#SideHustleMillionaire: From #Welfare to #Millionaire #TravelBlogger? #JohnnyWard and Others Cash in on #Blogging and #Instagram

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  • Contributing Editor
    • May 2014
    • 2715

    #SideHustleMillionaire: From #Welfare to #Millionaire #TravelBlogger? #JohnnyWard and Others Cash in on #Blogging and #Instagram

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    It's possible to potentially make money online from affiliate programs while sharing your travel-related experiences with others on the web. The number one thing a lot of people don't know online is that if you own a blog or website, you can potentially make money from it by way of sharing your travel related stories with your family and friends on your favorite social networks. Another thing a lot of people don't know is that not only can they share travel related stories on their websites and then share links with family, friends and coworkers on their favorite social networks such as LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and other social networks, but, they can also make money continually from travel related affiliate programs and possibly earn a full-time income on the Internet. While playing the waiting game before a travel blogger or travel related affiliate starts to make money on the Internet, you can build up your site content by way of consistently posting stories and videos in efforts of building and retaining your site traffic.

    Related: Couple uses Instagram.com to earn bank from social media? - NYPost.com

    For example, if you live in New York City and book travel online to Miami Florida and want to share your experience after getting back home with your family and friends on social networks like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, all you have to do is start your own blog or website. After you have started your blog or website, simply start writing and sharing your travel related experience from Miami with others on social networks. \After you've done so, you can create a simple one minute video and upload it to your YouTube video channel. In the video description, include a link back to your newly published webpage on your blog or website, whereas people who watch your YouTube video see the link in your video description and feel compelled to click the link and come back to your site to read more. Not only is this a wonderful way to potentially drive traffic from YouTube to specific pages on your travel related blog or website, but you can also potentially make money like this from leveraging free video traffic from the world's most popular video sharing network to make money from your travel affiliate programs embedded on your blog or website.

    Related: Blogging travel millionaire on the go - CNN.com

    If you happen to live in California and travel elsewhere, you can pretty much do the same thing when you come home from your vacation. Or, if you own a laptop, you can blog live on location while traveling about your experience and share with people online daily. So let's say if you live in Santa Barbara California and you take a trip to somewhere. Let's say you take a vacation to Texas. Be sure to combine blogs + video so people stay immediately engaged to you online.

    People feel more attracted to website content plus video combined, as this method will also potentially help you potentially increase your travel affiliate commissions. When it comes to the awesome power of the Internet in doing something you love in turning it from a hobby to a full-time income, the opportunities are virtually endless. As they always say, creativity fuels profitability. That said, let your mind creatively roam free in a positive way when thinking of the infinite financial possibilities of potentially earning a healthy full-time income from the Internet by way of talking about your travel related experiences.

    Anyone can go from broke, unemployed, wrongfully terminated, on welfare and food stamps to side hustle millionaire if you stay the course and "do the transformation business work at full strength," steamrolling in faith out of "inspiration or desperation."