3 Affordable Ways to Transition from a Day Job into a full Time #OnlineBusiness

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  • Contributing Editor
    • May 2014
    • 2715

    3 Affordable Ways to Transition from a Day Job into a full Time #OnlineBusiness

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    Words of wisdom about starting a business on the internet:

    Be sure this is something you want to do for the next 10, 20 or even 30 years - The Internet is here to stay until the end of time. The Internet allows anyone to start a business from anywhere and optimize their online business, whereas they can reach the global masses from the comfort of their home computer or laptop. The reason why most people don’t succeed in running an online business is because they’re looking for instant profits. Achieving financial freedom on the Internet is not an overnight get-rich-quick operation. This is something you have to do in your heart for the next decade or so. That is, if you’re looking to make the successful transition from employee to entrepreneur and never venturing back to traditional employment for the rest of your life. The Internet to make that happen for you if you apply yourself wholeheartedly to making an online business work for you.

    Purchase a domain name and dedicated web hosting - There are ways to get started for free online. Truth is, if you really want to be serious about establishing a respectable online business and presence people will respect and continually give you business over the years for, first initial action step you need to take as purchasing a domain name and a dedicated web server. It’s a small initial investment you make yourself but well worth it. A dedicated web hosting package and domain name allows you to have complete control functionality over your online business. For the small investment you make in getting a dedicated server and domain name, you’ll not only have 100% functionality over your online business, but putting yourself steps closer toward being a dedicated online entrepreneur, thus making the successful transition from employee to entrepreneur and never relying on a cushy day job ever again in the future.

    Install WordPress on your dedicated server and blog about a topic you’re passionate about - WordPress is the most reliable and respected semantic publishing platform in the world. They have thousands of free WordPress plug-ins available to help you extend the functionality of your blog. A blog is just as loud as a United States politician. With a blog, you can use the power of your voice in using a speech recognition program to create content by the words that come out of your mouth. This means that you no longer have to use a regular computer keyboard or type on the keyboard to create content. Once you use your speech recognition program to create content, all you have to do is stay consistent with creating content using your speech recognition program and publish to your WordPress blog often. The end result of having WordPress on or dedicated server and blogging about a topic you’re passionate about is getting indexed frequently in search engines. When your blogs are frequently indexed in search engines like Google.com and YaHoO.com, you tend to get more search engine traffic without paying for. When you have advertisements on your blog from online marketing networks you partner with as an affiliate, you increase the probability of earning “affiliate commissions” from ads on your blog. This is a process known as affiliate marketing and will help you achieve total financial freedom while you build up your blog with a day job.

    Making a successful transition from employee to entrepreneur takes time - This is a free will freelance industry whereas it’ll test you to see what’s in you. Your ambition can help you make a successful transition from employee to entrepreneur to side hustle millionaire. That is, if you believe in yourself and do the transformation business work out of inspiration or desperation. Many of today’s most successful online millionaires were everyday working people like yourself. And if they weren’t working people, they were either homeless, in heavy credit card and student loan debt, rejected by peers and rejected in relationships, slandered by family members or a family member, pushed away by people they thought were friends, wrongfully terminated from jobs, falsely accused, etc. Yet, they had something inside of them that wanted to be free from the traditional way of working and making money.

    'Business Muscle for the Hustle'
    If you believe you can succeed using the Internet to build a business, always know that it’s never too late get started regardless of your age, education, previous employment experience, or whatever. You can get started anytime, apply yourself wholeheartedly, build your online business from scratch by using content marketing as a means of building up your Internet presence, partner with reputable “affiliate networks,” and put yourself in the future position to earn some decent money from the Internet from the comfort of your home or laptop computer. It won’t be easy in the beginning, but worth “doing the transformation work out of inspiration or desperation.”