#SideHustleMillionaire: #Writing Helps You Get Closer to Achieving Financial Freedom and #OnlineMillionaire Status if You're Consistent in #ContentMarketing

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  • Contributing Editor
    • May 2014
    • 2715

    #SideHustleMillionaire: #Writing Helps You Get Closer to Achieving Financial Freedom and #OnlineMillionaire Status if You're Consistent in #ContentMarketing

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    #Love #writing? You can #start a #blog & become a potential #sidehustlemillionaire in #affiliatemarketing & #contentmarketing

    Everybody loves to shop. Whether you shop online or traditionally in the shopping mall, people love sharing what they bought from the shopping mall or local store on their favorite social networks like Twitter.com, Facebook.com, LinkedIn.com, and Pinterest.com. As a result of people sharing things they purchased from the shopping mall or store on social networks from things ranging from sneakers, jeans, business suits, household items, and vitamins from the health food store, it entices people to follow suit and head out to the same spot to shop for goods and services. If you look at the bigger picture about this, this can be a great online business for you to start. Writing reviews about favorite things you like to purchase from the shopping mall or local store encourages people to come out of the woodworks online and read what you've published.

    The potential to make money online from products you share on social networks is there. It can be achieved through a process known in today's internet world as affiliate marketing. The same product you purchase from the shopping mall or local store is most likely available on the Internet through a famous website. Most famous websites today have something called an "affiliate program." An affiliate program is an online marketing program bloggers and Internet marketers can join free of charge, giving them the grand ability to earn money by promoting products and services from that specific merchant on blogs and websites. When a site visitor comes to a blog or website, clicks an advertisement, and makes a purchase, the site owner earns something called an "affiliate commission." For example, let's say you've just purchased a pair of Nike Air Force ones from a sneaker store such as Foot Action. The official FootAction.com website has an affiliate program for people to join to promote sneakers and sportswear on their blogs and websites and earn commissions from online sales. If you joined the foot action affiliate program and became approved as a publisher and promote their products on your blog or website and people may purchases daily or every other day, that increases your probability of making money online full-time from affiliate programs, just off of the strength of sharing a photo of a sneaker or shoe you just purchased from foot action. Are you starting to see the bigger picture now how you can make money online?

    Blogging About Life

    Another example how you can make money online from your blog or website in affiliate marketing part-time or full-time would be to start a blog or website sharing your life with people online. Believe it or not, people from corners of the earth on the world wide web will virtually take time to stop by and read your blog though they don't know you from a can of paint. Let's say for example you join an affiliate program like Amazon and stick a snippet of HTML or JavaScript code into your blog template.

    If you don't join any other affiliate programs other than Amazon which starts out affiliate commissions at 4%, you have just put yourself in a good position to make money from the Amazon affiliate program. All you have to do from this point is create content on your blog every day sharing about how your day went and the fun activities you were involved in. An example would be "I went to the gym this morning and did 20 min. of cardio before starting my work day. I came home after work and cooked a healthy dinner." You can include a photo known as a selfie of yourself in the gym in the morning before starting work, and another selfie of yourself after work at home cooking dinner." Some people will actually take the time to comment on your blog posts. When they do, it helps you to increase traffic from search engines and encourage additional visitors from social networks because people love to read comments that others are writing on blogs.

    Home Gardening Blogs

    If you like writing about constructive things such as home gardening, there is a dedicated and loyal audience silently awaiting you. How many people love to read creative and fun tips on "how to creatively improve home gardening skills?" Many. You can start a blog or website centered specifically around that niche, and join relevant affiliate programs. There is money to be made online in affiliate marketing for anyone who applies themselves and takes a leap of faith.

    Hopefully, this thread has given you some food for thought about online entrepreneurship. It's never easy starting out for anyone, no matter how good any website or blog tries to make it seem that it's easy to make money online. Good things take time to achieve. If you believe you can succeed and do the transformation work as an entrepreneur, you will accomplish the goal of being a successful webpreneur, and possibly putting yourself in a good position to earn healthy income from affiliate programs and blogging either from home or working anywhere on your laptop computer.

    No matter how long it takes to succeed, always believe and steamroll ahead in faith entrepreneurially.