Key points:
- Affiliate marketing is here to stay until the end of time; it gives people from all walks of life the ability to start from scratch with a self hosted WordPress blog, partner with online advertisers, and earned a affiliate commissions through the process known as "content marketing."
- Blogging with WordPress on a topic you're passionate about using a paid dedicated server posting blogs consistently for 2 to 3 years five days a week potentially earns passive income seven days a week 24 hours a day.
- Content is and always will be the life and blood of the Internet. Search engines earn billions of dollars off of indexing fresh content in unpaid search engine results pages and selling advertisements against newly indexed search engine listings. As you create more quality content for your blog, you benefit from increased traffic from being indexed in search engine listings, resulting in the increased probability of earning more ad revenue from your blog by partnering with online advertisers.

Don’t fret if you didn’t achieve your search engine marketing goals last year with your hopes of turning blogging into a full-time remote work-based career. The beauty of blogging besides knowing it’s a freelance task is that you can begin again with the WordPress blogging goals and shift focus mentally in becoming more determined than ever to make your blogging career work for you. Fact is, blogging and making money online is here to stay until the end of time. And if you don’t already have a dedicated web hosting plan and blogging on your own self hosted WordPress blogging installation, visit the web hosting advertisement located in this post for more information one getting started with your own self hosted WordPress blog. Blogging with your own self hosted WordPress installation is a must as an unwritten rule if you’re serious about making money online full-time and transitioning from employee to full-time online entrepreneur. And with the right WordPress plug-ins, you can potentially get better search engine rankings and increase probability of yielding more ad revenue from ads on your blog, resulting in potentially making money online 24 hours a day. But it starts with you, dedication, creating quality content, and sticking to the script of having the right WordPress blogging plug-ins and never giving up in your content marketing process to make this work for you.
If you’re new to WordPress blogging and curious what plug-ins will be beneficial to your self hosted WordPress blog in helping you get more search engine traffic, shares from blog readers to social networks resulting in free advertising for your blog, and WordPress plug-ins that’ll potentially help you earn more affiliate ad revenue, consider these 10 WordPress plug-ins to install now in 2022:
Gutenberg Content Slider Block: The Content slider block by Guttenberg is a good thing to have showcased on the homepage of your self hosted WordPress blog. You want to have the Gutenberg content slider block installed as an active WordPress blog plug-in to make it look aesthetically pleasing to blog readers, but the content slider block will potentially help revive archived WordPress blog posts from yesteryear. You never know what people might read that you published two, three, four or even five years ago. Having the content slider block will potentially help boost site retention time, potentially lower your WordPress blogging bounce rate, and quietly encourage people to share your old blog posts they found useful on,,,,,, and The result of having the Gutenberg WordPress plug-in installed goes beyond the benefits of looking good to blog readers at the moment. The content slider block will potentially help boost your blog search engine rankings for years to come, resulting in the probability of increased affiliate advertising revenue, potentially putting you in the driver's seat to benefit from passive income earned from your blog 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
JetPack for WP Security - Instant Database Backups: You don’t want to be without this WordPress plug-in as an aspiring blogger looking to make money online 24 hours a day from blogging about your favorite topics. Aspiring WordPress bloggers who have a mindset to be future side hustle millionaires from affiliate marketing and blogging will find this WordPress plug-in useful. Jetpack for Word press gives you a peace of mind knowing this WordPress plug-in provides the security and backup you need while you churn out informative content. If you’re serious about making money online from affiliate marketing and turning your blog into a million-dollar Internet-based business working from anywhere as a digital nomad, you need this WordPress plug-in on your dedicated server.not only does this WordPress plug-in known as Jetpack provide security and database backups, but the Jetpack for WordPress plug-in also scans your WordPress site for potential malware. You don’t want to create content and work hard in your craft to find out someone is secretly hacking into your WordPress installation. Jet pack gives you a piece of mine ensuring WordPress security with frequent WordPress blog plug-in updates. Moreover, WordPress jetpack plugins provide additional comfort in working like a kismet to block automated spam comments. Comment spam continues to be an ongoing issue secretly fought by honest WordPress bloggers who don’t want automated comment spam bloggers to benefit from black hat search engine rankings by leaving WordPress automated comment spam. Lastly, this plug-in potentially works as a content delivery network to help optimize your WordPress blog images for potential bettors search engine rankings-SEO, by partnering with Google AMP. After you install this plug-in and benefit from your WordPress blog improving with affiliate ad revenue and potential better rankings in unpaid search engine results pages, you will have a piece of mind knowing you can focus full-time on creating quality content to keep your readers empowered with useful information.
