Question from a Quora.com user: How do travel bloggers get selected to go on free trips?
Answer: There’s a number of ways travel bloggers get sponsorships and other free perks. For starters, dedicated travel bloggers do what they do best. That is, create quality, “long-form evergreen content.” Then, they add image plus videos of your blog posts. They don’t focus on how much money they’re going to make with everyone. They write and publish travel blogs because that’s something that’s in them to do as an aspiring blogger, side hustler, affiliate marketer and aspiring "#sidehustlemillionaire."
When travel bloggers write and publish blogs on a daily basis or every other day in the form of Evergreen content and demonstrate content posting consistency to their travel-based blogs, that’s when advertisers and other sponsors will quietly notice their content posting activity. Depending on the advertiser or sponsor’s needs, travel blogs they keep a close eye on across the Internet are targeted to be contacted for potential partnership deals. This is because those bloggers who posted travel blog posts are dedicated to doing what they do as previously mentioned.
If you’re wondering how to get advertisers and other sponsors to notice your blog and offer you free perks, just started travel-based blog and keep it as a passionate side hustle. Don’t look at how much money you’re not making or making in the moment. Just write and publish quality travel blog content and focus on writing naturally, as if you were having a fluid conversation face-to-face with another human being. When people leave travel related blog comments on your blog posts, take time to respond to them. This will build rapport and relationships with your target reading audience, which will in turn quietly encourage them to come see your newly published travel blogs in the future.
Blogging is "serious bidnis!"
Moreover, this'll help you rank better in search engines when they return to your blogs and leave more blog comments, helping you get more free exposure in search engine result pages and more eyeballs on your blogs by advertisers and potential sponsors looking to sponsor travel bloggers.
Hopefully this helps you expand your “side hustle entrepreneurial creative potential.”
If you’re looking to get off of the day job scene and successfully transition to “side hustle millionaire” status, stay tuned for more inspiring articles to read discussing the “side hustle and online marketing” in the near future.