5 Reasons Why You Need to Stop Kidding Yourself and Get in #AffiliateMarketing Now

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  • Contributing Editor
    • May 2014
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    5 Reasons Why You Need to Stop Kidding Yourself and Get in #AffiliateMarketing Now

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    Once broke and a habitual drug user, GrantCardone.com rose from the ashes in going from down and out to "side hustle millionaire" status. This can be you too.

    Truth: No day job whether it’s a full-time or part-time form of employment will ever truly pay you feel your worth, even with a Masters degree, judicial doctorate, PhD or educational doctorate. True financial freedom is in “side hustle entrepreneurship.” While there’s more risk in starting a business because there’s no guarantees of financial success or achieving “side hustle millionaire” status, a vast majority of people today domestically and globally are taking chances at entrepreneurship are starting part-time side hostels working from the comfort of their home using the power of the Internet and getting started with low online startup costs. Using the power of the Internet to work from the comfort of your home or laptop with an Internet connection anywhere in your spare time, along with accelerated ambition and creativity in your entrepreneurial journey, will help you in due time with patience achieve side hustle millionaire status and be in a blessed position to potentially make money online 24 hours a day. This is the beauty of building and operating an online based business doing something you truly love.

    If you’ve never heard of affiliate marketing, is a process of partnering with online advertisers and placing their advertisements on a blog or website alongside content you create for your blog or website in efforts of generating sales from your site with site visitors click on the affiliated advertisements and completes a purchase. This is a process known as affiliate marketing because when people click on an advertisement on your site and buy something, you earn an affiliate commission. Affiliate commissions, once earned in mass affiliate revenues by promoting affiliated advertisements on a blog or website or affiliate links promoted through PPC (pay-per-click online advertising services), can put you in the blessed financial position to pay off personal debts, quit your day job, work from home full time, and achieve side hustle millionaire status. The beauty of affiliate marketing is knowing that no previous or relevant employment history is required, no physical job interview, no references needed, and you don’t need to know anything about online marketing in advance in order to get started in affiliate marketing. There is also no age requirement. No age requirement simply means you don’t have to worry about age discrimination. This is a pure 100% ambition based industry of freelance Internet marketing. What you put into it is what you get out of it. And as long as you create quality content everyday or every other day for your blog or website and stay consistent for at least three years producing content five days out of the week, you can be in the blessed position to earn affiliate commissions potentially 24 hours a day and benefit from affiliate marketing to the point of never working for a regular employee or ever again in life. Affiliate marketing will afford you the "dot com lifestyle" you’ve always dreamed of in terms of having more time to yourself to spend traveling, spending time with family, making your own work schedule, and never having to worry about meeting deadlines or sales quotas because you’re not working a regular job. Affiliate marketing is a stress free industry but has no financial guarantees of success. Affiliate marketing is what you make of it. You can be a side hustle millionaire or you can end up broke. Like black sheep says… “The choice is yours: you can get with this, or you can get with that!”

    5 reasons why you need to quit straddling the fence and get serious about affiliate marketing:

    1. No such thing as job security working for someone else. You get up in the morning, get the kids ready for school, dropped the kids off at school, and then head off to work. You get a new job for quite some time now but probably haven’t received the pay raise or promotion you’ve been hoping for. Your bills keep piling up and the kids are growing up, which means you need to buy bigger size clothes, bigger size shoes and sneakers because their feet are getting bigger, put more food on the table because the kids are eating more food now, and keep a full tank of gas in the truck, SUV or car you drive the kids to school and take yourself to work in. All of this requires “more money.”

    2. There's too much money to be made on the Internet. The good thing about getting started in affiliate marketing is as previously mentioned on this site, there’s no age requirement, no criminal background check, no references required. Heck, you don’t even need a college degree nor a high school diploma. You can be a janitor working and under paid full-time or part-time job scrubbing toilets, or a nurse’s aide wiping behind for $10 an hour. You could learn affiliate marketing in your spare time as a side hostile, purchase your own domain name and reserve dedicated web hosting for your online startup hustle, dabble with affiliate marketing and blogging, and earn your first million dollars as a future side hostile millionaire in the making. Stop incorporating daily limiting beliefs that becoming a millionaire is not possible for you online. Many side hustle millionaires that achieve online millionaire status in less than five years after they started had some of the worst beginnings. They were wrongfully terminated from their jobs and set up a narcissist employers and coworkers, paid the lowest wages on part-time retail jobs, cursed out indirectly by coworkers or a coworker on behalf of the employer because the employer couldn’t directly curse out an employee for personal reasons, and slandered by family members. Yet, they did the transformation work out of inspiration or desperation and retain a positive state of mind and believe they could prosper in being a true life transformation champion despite being enormous odds against them. They use their adversities to continue doing the transformation work out of inspiration or desperation and achieved more than “side hustle millionaire” status using affiliate marketing as their motivational vehicle to continue going the extra mile in entrepreneurship and the uncertain game called life, never having to worry about working a day job ever again in life and being in the grand position to make money online 24 hours a day. This can happen for you if you get started now and stop kidding yourself that it’s unrealistic and only for certain people. “Affiliate marketing millionaires” are everyday people just like you.