Yoast SEO for WordPress: The Yoast SEO WordPress plugin was previously discussed on this site for its beneficial impact on self hosted WordPress blogs. This is a plug-in dedicated bloggers don’t want to ignore and want to use for improving natural search rankings. The beauty of having the SEO Yoast WordPress plug-in installed is not worrying about having previous search engine optimization knowledge, in terms of how to configure the Yoast plug-in. WordPress blogging beginners and intermediates can have the peace of mind knowing all they have to do is install the WP plug-in and activate it, as it works simply right out of the box. This plug-in not only helps with improving organic search engine optimization in helping to rank better in search engine results pages in,, and, but it also helps better configure your canonical URL blogging structure, and meta tags. The plug-in helps search engines better understand the nature of your blog posts and this plug-in may potentially help your WordPress installation load faster, resulting in a better overall search engine traffic rank due to search engine crawlers noticing your WordPress blog speedily loads faster then your blogging competitors. While achieving good SEO takes time by creating quality content and staying consistent in your content marketing efforts for years to come, Yoast SEO for WordPress blogs is a WP plug-in you must install now to rank better in 2022 and for years to come. That is, if you plan on being a near future million-dollar blogger and building other million-dollar businesses in the future through blogging.
WP Content Pilot: Affiliate marketers who use WordPress as a means of aggregating their affiliate content on autopilot will find this WordPress plug-in useful in increasing their affiliate commission income potential. It’s an auto blogging affiliate solution for bloggers looking to aggregate content from top paying affiliated merchants. Of course, it’s a good idea to add natural content to any automated affiliate content in order to avoid the duplicate content penalty by search engines when search engine spiders crawl your content before indexing in the search engine results pages “SERPs.” Additionally, the WordPress content pilot plug-in automatically adds your affiliate link to the automatically generated affiliated content before posting on autopilot as a blog post. While this plug-in also comes with a built in “content spinner,” it’s a good idea to use a speech recognition program to naturally create content for people to read and feel empowered from. Some WordPress bloggers allegedly use content spinning programs just to rank better in search engines without providing meaningful content. With this plug-in, you can easily add RSS feeds with your affiliate link from affiliated merchants. The beauty of doing this is never having to worry about manually going to an affiliated merchant-advertisers site to grab new affiliate content to post to your blog. As he can’t be stressed enough, it’s always a wise idea to take time and naturally add content of your own words and thoughts and research to affiliate content and affiliate links before posting to your blog in order to avoid the duplicate content penalty. If you use this WordPress automated content pilot plug-in responsibly, you put yourself in the prominent position to potentially earn passive income, possibly 24 hours a day seven days a week. This content pilot automated blogging plug-in is not to be ignored in your affiliate marketing online business building efforts.
Keywords to Links Converter for WordPress: This keyword linking plug-in for WordPress is something you don’t want to ignore. This WordPress keyword linking tool is a priceless asset for your blogging and Internet marketing career. The linking tool can be used for affiliate marketing and search engine optimization purposes simultaneously. The keyword linking tool can help target specific words in all or any of your published blogs and link them to past posts, helping further improve your SEO (search engine optimization) content marketing efforts. The keyword linking tool can also be used potentially to help transform words into clickable affiliate links that open in a new browser window. It’s a good idea to employ keyword research to see what specific keywords and search term phrases are highly searched in Google and YaHoO! To increase the chances of people reading your blogs clicking on words and phrases to increase your chances of making affiliate sales from link words and phrases. In addition to this plugin having the do-follow and no-follow SEO option to choose of your freewill, adding an affiliate link to set to no follow for SEO purposes may potentially help contribute to preserving your page rank and overall search engine traffic rank.this keyword linking tool auto shortens your links. This is good for “affiliate link cloaking” purposes, when blog readers hover over a hyperlink word or phrase and see a shortened URL. You can use this auto keyword linking tool not just to promote affiliate links and improve your search engine optimization in longevity, but also hyperlink YouTube videos or your YouTube channel to encourage increased YouTube subscriber count and views to specific YouTube videos.
