#AffiliateMarketing & #Blogging: Better to #Blog on Free Platforms, Or Achieve #SideHustleMillionaire Status With a Self-Hosted #WordPress?

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  • Contributing Editor
    • May 2014
    • 2711

    #AffiliateMarketing & #Blogging: Better to #Blog on Free Platforms, Or Achieve #SideHustleMillionaire Status With a Self-Hosted #WordPress?

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    #WordPress is the best #blogging platform to use on a paid #cloudserver or #dedicatedserver for your #affiliatemarketing #onlinebusiness. If you use #blogger owned by #google, your #content can be #deleted for no reason. Use #paid #webhosting for your #onlinemarketing #business so you can #makemoneyonline #24hours a day as an #affiliatemarketer & #onlinemillionaire in the making.

    Truth: People need direction when making the transition from going from average day job or or unemployed to engaging full-time in affiliate marketing as a work from home or work from anywhere side hustle. Side hustles are today's new new of employment and job security because they provide freelance online marketer with the peace of mind knowing they can build their side hustle business in their spare time and build it up to a point of going from humble beginnings to achieving "side hustle millionaire" status. [Side hustle millionaire] status can be achieved through the side hustle known as "affiliate marketing and blogging."

    Affiliate marketing is a process of partnering with an online advertiser to place advertisements on a blog or website, or use affiliate links assigned to you as an affiliate for the means of using paid online advertising services to promote your affiliate links in efforts of generating affiliate commissions. In affiliate commission is earned when someone adheres to your advertisement and makes a purchase on the your unique affiliate link. You're credited with the purchase and commission when your affiliate link is recorded by the advertiser after the sale is made. This process known as affiliate marketing has helped many ambitious online entrepreneurs go from unemployed and broke two online millionaires in as little as 3 to 5 years. This line of work is not for everyone because it requires sheer 100% ambition and there's 0% pressure at all. Most people need positive pressure on them and someone to virtually stand over their shoulder to push them forward. Affiliate marketing is no pressure at all and you have to use the ambitious spirit in you to make this work. This is a total free will industry and has no guarantees of earning one red cent from promoting any affiliate program. If you feel you have the business muscle will also to make this work for you, by any and all means feel free to dabble with "affiliate marketing." The beauty of affiliate marketing is knowing that no previous employment experience is needed, nor employment resume, nor references, nor a background check. You can get started at any age and earn your first million dollars online based on your effort. Affiliate marketing is what you make of it.

    Question of the day from a Quora.com user:

    Q: Can I do affiliate marketing on blogger?

    A: Yes, but highly not recommended to do so and here's why. Blogger.com is a great free blogging platform for new affiliate marketers and bloggers to gain valuable content marketing experience with. It's free of charge. And yes, you can place a heads from affiliate programs into a blogspot blog in the back end through the administrative dashboard. blogger allows you to build up your content marketing experience without shelling out one red cent on dedicated web hosting while learning and mastering begins an ounce of affiliate marketing, blogging, content marketing, and mastering the process of creating "Evergreen content." While blogger is a good place to gain valuable content marketing experience without one red cent out of your pocket being spent on dedicated hosting for your blog, bear in mind that having your own domain name and dedicated web hosting and installing WordPress on your dedicated hosting package allows you to have complete control and functionality over the main functions, look and feel of your self hosted WordPress blog.

    The downside to blogging on blogger blogging platform owned by Google.com is if anyone is out to get you and you continually blog on the blogspot platform without backing up your content, someone can keep flagging your blog as objectionable and you'll be deleted possibly without notice. This means when your blog on blogspot is deleted, all of your content is gone for good. This also means that any affiliate advertisements you placed on your free blog on blogspot will no longer earn you money. There are haters on the Internet who want to do nothing more than bring you down by any and all means necessary. The best way to blog on a free blogging platform and gain valuable content marketing experience is to back up your content on every new blog post you publish to your blogspot.com blog. This can be achieved by copying and pasting the content you're publishing to your blogspot blog and either save it in a Microsoft Word document on your desktop or laptop computer, or save it as a blog post backup using Google docs. This way, if your blog is deleted on the fly for whatever reason after being flagged objectionable, you have the content automatically saved at head of time and can transfer it to your self hosted WordPress blog hosted on a dedicated server. The result of posting content on your self hosted WordPress blog on a dedicated server is to build up that natural search engine rankings and online visibility of your blog and to make money online, thus having a peace of mind knowing your self hosted WordPress blog on a paid web hosting server will not be deleted by anyone. This is the reason why you need to resort to paid web hosting and limit your content publishing to free blogging platforms because when you resort to paid hosting and self hosting your WordPress blog on a paid web server, no one can hate on you and have you deleted. Unless that is, you possibly end up speaking against the president or the government and they find your blogs objectionable.

    Affiliate marketing is highly recommended to be done on a "paid dedicated Web server." If you plan on being a future "side hustle millionaire" with affiliate marketing and blogging, you need to shell out the money and get a paid dedicated web hosting solution today and purchase your own domain name. When you have a self hosted blog on a paid solution, you have a peace of mind knowing you can create and publish content 24 hours a day and build up your natural online visibility, online reputation, improve natural search engine rankings for your domain name and blog, and put yourself in a grand position to potentially make money online 24 hours a day uninterrupted by promoting affiliate programs on your blog. Moreover, people who come by and read your blog and share your blogs on social networks like Twitter.com, Facebook.com, LinkedIn.com, and Pinterest.com indirectly give you free advertising and SEO back links, which in turn improves your search engine rankings for your WordPress blog and domain name in addition to more traffic.

    More traffic and improved search engine rankings result in the increased probability of making more money from of affiliate advertisements on your blog. All because people like what they read on your blog posts and wanted to share with others on social networks. Using the free blogging platform and having people read and share your content doesn't build up the value of your domain name on blogspot, because blogspot is owned by Google and really an truly, even though you're blogging on a free blogging platform, the free blog you're blogging on is really not yours. This is why it's important to get your own domain name and dedicated web hosting because you want people to help increase your online visibility and give you free advertising and help you increase your affiliate revenue - side hustle millionaire potential by sharing your content with everyone they know across multiple social platforms.

    Now that you have a rough idea how important it is to have your own domain name and self hosted WordPress blog on a cloud dedicated server or dedicated business server, you're going to get started today on taking the first initial action step toward achieving side hustle millionaire status through affiliate marketing and blogging, right? The sooner you get started, the sooner you come closer to quitting your day job, the sooner you get closer to personal financial freedom, the closer you get to paying off heavy debt, and the closer you get to living the 100% dot com lifestyle of working on your terms from home or anywhere by side hustling in affiliate marketing.

    The choice is yours. Do you want to work for someone else for the rest of your life and be limited to earning a fixed salary? Or do you want to take the leap of faith now with affiliate marketing and blogging and have something to look forward to in the future such as achieving "side hustle millionaire" status?
