video get a good crawled by Google, but, the content in the YouTube video description along with the link in it pointing back to the blog post will help boost your long-term SEO. Always remember improving your search engine optimization the honest way is a patient process. It's better to wait it out and create content for the purpose of people feeling empowered from your content vs. doing something sneaky to get instant rankings in search results pages. if you resort to sneaky tactics, search engine crawlers will know right away and likely blacklist your site from search engine results pages. The end result is your site will crash and burn, IP address blacklisted, and you'll have to start all over again from scratch. Better off being honest and doing your SEO right. Write that content, do the transformation business work out of inspiration or desperation, and most importantly, learn some patience!

    Are you getting a rough idea now how you can use video marketing to improve your search engine optimization? Most importantly, don't forget to add relevant keywords at the bottom of your YouTube video about your blog post. This helps your YouTube video become easily searchable by people searching for "easy weight loss methods" on the worlds most popular video social platform. And, this will potentially help boost your affiliate marketing income from affiliate advertisements on your blog or website. If you upload 1 to 2 YouTube videos a day to your channel and include links in the header video description pointing back to specific pages on your site for two years consistently, you can surely look forward to increased income from affiliate programs as well as a significant improvement in your search engine optimization.

    'Food for Thought'

    It takes time building a business on the web from scratch writing unique content. There will be days when you don't feel like doing anything. When this feeling overwhelms you, still take time to pull up Microsoft Word on your computer, load up your speech recognition program for using your voice to write content to boost SEO, and start speaking into your speech recognition headset releasing all those thoughts in the back of your mind as a rough draft.

    Everyone walks around with some kind of thoughts rambling in the back of their mind. Did you know you can possibly turn those thoughts into profit? It's called blogging. Something you may not think is worthwhile sharing with others can possibly be transformed into advertising income for you. Affiliate marketing can be a very profitable niche for you by working from home on your desktop PC or on the go with your laptop computer. This line of work is what you make of it. You can achieve if you believe. As your mind is stirred up now, how do you plan to launch a business on the World Wide Web and make it work for you?

    If you're looking to join a few good affiliate marketing networks, consider Advertising.com, AffiliateWindow.com, AvantLink.com, CJ.com, LinkShare.com, ShareASale.com, and VigLink.com.