    3. No one has to know you’re a side hustle millionaire in the making because you’re working your of the lead marketing business in secret from the comfort of your home. A good thing to know about getting started in affiliate marketing and progressing in online marketing is you can make all the mistakes you want online and continue going the extra mile. Mistakes range anywhere from inconsistent content marketing, posting within content to your blog or website, failing to build or sustain relationships with your target audience or failing to keep a relationship with followers on social networks like LinkedIn.com, Twitter.com, Facebook.com and Pinterest.com. The beauty of affiliate marketing is knowing you can make all the mistakes and correct those mistakes along the way, knowing while you’re in the process of making and correcting mistakes, you’re still making money and building your online credibility. Making mistakes is very common among new and experienced affiliate marketers because if you don’t falter, then you don’t learn. All side hustle millionaires that rely on affiliate marketing and blogging have made some kind of mistake or many mistakes along the way to achieving online millionaire status. Your mistakes are priceless learning experiences subliminally engineered to make you better and to stand out from the average affiliate marketer and blogger. This is another reason why you need to stop kidding yourself that you can’t earn side hustle millionaire status online using affiliate marketing and blogging as your ultimate part-time side hustle working from home. Stop settling for average and being ordinary, because you have hit in inner potential to be extraordinary. The longer you settle for average, the longer you “get the cheap seats and spectate side hustle millionaires.” You know want to keep sitting on the bench as a “side hustle millionaire” it is in the making and watch somebody slowly get rich knowing it could’ve been you, do you?

    4. It takes money to make money. If you believe you can start a business with no money online or any real business whereas you can be assigned hustle millionaire, guess again. Even though it doesn’t cost you much money to get started online, you still need to purchase your own domain name and reserve a dedicated Web server to start your affiliate marketing business blog side hustle venture. The annual fee for a domain name is less than $20 and depending on the dedicated web hosting plan you choose or economy web hosting, you looking to pay anywhere from $50 annually to anywhere up to 300, 400, or even $500 annually, depending on the type of Web server you choose for your online business. This means if you’re working right now part-time or full-time, start saving some money on the side and transfer it into a different bank account so that money will be reserved just for your “side hustle millionaire affiliate marketing ambitions.” It’s never too late to invest in yourself by starting off online and getting in affiliate marketing because it’s more than just shelling out money to start a business; you’re making a future investment in your “financial health and pension plan.”

    5. Affiliate marketing is a freelance labor of love business you should be doing from your heart. You won’t make money in the beginning of your online business journey for at least a good year. This is crunch time for you to stop kidding yourself that this can’t work for you and start your blog or website and create quality content for your site on a daily basis or every other day. Whatever it is you have extensive knowledge in, that should be the topic of your blog or website. As you craft quality content for your site on a daily basis, you’ll slowly stop kidding yourself that this line of work is only for certain people. What you’re doing now is investing in your future financial well-being by building up your filly of marketing related blog or website from the ground floor up brick-and-mortar style without shelling out one red cent in paid online advertising costs. You’re using your own energy and creativity to write and publish quality content for your site. As the content of your site builds up over the next six months to one year, you’ll slowly notice steady streams of traffic slowly trickling in. This is because your content is now indexed by search engines and it’s getting traffic from being listed in search engine results pages. When people come to your blog or website from search engine results pages after performing searches for certain things in the search bar in Google.com or YaHoO.com and they see ads on your site, click the ads and make a purchase, you earn something that’s called an “affiliate commission.” Affiliate commissions are earned by ambitious and creative affiliate marketers 24 hours a day depending on how much effort they put into their business. While there’s many ways to earn affiliate commissions besides creating content for blog or website, publishing content to a blog or website is virtually the easiest way to drive traffic and generate sales. Once again, please note that this is not a get rich quick process and you will have to learn patience in this line of work, like it or not. That is, if you truly desire to be a side hustle millionaire and “quit your day job.”

    'Stay Inspired to Achieve #SideHustleMillionaire Status'

    Affiliate marketing is truly the way to financial freedom. Affiliate marketing is nothing like MLM. MLM-multi level marketing heavily relies on cold calling, following up with people, going to meetings, and depending on people to do their end of the work. Your monthly residual income is affected if someone in your downline is not doing their part. Affiliate marketing is nothing like that. The only time your affiliate income is affected is if you’re not doing your work on your own behalf without relying on someone else.

    You can become a side hustle millionaire in this line of work even if your broke, unemployed, or sleeping on your friends or families couch for now. You can truly be a side hustle millionaire inspiration to someone looking to get out of the corporate rat race and financially transform their life and become great. When and if you achieve side hustle millionaire status in affiliate marketing, don’t forget the little people and always give back to others unexpectedly. Giving back and helping people without expectation is “true transformation of the heart.” Give and it shall be given unto you.