NextScripts for WordPress: This is the ideal plug-in for dedicated bloggers looking to tap into Russian markets. It’s also a useful WordPress plug-in for bloggers not just to tap into the Russian social marketing potential and turning Russian people into repeat blog readers and potential Russian customers, but this plug-in may also be useful for helping you to rank in the Russian search engine known as Yandex is Russia’s leading search engine platform along with the Russian social networking site “Russian version of Facebook.” This WordPress plug-in will automatically publish new WordPress blogs to your VK Russian profile without you manually logging into publish new blogs. The result of consistently publishing new blogs on autopilot to VK is building consistency and earning new targeted Russian eyeballs to your blog content, turning Russian blog readers into repeat online customers. This WordPress plug-in can be configured to auto publish to other networks, such as, Twitter,,, Facebook,,,, and more. It can be configured to publish content to ”Google my business listings,” tapping into targeted traffic potential to turn those who search in “Google my business” to find your blog. Also bear in mind that while this plug-in allows you to post to many social networks at once, you want to be mindful not to share the same title to every social network. Why? For fear of the “duplicate content penalty,” potentially being listed as “duplicate content,” by having the same title of your blog posts published to multiple social networks, potentially resulting in decreased search engine rankings. It’s a good idea to be responsible with this plug-in and only share to a few social networks. If you plan on posting to, be mindful to write a natural title and description for your Pinterest pins for SEO purposes.
GiveWP: A Unique WordPress Plugin for Accepting Donations: It’s an unspoken fact that dedicated blogging and doing what you do as an aspiring blogger from the heart will naturally yield you passive income in due time. But it’s up to you to make the faithful shift and get started blogging now. While you create quality content for your blog and work hard at attracting targeted blog readers in hopes of turning your blog readers into repeat customers that converts to unlimited streams of passive income, you also want to open yourself up as an aspiring and dedicated WordPress blogger to the potential of accepting donations to your blog on the fly. The GiveWP donation plug-in opens you to that possibility. While it’s a beautiful thing to earn passive income from your blog through affiliate marketing, contextual advertising income from Google AdSense, and hyperlinked text ad revenue from keywords linked to affiliated advertisers, this WordPress donation plug-in will allow you to put your blog front and center in accepting donations 24 hours a day seven days a week from complete strangers. The Give WP Donations WordPress plugin allows you to create customized donation forms, accurately track donation reporting,accept PayPal and credit cards according to the image feature description,and possibly more. You can configure this plug-in to encourage people to donate to your blog as a means of helping you keep your rent and utility bills paid, or just to buy you a virtual cup of coffee. This WordPress donation plug-in can also be used to collect donations to donate to your favorite charities, with the ability to generate tax deductible receipts “according to the description on”
Feeds for YouTube: It’s every WordPress blogger and YouTuber’s dream to naturally increase their YouTube subscriber count without doing extra work. WordPress bloggers who use this valuable YouTube WordPress plug-in increase the probability of using their self hosted WordPress blog to not only have more content published in a blog post, but also using the automated YouTube feed WordPress plug-in to potentially increase their YouTube subscriber count. This WordPress plug-in will potentially pull YouTube video content possibly into a draft WordPress blog post. While YouTube feeds are potentially pulled into draft posts, be mindful that you need to add extra content naturally of your own writing to appear natural to search engine crawlers. The purpose of natural writing is not only to appear natural to search engine crawlers, but also benefit your WordPress blog’s natural search engine rankings. And using your search engine rankings to benefit your blog and YouTube subscriber count simultaneously. Creative use of this feed for your WordPress plug-in can subliminally encourage your blog readers to share your blog posts on their favorite social networks, putting your blog posts front and center before their coworkers, friends and family in giving your blog free advertising. When your blog gets free advertising subliminally by your blog readers sharing your posts with YouTube videos in it on their favorite social networks, free advertising potentially results in steady streams of passive income from affiliate advertisements and Google AdSense on your block. This is why it’s important to incorporate video with text content whenever you draft and publish a blog post. It’s one thing to include an image with a blog post. But to add video with a blog post is way more powerful. Something for you to truly think about as an aspiring WordPress blogger.
