#OnlineRealEstate: 3 Quick Reasons Why You Need a #DomainName Now

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  • Contributing Editor
    • May 2014
    • 2711

    #OnlineRealEstate: 3 Quick Reasons Why You Need a #DomainName Now

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    #Own a #domainame for a #professional #image, #earn #respect from your #onlinecustomers & #site #readers, #build #clientele, and #win #repeat #business as a #sidehustlemillionaire in the making. #domainnames give you the #right #exposure & lets #people know where your #internet #realestate #address is

    It's easy for people to forget your blog or website if you don't have an official domain name. What is a domain name? Basically, it's a URL address that shows in a Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer, for Mozilla Firefox Internet web browser that lets people know where your site is officially located. There's no way in today's world you could operate a million-dollar online business operating on a free platform such as blogger by Google or the free version of Wordpress. Even free hosting platforms have some type of alleged pimp hidden gimmick. You need a domain name to stand out from the online entrepreneur wannabes.

    3 hardcore reasons why you need a domain name for your business:

    Your intention is to be a full-time online entrepreneur and side hustle millionaire. A domain name is the ideal way to start and worth spending the money up front as an annual domain name fee. In this case, it takes money to make money because you definitely want people to know who you are and exactly where to find you on the internet. You can't run a billboard advertisement on I-95 or some other interstate highway with a long address pointing to a free website or blogging platform. There's no way people will take you seriously.

    Your domain name is your professional presence online and web real estate address. When people come to your place of business online, you want them to see you mean business. When you have a professional domain name and self-hosted WordPress blog or self hosted website, not only do people know you mean business, but they'll also respect your online presence because of your domain name and website or blog and come back to give you repeat business in the future. This is why it's important for you to take the first initial action step and purchase a domain name. Domain names can run from anywhere from $0.99 as an initial upfront first-year fee, up to $20 or a little more than $20 annually. Looking at the bigger picture as an entrepreneur and side hustle millionaire in the making, spending that kind of money as an annual fee on a professional domain name is pretty much a can of beans and a nickel in a bucket. domain name fees are virtually guaranteed to go up in the future so it's a good choice now to pick your domain name and make sure it's keyword related to the niche topic of your online business. Even if you don't plan to start your own online business right now and have an idea on what type of internet business you like to have in the future, you still need to take the first initial action step now by reserving your domain name and “reserve domain parking.”

    Related: Three ways to use a domain name for business today - SearchEngineLand.com

    Picking a good domain name that's keyword related to the niche topic of your business and including highly search keyword or keywords in your domain name address May potentially help you rank higher in search engines like Bing.com, Google.com and YaHoO.com. The good news about picking a keyword rich domain name is having the quiet advantage over your competitors in possibly ranking higher than your competition in natural search engine results pages. Ranking higher in the SERPs means more organic traffic that you don't have to shell out one dime in online advertising cost for. PPC ad networks are an ideal vehicle to employ to gain instant exposure and generate sales and recurring online income. However, a good domain name combined with a well SEO optimized blogger website, quality written content, consistent content marketing, and exponential sharing of new content published across multiple social networking platforms will give you the right type of targeted exposure to the targeted audience, improve your search engine rankings, help your domain get imprinted in people's minds to come back to your site in the future to give you more business, and give you online authority.

    Did you also know that as you renew your domain name annually and keep your domain name online longer, the better you possibly rank in search engine results pages? This is an ironclad fact because search engines also look at the age of domains as a quiet ranking factor in giving them additional Authority and exposure over new blogs and websites that have a newly launched the domain name. In other words, if you keep your domain name and site online for 10 years and regularly update your blog or website with fresh content, it's obvious you're going to rank better than someone who's just getting online with a blog or website in the same Niche topic as your site is about simply because of your domain name age and indexed pages in search engines. That's just a given. This is why you need to get started now, get organized with no delay, and Fork out the money to buy a domain name and if you do nothing with it, simply park it for a few years before coming up with an online business topic.

    The longer you put off starting your online business and buying a domain name, the longer you put off your success of making the successful transition from employee to entrepreneur, homeless to entrepreneur, living at home to Independent entrepreneur, and remain a dreamer. Which one are you? Do you dream about success or do you take risks in striving for excellence to achieve success? Which one is it going to be for you now? The red pill or the blue? the choice is yours.