#OnlineMarketing: Improve #SEO, Build #Backlinks and Increase #AffiliateSales by Combining #PressRelease #Marketing and #EvergreenContent

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  • Contributing Editor
    • May 2014
    • 2715

    #OnlineMarketing: Improve #SEO, Build #Backlinks and Increase #AffiliateSales by Combining #PressRelease #Marketing and #EvergreenContent

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    Increasing awareness about your online presence is not as challenging as you think. If you're looking to learn a sure shot way of staying relevant in search engine results pages, continue reading. If you're looking to continually in who traffic from search engines, social bookmarking services and build a positive and trustworthy business rapport with people on the Internet, you have to continually write and promote press releases to the online masses. The truth about trust releases is when they're well-written and optimized, they get traffic from search engines and virtually everywhere else online for years to come. Another great thing about press releases is that they potentially help increase online sales. No business online can survive without making money from search engines and social networks. Press release marketing helps you accomplish your online revenue generation goals, with assistance and support to potentially finding new customers by way of your press release being indexed in search engine results pages.

    Running any business online requires frequent unique content updates. Whether the content is posted on your blog, and updated page on your website, a press release written and distributed across the net, or whatever the case may be, you need press release marketing and press release distribution in order to stay relevant. The beauty of writing and distributing press releases is that you don't have to do it by yourself. This amazing press release marketing company will help you accomplish your Internet marketing and search engine optimization goals. While there is a fee associated with the creation and distribution of your press release, it's money well spent. Your press release will not only be indexed by major search engines such as YaHoO!, Google and Bing, but you'll also notice a potential increase in search engine and social networking traffic shortly afterwards published to the World Wide Web. It doesn't matter if you're working from home, a small technology startup online, or a financial institution just now getting your presence acknowledged on the Internet, press releases will help you potentially discover new business and build a positive image about you.

    Press release marketing works wonders for all kinds of businesses. Whether you're domestic or and offshore business, press release marketing helps to get out the word about what your company is doing at the time. For example, if you're an oil and gas company or investor looking to put out some related information about everything related to gasoline and petroleum, it's always a best practice to have a press release created and distributed about valuable information you know. From there, the ball is simply in your court to choose where you would like your press release to be seen. This is part of the beauty of unique content marketing, because effectively and well optimized press releases will help to successfully target your oil and gas audience, while staying on top of your business game. Another thing a lot of companies don't know is that when you create and distribute it press release, it helps to get what people call SEO inbound links from sites that republish or post your press release publication.

    When others sites pick up your press release content, that helps to move you up in search engine results pages and improves overall Alexa United States search traffic rank. This is how you get to build traffic not only from search engines but sites that republish your content for years to come. Last but not least, you definitely want to use PR marketing in anything your promoting online, simply because PR marketing will instantly get the word out about what you're doing. And again, it's definitely worth spending every dollar on.

    Related: 20 Types of Evergreen Content that Produce Lasting Results for Your Business - CopyBlogger.com

    As search engine optimization, side hustling, and affiliate marketing continues to be trending topics of interest across the web to people from all walks of life looking to transition from employee to entrepreneur to "side hustle millionaire," be mindful to check back regular in this forum for updated content discussing ways to leverage content marketing to your SEO and link building advantage, so you can capitalize on increased affiliate sales and better search engine listing positions in Bing.com, Google.com and YaHoO.com