Essential Real Estate: Real estate agents looking to branch off from working for a real estate agency and start their own real estate business will find this WordPress plug-in priceless. Having the right WordPress plug-ins installed on your dedicated server will not only help you benefit from increased search engine traffic, but also benefiting from others posting content by updating their real estate agent listings in your WordPress real estate directory. This beautiful plug-in known as “the central real estate” gives WordPress bloggers immediate ability to post virtual real estate property listings to current and aspiring real estate agents. You have the ability with this WordPress plug-in to control what real estate agents post content to your “WordPress-based real estate directory.” with this “real estate WordPress plug-in,” you also have the ability to control management invoices, property comparisons, the ability to do a 360 virtual reality tour, send private notes, and more. Having the ability to control the “real estate paper listing” feature enables you, the real estate based WordPress blogger and real estate directory listing owner, to create and sustain a steady stream of passive income outside Google AdSense and affiliate ad revenues. This WordPress plug-in can be used on a subdomain if you’re already blogging about real estate on your main WordPress block. Not only will this real estate directory enable you to create a standalone secondary stream of passive income, but having real estate agents who are paying members post content and edit content in the real estate directory will help keep search engines on your blog longer, thus resulting in improved SEO for your blog in overall due to paid real estate agent members consistently posting and editing content in the real estate directory. While this is the free version of the essential real estate WordPress plug-in, the paid version potentially has more features.
Classified ads & Business Directory: Adding a general business directory or niche-based directory to your WordPress blog is beneficial for improving your online income potential as a blogger in transition from part-time to full-time remote work status. Businesses of all sizes potentially use classified listings online to improve their visibility in search engine results pages, without completely resorting to paid online advertising. Classified listings allows you to have complete control over pricing of directory listings for earning passive income potentially 24 hours a day seven days a week. Not only can you charge any price desired for a monthly or annual classified listing, which you may potentially have the ability with this classified ad and business directory WordPress plug-in to place ads automatically in every classified listing someone makes in your directory. While earning membership fees potentially charged on autopilot monthly or annually, you potentially get to enjoy a passive income from automatic AdSense and affiliate adverts appearing on listings “as previously mentioned.” This puts you front and center in making money online virtually hand over fist in due time. You can use the classified listings plug-in for WordPress not only to create a successful classified ad directory, but you can advertise it for free by including the link in the video description of every YouTube video you upload to your YouTube channel. Having a WordPress blog and a creative mindset and committed two content marketing opens YouTube infinite financial possibilities on the World Wide Web using WordPress for business.
‘Looking to the Future by Staying Focused’
Blogging is here to stay. The reason why most aspiring bloggers looking to transition into making money online full-time fail to get started besides financial reasons is because they’re worried about [how others will view them]. When you’re starting out with blogging using a self hosted WordPress on a paid server, don’t worry about “what people think.” In other words, just get started creating content.
Over the course of time, your mind will slowly but surely adjust to writing and publishing blogs. While you get consistent in your blogging efforts over months and years, you’ll benefit from increased free traffic from search engines and social networks, slowly but surely trickling in ad revenue from your blog from Adsense and affiliate marketing. If you stay consistent for at least 2 to 3 years publishing content to your blog for five days a week, you’ll be in the driver's seat to potentially make money online 24 hours a day seven days a week, with the ability to add additional things to your WordPress blog to expand your online business in making more money and creating less content of your own.
You can make more or less with a business depending on your mindset, creativity, content marketing efforts, etc. Even if you have a blog now that’s generating little to no traffic and you’re looking to get back on track with your content marketing efforts, feel free to bookmark this page to your favorite Internet browser for future reference and inspiration. Share this content with others.