#SideHustleMillionaire: Starting Your #BloggingCareer Now Helps You Get Your #SideHustle Ideas Off the Ground and Closer to Success

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  • Contributing Editor
    • May 2014
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    #SideHustleMillionaire: Starting Your #BloggingCareer Now Helps You Get Your #SideHustle Ideas Off the Ground and Closer to Success

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    #sidehustle #blogging is possible for you to #makemoneyonline #24hours a day & be a #future #sidehustlemillionaire

    Full-time blogging has the potential to let you eat good, pay all your bills, and possibly more. You have to do your part and "put in work," if you want full time blogging to work for you.

    Many people in America today who are unemployed or working a day job seek alternative ways to supplement their income and transition out of your existing situation. Virtually everyone has an idea they would like to speak or put into existence. The Internet allows anyone from anywhere in the world with a computer and Internet connection to start a blog or website no experience, no employment resume, and no college education. Anyone from anywhere with a connection to the web and start a business blog online and work at it diligently to the point of potentially earning a full-time income in as little as possibly three years. That is, if you create lots and lots of content from scratch of your own thoughts and provoke meaningful discussion among blog readers. Blogging can be a full-time business for anyone who believes they can succeed.

    Getting Started

    Launching a business blog online from humble beginnings is possibly challenging to most people when starting out. It's really not as hard as you think. If your desire is to be seen as a respectable business blog and uniquely brand yourself, the first step you need to take in getting started is acquire a domain name. Acquiring your own domain name is an absolute must. It sets you part from the average. Additionally, getting started with your own domain URL address is as little as under $20 yearly. Investing in a domain name is a wise choice for any blogger looking to maximize their potential of making money online full-time.

    After acquiring your domain name, it's recommended to reserve a cloud server or dedicated web hosting package. The purpose of having a cloud server or dedicated server along with your domain name is to have complete administrative functionality over everything about your business blog. The purpose of acquiring a cloud or dedicated server is to be in complete control and manage your web content. It can't be emphasized enough about the importance of having your own URL address and web hosting package to single-handedly manage your online presence.


    It's free. Completely free. Always free. Free. Free. Free! You need this for starting your business blog. Not only is it free, there's thousands of free WordPress plug-ins available through searching in your favorite search engine under terms such as "free WordPress plug-ins for business blogs," and other search terms such as "free WordPress plug-ins for work-at-home bloggers." A good thing to know about having WordPress installed on your cloud server or dedicated web hosting package is having complete control what's published on your site.

    If you use a free service like blogger.com, they can delete your blog at any time without notice. And if you didn't have your content backed up, you're going to cry a river. Starting a professional business blog using WordPress is the best option for people looking to reduce upfront business startup costs, offering a piece of mind knowing you can add almost any free WordPress plug-in to your WP-content/plugins directory any time on your server to enhance the feel and functionality of your blog.

    Speech Recognition

    Adding dictation to your laptop or desktop PC is an absolute must for full-time bloggers looking to transition from the everyday life to working online daily from home or any remote location. Dictation is another term for speech recognition. Full-time bloggers do not sit at their computer daily "at least 95% of them" and create content daily "Evergreen blogging style" writing 1000 word or better posts. Who sits at the computer nowadays creating content traditionally by typing on the keyboard and hoping to earn a full-time income from blogging? Almost no one. Everyone, whether they have a business blog or an everyday working person or college student or whatever you are walks around ideas and crazy thoughts rambling in the back of your mind. You can stop laughing now after reading the last sentence!

    Those rambling thoughts and crazy business ideas in the back of your mind can actually be translated into blog content for your future full-time business blog. You're crazy thoughts and ideas combined with the use of a speech recognition program can potentially yield pretty good traffic from search engines and social networks in as little as three years, enabling you to potentially earn a full-time income as a blogger using the power of your voice to create content daily for your blog. And by the way, this entire post was created using Nuance Dragon Naturally Speaking. If you can find time in your day to turn on your speech recognition program and create content with your voice about something meaningful to read and share on your business blog, you'll be quite surprised in as little as three years how many blog readers you can potentially earn from Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, and other social networks just by blogging and talking in your natural voice as if you would have the conversation with another person.

