#SideHustleMillionaire: Building a Blog With a Full Time Job: Possible?

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  • Contributing Editor
    • May 2014
    • 2711

    #SideHustleMillionaire: Building a Blog With a Full Time Job: Possible?

    Realtime Website Traffic

    Truth: You need a regular form of employment in your beginning stages of your online side hustle because you need to pay your bills, keep a roof over your head, food in the refrigerator, food in your children’s mouths, and working while making be entrepreneurial transformation from employee to entrepreneur and future side hustle millionaire. Don't you agree it's long overdue for you to "get organized without further delay?"

    If you’ve ever dreamed of being your own boss and escaping the 9-to-5 day job rat race despite your age, just know in the back of your mind that the Internet can make it happen for you. That is, if you’re willing to have it open and teachable and humble mindset toward changing your current weight of thinking. Blogging is proving itself champion when it comes to using a blog as a financial vehicle for making money online and potentially 24 hours a day by combining blogging and the lead marketing. Blogging and affiliate marketing are among the hottest topics discussed on the Internet today because not only is it slowly helping people make the successful transformation from employee to entrepreneur and quit their day job for good, but it’s also making people, at least postwar ambitious enough to take blogging and their part-time side hustle of blogging from home or anywhere to the public 9th step as future "side hustle millionaires."

    Did you know everyday people like yourself who apply themselves wholeheartedly to making blogging work for them by creating quality content for their blog daily bark quietly earning serious $ gUaP $? That’s right. And they’re doing this with a day job. You can start a blog as a part-time side hustle from the comfort of your home by getting started in purchasing a domain name and reserving a dedicated Web server, and installing WordPress on your dedicated server, taking a niche topic you’re passionate about discussing in a blog, and centering the topic of your blog around that niche topic.

    If you haven’t already done so, start setting side a few dollars every paycheck you receive. If it’s no more than $50-$100 set aside for your side puzzle every time you get paid and placed that money into a separate account just for your side hustle business purposes, you’ll notice in due time you’ll have enough business funds accumulated to invest in getting your blog and domain name online. Having a blog and he domain name and Web server is the best investment you could make in yourself in going from employee to entrepreneur and side hustle millionaire in the making.

    Many people today have went from a job to millionaire, “#terminatedtomillionaire,” “fired to side hustle millionaire,” and “working class to online millionaire,” all by using affiliate marketing and blogging as their ideal financial vehicle to “quitting their day jobs as side hustle millionaires” in the making.

    It’s very realistic to enjoy blogging as a full-time freelance career.

    • Michelle Schroeder-Gardner of MakingSenseofCents.com did it in going from heavily in personal debt to #sidehustlemillionaire. Michelle knows struggle and stays humble as a "side hustle millionaire," offering helpful blogging tips to empower others to go from day job employee to [side hustle millionaire]. Is she can do it, so can you. It's time to "get organized with no delay!"

    • Grant Sabatier of MillennialMoney.com went from $2.26 in his bank account to millionaire in five years.
    • John Chow of JohnChow.com has been online since the Internet dark ages and started his first blog when he was unemployed and allegedly on public assistance and achieved side hustle millionaire status years ago online using affiliate marketing and blogging and e-mail list building.

    • John Crestani has been featured in Forbes.com in going from [terminated to millionaire], earning over five figures monthly today online using affiliate marketing.

    • Brian Kelly of ThePointsGuy.com started his blogging journey while working a full-time job and achieved “side hustle millionaire” status today, selling off the site to BankRate.com. This can be you!

    A blog is your unique voice and your energy. It’s your ambition showcased before the general public online in your unique style of writing. Search engines like Bing.com, Google.com and YaHoO.com thrive off of crawling the web for fresh content and indexing new content in their search engine results pages. This is how they are able to sell advertisements against your newly indexed search engine listings. In exchange for indexing your new content in their search engine listings, they send you free traffic. This is how bloggers are able to get exposure for search engines and increase traffic every time they publish a new blog post. And the beauty of this is, you can do this as a part-time side hustle with a day job. When you get home from work or before going to work in the morning, set aside 1 to 2 hours to do nothing more than create a new blog post in rough draft mode using Google Docs or Microsoft Word.

    It’s also a good idea to use a speech recognition program because now, you’re using the awesome power of your voice to create content instead of manually typing on the computer keyboard and slowly building up carpal tunnel syndrome. A good speech recognition program is Dragon NaturallySpeaking by Nuance. Or, you can purchase a headset with microphone from your local target.com, Staples.com, Walmart.com, or BestBuy.com, connect a headset with microphone to the back of your desktop computer or laptop, pull up a blank Google Docs document after logging in Gmail.com, The tools tab inside the blank Google Docs document, activate voice typing, and click to allow Google Docs to access your microphone so you can now use the power of Google’s free speech recognition program to create content inside of a blank Google Docs document. This is the best way to write blogs instantly on the fly and create longer blog posts for the purpose of ranking better in search engine results pages and getting more traffic to your public blogs, resulting in increased blog revenue and getting closer to quitting your day job at achieving side hustle millionaire status.

    Can you build a blog while holding down a regular job? Absolutely. It’s all in how you see yourself and how you manage your time. Life is all about choices. If you want to stay working class and working paycheck to paycheck, don’t shake within the blogging and stay on your cushy day job. If you don’t think this works, keep going to work and looking at some of the people on the job that don’t like you. If you don’t believe side hustle blogging works and you can achieve site also millionaire status, read this post and then read it again and again and keep saying to yourself “I doubt it.” Don’t think blogging works to the point where it can help you transform from employee to entrepreneur-side hustle millionaire? Keep wishing upon a star that a million-dollar shortfall in your hand someday from out of the clear blue sky. You know that surely ain’t happening.

    If you have a heart of gold and believe in your ability to make the jump from employee to entrepreneur holding down a day job and building up your side hustle online from the ground floor up, by all means Dnn encourages you to do the transformation business work today on of inspiration or desperation and try your hand at affiliate marketing and blogging with a day job. It won’t be easy starting because there’s a lot to learn. But know in the back of your mind that a regular person like yourself can and will achieve side hustle millionaire status, if you stay consistent with your blogging for at least three years by posting to your blog five days a week with no less than 1500 words known as “Evergreen content.” Evergreen content, if you haven’t heard of it, is a process of creating content in excess of 1500 words or more. Evergreen content marketing is the way to out doing your blogging competition and ranking over your competitors, putting you closer to achieving side hustle millionaire status and making money online 24 hours a day. And you can do this in as little as possibly three years in going from employee to side hustle millionaire. If you believe in yourself, today’s the day to get started!