WordPress Plugins: Take a Closer Look at These WP Plugins in March 2022

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    WordPress Plugins: Take a Closer Look at These WP Plugins in March 2022

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    Key Points:
    • A creative and “peculiar” mindset will help you get further in the uncertain game called life by starting your own online business.
    • Blogging is the way to truly liberate yourself from traditional employment and benefit from steady healthy streams of [passive income], by partnering with affiliate ad networks and contextual advertising services.
    • Search engines love blogs.
    • If you’re passionate about what you do as an aspiring blogger and keep going as a labor of love, sooner or later, you’ll earn more than enough to pay off personal debt and “quit your day job.” But getting rich online is not an overnight process, nor a Bernard made off Ponzi scheme.

    WordPress plug-ins to install in 2022 to help your blog load faster and make more money from affiliate marketing

    Fast Fact: Having the right WordPress plug-ins will help you rank better in search engines, increase affiliate income, and liberate your mind in becoming less dependent on your employer. Building a blog that makes money online 24 hours a day seven days a week is challenging in the infancy of your online marketing career. If you believe in yourself in striving for excellence to get organized across the board and make this work for you, it’ll work better beyond your imagination.

    To search manually and download the following WordPress plug-ins, go to WordPress.org/plugins. Copy and paste the WordPress plug-in names below and paste it into the form field on the WordPress.org site. Hit enter on your computer keyboard and it’ll direct you directly to the plug-in to manually download before transferring through an FTP server remote program. If you decide to use your WP dashboard, you can access the WordPress plug-in through your plug-ins tab by searching in the search box within the administrative section of your blog.

    10 WordPress plug-ins to help you increase your online profit potential:

    Internal Link Juicer: SEO Auto Linker for WordPress: Linking words, phrases, and partial sentences is a good idea to do to boost your WordPress SEO. In case you don’t know what SEO is, it’s the shortened version of “search engine optimization.” The beauty of editing this WordPress plug-in to your WP plug-ins directory is that when you activate this plug-in and put it to good use in linking specific words, not only does it improve your search engine optimization potential, but you can also improve your site bounce rate, improve your global search engine rankings, your United States search engine rankings, as well as potentially link affiliate links to specific words to increase probability of improving your affiliate commission potential from readers clicking with in the body of your blog post content.With this plug-in, they give you the option to pick any word or phrase you’d like to link to. What does this mean for you? Every time you write a new blog post and publish, the plug-in automatically links every word not just within that specific blog post, but every previous blog post dating back to blog post number one. Searching for this plug-in in the WordPress plug-in directory is simple. Simply copy and paste the term above in bold, paste it into the WordPress.org/plugins search form box, and the plug-in would show up in the plug-in search results. Once you’ve identified it, you can simply download the WordPress plug-in and manually install it into your WP content directory on your private server. If your WordPress installation allows you to search WordPress plug-ins and internally install from your WP dashboard, you can perform the same action by copying and pasting the term above in bold ink. While this is a free WordPress plug-in, there’s also a paid version with more features for internal linking. The free WordPress plug-in is just as effective as the paid one.

    Wordfence Security – Firewall & Malware Scan: Protecting your WordPress self hosted installation is something you definitely want to do as an aspiring side hustle WordPress blogger. Especially when you have a mind to turn WordPress blog into a full-time online business that potentially generates passive income from affiliate links and Google AdSense on your blog making money possibly 24 hours a day seven days a week. This WordPress plug-in will install a firewall against hacking and malware. This WordPress plug-in will automatically scan your installation and server for any kind of incoming threats and neutralize them before it penetrates your WordPress blog and Web server. The WordFence security WP plug-in comes with an IP block list which gives you the ability to view front and center anytime of the day. The plug-in checks core files, repairs files by overriding them when necessary, and deletes files that don’t belong in your WordPress directory. The free version of this WP plug-in is just as effective as the paid one. The free WP plug-in version also comes with login page captcha, two factor authentication, and blocks logins who use previously compromised passwords. This is a WordPress plug-in you definitely want installed in your WP-content folder because with your hard work in producing original content for your blog in hopes of being a future online blogging millionaire, you don’t want anyone from anywhere across the internet to hack your blog and steal your content. And any other sensitive data you have installed on your server. The free version is a sure shot in keeping you protected against attacks and other unknown threats. Lastly, the WordFence free version plug-in for WordPress will email you after you input your e-mail address about any potential threats or changes that have been made within your WP installation if anything strange happens. Be mindful immediately after installing this WordPress plug-in to input your email address and check off the necessary boxes for the plug-in to automatically email you with any updates pertaining to your blog.

