#BlogHer Helps Female Bloggers Diversify Online Income

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  • Contributing Editor
    • May 2014
    • 2711

    #BlogHer Helps Female Bloggers Diversify Online Income

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    Blogging is big business if you don't already know. People like blogging mastermind john Chow have been blogging since the internet dark ages before affiliate marketing and search engines like Google and YaHoO! Came into existence. Back in the internet dark ages, the dark web was a black background with green letters; the web was originally intended back then only for the U.S. government to exchange information on what was known then as intranet. Today is a different story. Despite enormous changes and living in the age of information technology, blogging proves itself to be a stable means of a person's voice being heard and a stable means of earning income from ads on a blog. CNN did a very nice story about blogging and how it can potentially be a decent six figure salary for anyone that puts their mind to succeeding as a part time or full time blogger. Today, female bloggers earn just as much money as men do, if more.

    Related: CNN discussion on bloggers earning six figure salaries

    Moira Forbes discusses business blogging for profit. She interviews Lisa Stone, CEO of BlogHer.com. Blog Her is an affiliate network designed specifically to help female bloggers put forth their best foot in unleashing their blogging potential and improving their blog income. In the interview, Stone mentions women are consistently socializing and sharing the information they retrieve. This is very true because when most women know something, don't they share what they know? When females share what they know in a blog post and combine image and or video with their blogs, they tend to win deeper reader engagement from their target audience. Result? More shares on social networks like Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Shares equal backlinks. Shares equal free advertising from readers. Shares equal earned media. Shares equal long term blog ad profits. This is why female bloggers are more likely in todays age of information sharing to earn more as a mommy blogger or on the go blogger vs. men. Either way you look at blogging, it's good money.

    Stone mentions in the Forbes interviews that most females have a trust issue with bankers, corporations, doctors, politicians, and possibly lawyers. Being that most women don't trust the aforementioned, this is a grand opportunity for aspiring female bloggers to get started and acquire a domain name, paid web hosting, and get moving with part-time or full-time blogging. Letting your voice be heard online in a blog is equal to being seen and heard as if the woman was the president of the United States of America. Blogging is a powerful form of web media and amplifies a voice beyond the norm. But you also must watch what you publish to your blog because you can't just say anything that comes to mind.

    Related: Female bloggers who earn a full-time blogging income - HuffingtonPost.com

    Females joining Blog Her open themselves to an array of benefits. They're able to promote their blogs and reach an untapped audience of readers, enticing readers to leave blog comments on published posts. New blog comments left daily boost long term search engine optimization, because those comments are noticed and indexed by Bing, Google, and YaHoO!, adding to the overall rich content of the blog. This means more content for the blog and improved ad earning potential. As a member of the Blog her community, you can create a profile and upload a photo. Doing so lets everyone know who you are and opens you up to opportunities to build meaningful online relationships. They even have a section where they directly answer the question of how does a female blogger increase visibility of their blog. Be sure to add a link in your Blog her profile to your blogs URL address. This will count as a natural backlink by search engines back to your blog domain name and may help increase your online trust-reputation. They even have a section where they show you how to make money on BlogHer.com. They even address making money from blogs with affiliate links.

    Links: Blog her influencer network
    Earning money with affiliate links in blog posts
    Increasing blog visibility on the Blog her network

    The internet is here to stay. Still haven't created an online presence yet? What are you waiting for? Did you have a baby? Do you have five, six, or maybe seven kids and looking to create an additional stream of income while turning blogging into a passionate and fun business as a mommy blogger? Get on board now and get your domain name, dedicated web hosting or cloud dedicated hosting, and start blogging with no delay. The longer you wait the longer you leave money on the table as bills pile up overnight. The choice is yours.