#WordPress: 2 WP Plugins to Help Bloggers Increase #AffiliateIncome and Achieve #SideHustleMillionaire Status

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  • Contributing Editor
    • May 2014
    • 2705

    #WordPress: 2 WP Plugins to Help Bloggers Increase #AffiliateIncome and Achieve #SideHustleMillionaire Status

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    #These #two #WordPress #plugins will #help #bloggers #increase #travel #income #potential as a #millionaire #travel #blogger  & #digital #goods #sidehustlemillionaire in the making.The #Internet #allows  #affiliatemarketers & #sidehustlers who own #blogs #sell #online & make #money possibly #24hours a day. This can be #you!

    Facts: Billions of dollars quietly await online to be earned by him patience and creative affiliate marketers-bloggers. Affiliate marketing is possibly a $6.8 billion Internet marketing industry anyone can tap into. Blogging on a self hosted WordPress blog is a great way to brand yourself in any blog niche and do something you love doing as a passionate labor of love. Every time you blog, not only are your thoughts translated into blog posts seen by readers as valuable reading content, but your blog posts can actually help someone solve a problem. Blogging is a profitable side hustle for people who believe they can transform a hobby and passion into unlimited online profit potential.

    If you believe in yourself and start your affiliate marketing side hustle blogging journey today and create valuable content for your blog at least five days a week for 2 to 3 years consistently using WordPress as your premier self hosted content management system, you put yourself in the grand position to increase the likelihood of quitting your day job for good, and possibly with your blog and your personal ambition, achieving “side hustle millionaire” status. Everyday people like yourself go from ordinary to extraordinary “working from home quietly.”

    Do’s and don’ts:

    Do: Install a small number of WordPress plug-ins that’ll do the job of helping you achieve your blogging-content marketing-affiliate marketing goals. When checking the WordPress plug-in repository, be mindful to keep a close eye on how many people installed that specific WP plug-in. You may want to also investigate how long that plug-in has been in existence and who wrote it. If the WordPress Auttomatic team created a plug-in, there’s no need to investigate anything and you’re pretty much good to go for immediate “blog plug-in installation-activation.” Be mindful before installing any WordPress plug-in that the plug-in you’re installing is created by a reputable “WordPress plug-in creator,” and has thousands of installations. Lastly, you also want to take a look at how often the blog plug-in is updated. The reason why you want to keep a close eye on how often the blog plug-in is updated is because some WordPress plug-ins, from time to time, get what’s called “bugs.” WordPress plug-in creators who strive to achieve regular maintenance on their plug-ins not only increase their online credibility as a “WordPress plug-in developer,” but there also able to subliminally upsell their WordPress related products as a side hustle to bloggers. Overall, keep your WordPress plugin count low and you’ll be good to go.

    Don’t: Get overly excited about installing an excessive amount of WordPress plug-ins you think will help extend the functionality of your blog. You probably don’t know this, but there’s tons of WordPress plug-in developers that are suspected “WordPress plug-in spammers and scammers.” What’s meant by this? They create a worthless Word press plug-in and from the WordPress plug-in repository-directory, they create a link pointing back to their useless site selling WordPress related products. In the cloning of the WordPress plug-in, they allegedly installed code whereas more than difficult for WordPress bloggers who installed the plug-in to have the plug-in code completely removed from their MySQL database. When WordPress bloggers think they’ve completely deactivated the plug-in and deleted it from the WordPress plug-ins administrative dashboard, the [WordPress plug-in developer] still gets some type of SEO backlink juice from the blogger who originally installed the plug-in, because the blogger who installed the plug-in probably doesn’t know how to go into the backend of their MySQL database and remove the last pieces-breadcrumbs of this man he WordPress plug-in code. This means the blogger possibly has to perform a search on YouTube.com for related videos how to go into the backend of the MySQL database through PHPmyAdmin and remove the short end of the remaining sneaky WordPress plug-in code that sitting in their database in order to have a completely removed.

    Another don’t is not to install WordPress plug-ins for WordPress plug-in developers looking to just gain an SEO sneaky back link from your blog. Some WP plug-in developers offer plug-ins that have little to no functional value. In other words, if you install a blog plug-in that’s supposed to help you capture email addresses from a developer who wrote the plug-in, but yet, the plug-in fails to capture email addresses successfully and populate them into a back and email capture form inside of your WP administrative dashboard, but yet has a link pointing back to their blog or website and the plug-in is hard for you to delete from your WordPress plug-in repository dashboard, then that plug-in developer offers little to no value to you and allegedly looking to have a sneaky SEO back link. This may all sound like “jibba jabba” and way over your head to comprehend for now. You’ll understand as you gain experience as a freelance blogger in the near future.

    2 WordPress plugins for ambitious side hustle millionaires in the making to install on their self-hosted WP blogs for increased online revenue potential:

    1. Travel bloggers will find the WordPress hotel booking plug-in useful as a means of helping them to increase their affiliate marketing income. Travel bloggers who blog on location and take the laptops with them will find it easier to create content on the fly and publish to their blogs throughout the day, increasing the likelihood of achieving “side hustle millionaire travel blogger” status. The “hotel booking WordPress plug-in” allows bloggers to display travel related content and create vacation rental listings, and blog readers finding it easier to rent timeshares. This plug-in can help bloggers who create travel related content increase their online revenue potential by partnering with travel related online advertisers who not only offer the best prices for airline flights, hotels and rental cars or rental trucks, but advertisers will also offer timeshares indirectly help travel bloggers increase their affiliate income potential.

    Travel bloggers can customize vacation rental listings for this useful WordPress plug-in and make content easily accessible to their readers while offering the value and keeping their blog content attractive before people. The plug-in also allow travel bloggers to and necessary taxes and fees, so the content day display will show the total cost of everything to blog readers before they use the timeshare-travel plug-in to book their reservation through the blog. Travel bloggers will find this plug-in useful because it’ll contribute to their 24-hour a day online money making potential, helping them potentially wake up in the morning with a big Kool-Aid smile on their face, after discovering they’ve made money while sleeping.

    2. Woo Commerce is the “good money WordPress plug-in.” This global commerce WordPress plug-in allows bloggers to directly sell goods and services from the blog versus selling on eBay, letgocom, offerup.com, or upsell.com. This is a great WordPress plug-in for side hustlers looking to minimize spending on selling products and services or on buying and selling websites because with this WP plug-in, bloggers can create specific product pages targeting certain products and services with specific keywords and keyword search phrases.

    The WordPress plug-in also has tons of unique features, ranging from automated tax calculations, built-in Google analytics, key metrics, the ability to accept secure credit card payments directly through the blog, product, cart, and checkout pages (customizable), along with an array of other customizable features “too many more to mention.” Overall, you need this WordPress plug-in on your blog if you’re one of those people that like to bounce from thrift store to thrift store buying and selling things and posting online for sale as a “thrift store resale side hustler.” the aforementioned features were borrowed - mentioned from the product description listed on the WooCommernce WordPress.org product description page.

    Check back regularly for more WordPress plug-ins to help bloggers in transition to “side hustle millionaire” status.