    Forms for Mailchimp by Optin Cat – Grow Your MailChimp List: When you consistently write and publish blog content, your goal is not just to get target readers consistently reading your content. Your ultimate goal is to keep those readers coming back by updating them automatically of new blog posts published through push notifications and e-mail newsletter updates. MailChimp.com WordPress plug-in allows you to have secure forms for your blog readers to input sensitive information for the purpose of growing your mailchimp list. With the MailChimp plug-in for WordPress, it allows you to build beautiful forms that’ll attract the eye, while quietly enticing readers to input their e-mail address to stay abreast of your blog updates. This is a WordPress plug-in you definitely don’t want to overlook, especially if you plan on taking your blog to the public ninth step with blogging plus including YouTube videos in your blog posts from your YouTube channel as a means of growing your YouTube subscriber base through your blogs. The plug-in allows you to format it to the point whereas MailChimp forms can be in the form of sidebar widgets,or “lightbox pop-ups,” according to part of the description on WordPress.org discussing the MailChimp plug-in. Once you start capturing email addresses without asking your readers to leave their e-mail addresses behind so you can keep them abreast of your blog post updates, you can do more than just use the automated plug-in to update them about new blog posts. You can compose email newsletters not just reminding them of new content published to your blog, but compose automated emails to be sent out to permission-based email subscribers that include “affiliate links.” When you include [affiliate links] in the body of your newsletters that automatically get sent out to your permission-based blog email subscribers, not only do you entice them to come back and preview new blog post published you WordPress blog, but you also increase the probability of earning increased “affiliate commissions.” Now do you understand the importance of email marketing?

    WP Content Pilot – Autoblog & Affiliate Marketing Plugin: This is an excellent affiliate marketing plug-in for WordPress bloggers looking to keep their content consistently fresh and updated with relevant affiliate offers. This plug-in works well for WordPress bloggers who create their own original content, in addition to blogging affiliate data feed content. If you blog affiliate content from an RSS data feed, you also want to be mindful that the content is originally created just to post to your WordPress blog if you run in a digitally at data feed through this WP plug-in. With the WP content pilot WordPress plug-in, it allows your blog to post blogs automatically even while you’re sleeping. The end result? Increased affiliate passive income potential. More coupon downloads. More product sales. Potentially more AdSense income. The possibilities using this plug-in for your self hosted WordPress blog are endless. The affiliate marketing industry is here to stay. And so is content marketing. Setting yourself up to make money online through blogging with your WordPress installation is the simplest way to make the successful transition from employee to entrepreneur with WordPress blogging. And using this automated WP blogging plug-in. Another great thing to know about using this auto blogging plug-in is that when you post blogs automatically while unattended from the computer and the content is original from the data feed in which the content is pulled from, using this plug-in can potentially boost your natural search engine rankings. And, having your affiliate data feed content indexed in Bing.com, DuckDuckGo.com, Google.com and YaHoO.com using this WP plug-in can and will increase your passive income potential. You also have the ability to automate content posting to your blog based on specific keywords, and other specific affiliate links automatically inserted. Earning affiliate income from WordPress blogging and running PPC “pay per click” advertising campaigns is today’s new norm for creating secondary streams of passive income through affiliate marketing.

    RSS for Yandex Turbo: Despite the fact that Russia is invading Ukraine right now and many don’t want anything to do with Russia or Russians in general, if you desire for your content to be seen on a global level, adding this WordPress plug-in to your WP-content plug-ins directory may be good. Yandex.com is a Russian search engine and the Russian version of Google.com. Yandex, just like Bing.com, DuckDuckGo.com, Neeva.com, Lycos.com, Excite.com, and Dogpile.com. Auto submission of your blogs RSS feed to this search engine is good for automated indexing of your new blog content. Once the RSS for Yandex WordPress plugin is installed, it’ll automatically create the main RSS feed for your blog, in addition to RSS feeds for different categories on your blog. For example, if you have a weight loss blog and your subcategories is treadmill cardio, juicing vegetables, weight loss meal plans, intermittent fasting for long term weight loss, supplements for losing weight, how to lose weight in preparation for running 26.2 mile marathons, and best places online to order “discount weight loss meal plans,” the Yandex turbo RSS plug-in will automatically create RSS feeds for those weight loss categories. If your blog is monetized with affiliate ad networks and contextual advertising and don’t mind your blog posts being seen in Russian search markets through exposure in organic, unpaid Russian search engine results pages and showcasing your writing to Russian readers, this WordPress plug-in may be ideal for you. This WP plug-in will definitely expose your content to the Russian audience, increasing your probability of earning affiliate commissions without stepping 1 foot in Russia. How beautiful would it feel to make money online from the Russian people by doing what you do working from home and not traveling or selling direct face-to-face? If interested in using this WordPress plug-in for your blog, simply copy and paste the old text above and paste it into WordPress.org/plug-ins.

