Retire With #FinancialFreedom: 5 Reasons Why Some People Never Retire Financially Stable

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  • Contributing Editor
    • May 2014
    • 2711

    Retire With #FinancialFreedom: 5 Reasons Why Some People Never Retire Financially Stable

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    1. Unwilling to think outside the box - Today’s age of information technology changes the old school way of thinking. As the world turns, one must be willing to stay relevant by changing their thinking patterns to adapt times. And this includes having confidence in self to stay afloat and uncertain waters in the game called life.

    2. Relying on the old world way of thinking - Did you know staying in the old world way of thinking can have a significant impact on your net worth in years to come? Healthy thinking patterns do more good than help you retain and gain more net worth.

    3. Relying too much on their cushy form of traditional employment - If you’re still relying on the traditional way of making money which is holding down a day job, there’s really nothing wrong with that. The downside to it is in today’s age of information technology and today’s era, there’s pretty much no job security. Even if you degreed up. In the olden days, people could graduate from high school with academic high school diplomas and get good paying jobs and retire with a decent pension. Long gone are the days of working for a company or most organizations without retiring with a healthy pension. Most organizations today have what’s called a “401(k) retirement plan.” The 401(k) plan for retirees is sometimes uncertain, as 401(k) savings-retirement plans can spontaneously run out, leaving the retiree in most cases no choice but to return to the workforce as an aged retiree. A traditional form of employment leaves much financial uncertainty and a person no choice but to think of an alternative means of generating money so they can be financially comfortable down the road.

    4. Unwilling to learn and master the art of starting an online side hustle - The art of mastering the side hustle is not something that can be achieved overnight. But the awesome power of the Internet, anyone can start an online side hustle working from the comfort of their home and build it up to the point of achieving financial freedom and less than five years. If you find yourself in the old-school world of thinking and unwilling to change your current mindset and venture into the abyss of potentially experiencing the beauty of side hustling online, you’ll be left behind and struggling paycheck to paycheck almost for the rest of your life, well into retirement.

    5. Has no ambition / Iron will to venture into the unknown as a way to achieve financial freedom - Ambition will bring out what’s in a person, whether it’s evil or good. Ambition can bring out something good in you such as the entrepreneur. It takes a certain life situation, whether it’s an in or out of the workplace experience to test you to see how ambitious you truly are. Ambition can be potentially responsible for your future success of achieving side hustle millionaire status. Even if you’ve been wrongfully terminated from a job in the past, wrongful termination has a unique way of helping you become a side hustle millionaire through online entrepreneurship. This is why it’s important to have an open mind and a humble heart in learning new things, additionally to adapting to a new way of thinking so you can transform adversity into unlimited streams of income. Achieving side hustle millionaire status by setting yourself up to earn unlimited streams of income in the future will do more than blow your current and former employer’s mind!

    Related: How 3 friends turned failure into a multimillion-dollar business -

    'Steamrolling in Faith Through Online Entrepreneurship'

    As long as you have a computer and an instant Internet connection and a few dollars to purchase a domain name and web hosting, it’s never too late for you to get started online and build up your online presence to the point of potentially making money online 24 hours a day through buying and selling, or through a process known as affiliate marketing and blogging. A side hustle today has quietly helped many everyday working people like yourself go from struggling to side hustle millionaires.

    The successful online millionaires today who started from humble beginnings had it rough just like you. If you feel you have the mental muscle for the hustle and the patience to endure starting your online side hustle and building it from the ground floor up, get started now by getting organized and blogging your way to financial freedom.

    If you have a business idea you've been hoarding in the back of your mind for years and worried about "what people will think of you," stop worrying now about "what people think." Get that side hustle going, put that plan in action now, and craft like Craftmatic with creative online marketing strategies. Sure, you'll make mistakes along the way and sometimes get impatient. Almost all entrepreneurs do. If you're yourself losing steam or faith in your entrepreneurial ability, just know you can always get back up and keep going. As long as you have a drive to succeed in entrepreneurship and not rely on your regular cushy job for your only source of income, you'll do what you need to do as an honest entrepreneur to earning 100% living from the Internet. Stay faithful every step of the way to achieving total financial freedom!