    If you had this same conversation in person, you wouldn't be able to put advertisements next to what you're saying because you're in the real world having a discussion. On the Internet, as people read your blog content or blog posts, you have the ability to place ads next to them. This is how can use blogging as a means of earning a full-time income from the World Wide Web, and yes, even while you're sleeping. This is the beauty of having a business blog and putting speech recognition to work to generate income potential he 24 hours a day.

    Pick a Topic to Blog About

    Some people like to start a full-time business blogs commenting on today's politics in America. They earn good money from speaking their mind on their political commentary business blogs talking about people such as Jeb Bush, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, Barack Obama, Ted Cruz, John Boehner, Nancy Pelosi, and others. These people do nothing more than uses speech recognition programs and flap their gums all crazy while in their personal feelings about laws passed by Congress, something the president did or said, and so on. Other people start full-time business blogs on topics such as affiliate marketing, dating, food, health, and technology. You can start a business blog about anything you have knowledge of. It's a good idea to start a niche based blog because it allows you to showcase your expertise before your target audience.

    It's also a good idea to create content in the morning because this is when your anabolic hormones and cognitive sharpness is at its prime. Another words, you'll feel mentally inclined in the morning to share your creativity and fresh thoughts before your audience versus getting started late in the afternoon or evening. Creating content in the morning and the publishing before afternoon sets in allows bloggers to have a piece of mind knowing they can gather their thoughts for the next day and stay on track with blogging in their niche. If you can manage to create two blog posts per day at over 1,000 words each and stay consistent with that seven days a week for three years, you'll be surprised how would that can possibly become a full-time business when least expected and earn "good money."

    'Positive Feelings'

    You can be an absolute nobody and earn good money from the Internet in potentially three years from blogging. You don't need a lot of money starting up. You don't need to buy e-books and other Internet marketing crash courses in order to master the art of blogging. There's tons of YouTube videos and free e-books available through forming a search in your favorite search engine for more information on how to transition from zero dollars to making money full-time as a blogger. Don't let anybody push anything on you and make you feel pressured to buy from them.

    The only thing you should lay out money for in the beginning "as previously mentioned" is purchasing your own domain name and cloud server or dedicated server to host your WordPress blog on. A cloud server or dedicated server will provide enough bandwidth, disk space, and memory to handle large sums of incoming traffic from search engines and social networks in years to come. By reserving that now it'll save you the headache of having to move to larger servers years down the road as your traffic and business grows. Getting your own domain name, server, and purchasing a speech recognition program should be the only three things you should lay out money for. Everything else is effort based.

    If you feel you have the mental muscle for the hustle to stick it out and build your blogging business from scratch and be patient for three years in hopes of earning a full-time income, things just might turn out better than hoped for. Most importantly, don't go all around sharing your business idea of starting a business blog with others. Most likely, they will not see things the way you see it and may possibly say something to put you down or you're thought of starting a blog business online. Many people are envious of seeing others starting a business and doing better than them. This is why they always say it's lonely being at the top.

    Start your blog, get writing, make mistakes along the way when blogging with your punctuation and grammar, go back and correct yourself, keep going, never give up, and make sure you partner yourself with good advertisers so you can start making good money from those ads on your blog. Lastly, does it matter what you've been through in the past. The fact is you're here and you're moving forward at full strength. Stay faithful and don't think about making money with your blog. Create quality content, build positive relationships with your readers, answer their questions, and they will take care of you. Remember that blogging requires consistency as an unwritten rule. Posting once or twice a week is not going to cut the mustard. if you really want to rank better, you have to get in the persistent mindset to post quality written content often. Don't copy ans pate from others blogs and sites because that's stealing and plagiarism. Even if you write like no one understands you and sound like an odd ball, be yourself in your writing. No one started an online writing career sounding picture perfect. Everyone is flawed, even Drewry News Network. That said believe in yourself, do the transformation business work out of inspiration or desperation, don't listen to rich naysayers, defeat rich naysayers by doing the transformation work, and keep moving forward with your side hustle blogging career. You're destined to be a "side hustle millionaire" in due time. Stay the course and hang in there!