    Yoast SEO: Previous posts on this website in the WordPress plug-ins category often discussed the importance of having this WP plug-in installed in your plug-ins directory. The Yoast SEO WordPress plug-in works automatically out-of-the-box. Amateur bloggers can have a peace of mind knowing all we have to do is just install this plug-in, activate, and do nothing else. In other words, Yoast SEO for WordPress works automatically out the box for dummies. Even if you consider yourself a beginner dummy blogger knowing nothing about content marketing, blogging, affiliate marketing or making money from side hustles, that’s absolutely fine. Just install this plug-in and continue writing your blogs. The beauty of this WordPress plug-in is it automatically optimizes your blog for better rankings in Google. Not just in Google, but the major search engines. After all, you want your writing to be seen across the Internet, right? Sure you do. Installing this plug-in will help you garner more attention from people searching for things in organic, unpaid search engine results pages. One of the beneficial results of having this plug- in installed is if your blog is properly monetized and your writing longform content, chances are you’ll benefit from increased search engine traffic, resulting in the probability of earning more affiliate commissions and contextual advertising revenue. In other words, you’ll be one step ahead of your niche blogging competition with this plug-in. While this is a free version that you’re able to download and install, it’s highly recommended to get the paid version to unlock more features of the SEO Yoast for WordPress plug-in. The free one is just as effective if you decide to stay with Yoast SEO free WordPress plug-in for now until you have a better understanding how the Yoast WP plug-in works. As long as you're constantly writing for your blog and have this plug-in working for you, you can look forward to benefiting from increased affiliate income, for years to come.

    WP Job Manager By Automattic: This WordPress blog will certainly “by far” help many WordPress bloggers increase their contextual advertising revenue and affiliate sale income potential. How many job sites right now are competing for new job seeker registered users, and employers willing to pay big dollars to advertise on their job boards? Many. That being said, while you’re striving for excellence to increase the content output for your WordPress blog, adding this plug-in to your existing WordPress installation will help increase the natural content output of your domain name and blog overall. The WP job manager plug-in by Automattic is a WordPress plug-in written directly by the company. The purpose of the plug-in is to add a job board to your blog. The beauty of doing that is having the ability to control the content, create new “passive income streams,” add any type of advertisements you want seen in job listings employers post, and the ability to charge employers any price your heart desires. Even if you choose in the beginning after launching your job board to entice employers to start posting content by offering free service, you’ll still profit from the ads automatically appearing in job postings employers post to your WP job board. While employers continue posting their job opportunities to your WordPress job board, their content is adding to the rich content of your blog. The result of that is naturally improving search engine rankings across the board in all major search engines. Having this WordPress plug-in installed gives you a peace of mind knowing that you don’t have to sit at the computer dredging all day creating content, staring at a computer screen and straining your eyeballs. If your entertaining the thought of adding this WP plug-in and using the job board as a means of attracting employers to post content, just know that when others post content to your blog using their energy, not only is it considered a form of free advertising because that content was created of yourself, but employers are likely to share the job postings they just posted on your job board by sharing on their Facebook.com, Twitter.com, LinkedIn.com, ReddIt.com, Pinterest.com boards, Mix.com, DIGG.com, Flipboard.com, Slack.com, Foursquare.com, and other networks. Because of their energy giving you content and sharing that content which you never asked them to do, that’ll automatically bring you increased affiliate income and improved search engine rankings potentially on a daily basis.

    SchedulePress – Best Editorial Calendar, Missed Schedule & Auto Social Share to Facebook, Twitter: This WordPress plug-in is an absolute treat to dedicated bloggers looking to increase their affiliate income and not sit at the computer day in and day out writing content. The good thing to know about this content scheduling plug-in is it allows WordPress bloggers to create and draft posts days in advance and auto publish to their blogs unattended from the computer. If you don’t mind writing longform content days in advance and scheduling to post automatically on certain days and times throughout the week as a means of keeping your blog content fresh, this content scheduling plug-in will be ideal for you to achieve your search engine marketing and social media content marketing goals. With this WordPress plug-in, you can schedule days, times, or even schedule an auto post at the end of the year, 9 to 10 months ahead of time. Long gone are the days of you being required as a dedicated WordPress blogger to sit at the computer every day and create content by straining your eyeballs and looking at the computer screen. The SchedulePress WordPress plug-in not just allows you to schedule content to be published any time you want, but it also has another feature you’ll find quite useful. Once this automated plug-in auto posts content to your blog, it automatically bookmarks potentially up to three social networks free of charge. This plug-in will automatically post to Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Bear in mind that “Pinterest is not a social network.” Pinterest is a search engine like Google and YaHoO!. This WordPress plug-in can be configured for your blog posts to be automatically posted to any pain board on Pinterest. This plug-in increases the probability of getting more traffic from social networks, as well as the image based search engine Pinterest. Be mindful of how many networks you have your content auto shared on to avoid the duplicate content penalty.

    LiteSpeed Cache: LiteSpeed Cache is a WordPress plug-in that helps speed up the loading time of your WP installation and assist in boosting your search engine optimization. Improving SEO Long term should be your goal as an aspiring WordPress blogger looking to turn the WordPress blog into a million-dollar one-person business. When search engines quietly notice that your blog is loading fast and you have the right paid Web server serving content to your readers from your WordPress blog, your blog will automatically benefit from improved search engine optimization with this plug-in. As a result of your blog loading fast, search engines give you more traffic resulting in the probability of benefiting from increased affiliate advertising income. This is why it’s important to have the right WordPress plug-ins installed on your server to ensure the best performance for your blog. Just like Yoast SEO for WordPress, this plug-in works automatically out-of-the-box without any previous knowledge. Simply install this WordPress plug-in to your WP-content plug-ins directory, activate, and start working without doing anything else. This is the free version and very effective. Unless you know what you’re doing as an experienced WordPress blogger, don’t mess with any of the settings. It’s recommended to view the documentation in advance prior to adjusting anything for the LiteSpeed Cache WordPress plug-in. LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress not only helps your blog load faster, but also optimizes images, and provides database cleaning and optimization support. This is a WordPress plug-in you don’t want to overlook. Especially if you’re looking to increase traffic from search engines and noticing your progress in benefiting from more traffic using Google Webmaster tools.

    Business Directory Plugin – Easy Listing Directories for WordPress: This WordPress plug-in harmonizes with the job listings WP plug-in. Basically, this business directory WordPress plug-in will allow you to open up your blog to businesses of all sizes adding their listings to your WP installation. As with the job postings WP plug-in, this plug-in will also add another stream of passive income revenue to your blog without lifting an extra finger to create content. Activating this plug-in and opening up your blog to allow others to post their business listings, you can charge a subscription fee as you please. Moreover, you have 100% administrative functionality over the look and feel of this WordPress business directory plug-in. Not only can you charge a subscription fee to others to post their business listings, but you can also integrate advertising automatically to every business directory listing. You can control which affiliate advertisements and contextual display banner ads show up. This means you can add AdSense by Google, additionally to affiliate advertisements from affiliate ad networks to specific categories of this WP business directory plug-in. Having this plug-in will automatically allow you to not only create an ongoing healthy stream of passive income, but it will likely 95% help you to make money online while you are sleeping. If you have a small company of five to 10 people managing the content of your WordPress blog such as managing the job postings, business directory listings, and be production of content on your blog, it’ll give you a peace of mind knowing that you don’t have to do everything at once such as managing WordPress job postings, annual WordPress business directory listings by yourself. If you’re serious about becoming a near future online millionaire and making money online while unattended from the computer out and about doing other things with your day, this WordPress plug-in will give you a peace of mind knowing your increasing your passive income potential to benefit from contextual display advertising revenues and affiliate commissions. And lastly, you can also charge billion-dollar companies by “ad impressions,” by selling “advertising space” within your business directory. This is another source of earning “huge passive income,” outside of earning affiliate commissions and contextual advertising revenue fr om AdSense. Something to truly think about.