#Forbes Encourages Everyone to Start a Business

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  • Contributing Editor
    • May 2014
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    #Forbes Encourages Everyone to Start a Business

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    Unemployed? Looking for a new career while employed? Don't know where your life is going career wise? Unsure of your retirement and if you'll be financially secure in the future? Great. If any or all of this is lingering on your mind, now might be the time for you to start a business. If you dare to discover your true entrepreneurial strength and want to get your feet wet in the world of traditional or online business, Forbes recommends you to start your own business and get organized "with no delay" while striving for excellence.


    Unemployed Americans have a unique advantage in starting their own business. How so? Most Americans today who are unemployed have a positive advantage of mentally regrouping their career strategy. They may possibly have the time to rethink their approach towards life. They have free time on their hands to optimize their resume, perform necessary research on the type of business they may potentially be interested in starting, alongside possibly searching for daytime employment.

    Related: Millionaire By Age 30? One Blogger Offers A Few Not-So-Easy Steps - Wbur.org

    Americans who are unemployed are not worthless. They may be future CEOs, doctors, lawyers, judges, politicians, and potentially billionaires.

    For unemployed Americans, it's definitely a moment of clarity, in serious consideration of starting your own business. In today's age of information technology, the best businesses to start are technology related.

    Finding Your Niche

    The beauty of starting your own business is finding something you love to do. It may consist of starting a business outside the traditional way of thinking.Rob Kardashian started a business of creating designer socks.

    Sarah Blakely of Spanx.com started her business at 29 years old, with her unique style of lingerie and panties for women. With a mere $5,000 to her name and her future not looking so bright financially and career wise, she catapulted herself from uncertainty 12 years after inception of her business, and became a billionaire at a young 41 years of age worth over $2 billion today.

    Related: 5 steps to becoming a millionaire, from a millennial who did it in 5 years - CNBC.com

    When starting your own business, be mindful of doing something you love to do because you will not make money right away starting out, nor will get rich overnight. And, if anyone dares to directly or indirectly put you down as an entrepreneur by conveying subliminally ignorant messages when building your business from scratch, use that as a positive and motivational vehicle to keep you inspired. Moving forward in your entrepreneurial endeavors is something naysayers hate to acknowledge. As they always say, your "haters can be the biggest motivators," propelling you towards levels of business success beyond your wildest dreams. Negative words have a positive way of inspiring savvy entrepreneurs to become richer beyond gaining the greatest dollar in the world. Getting rich is not always about making millions; yet, it's mostly about the maturity gained in your entrepreneurial journey additionally to valuable lessons learned, staying humble and hungry doing something you love to do as a business person.

    Inspiration or Desperation?

    The best entrepreneurial transformation champions started their businesses out of inspiration and possibly desperation. Starting a business out of desperation is not a bad thing. People want job security. If an individual does not feel they can achieve job security working for someone else and desires a secure future in a career, what's wrong with starting a business out of desperation? Their inspiration is lack of job security working in traditional daytime employment. The transformation of going from employee to entrepreneur will not be a smooth ride in the beginning. You will possibly feel desperate, in most cases, to dedicate all of your energy and creativity in the beginning towards starting a business. Don't put all of your eggs in one basket. You will make mistakes starting out as an entrepreneur out of potential desperation. It's okay. Keep going. Continue to feel inspired.

    Whatever mistakes you make as an entrepreneur in your business journey, let those blunders be your inspiration to keep going the extra mile in "doing the transformation entrepreneurial work."

    Never let anything, nor any negative words anyone says towards you, whether it's them saying it direct or "speaking through other people" stop you from being the potentially best entrepreneur possible. No matter your awesome life challenge before and after starting a business, it may just be a hidden blessing in disguise. Whatever you do, never ever quit, and keep doing the entrepreneurial transformation work. When your business starts to flourish, you'll feel enough gratitude in your heart to thank the naysayers who doubted you and those who walked away. Don't be surprised if they come running back after they secretly find out you're doing good without them by trying to be friends again and or speaking through other people. The real "transformation champion" is you, the one that refuses to quit in the midst of uncertainty.

    'Staying the Course'

    It's emotionally challenging for any entrepreneur to stay the course. Keep doing the transformation work. It's about progress, not perfection. Have a humble heart and open mind with a willingness to learn. The best entrepreneurs in today's society were once the [Biggest failures[/B]. They were criticized, secretly put down behind the scenes, under estimated and continually laughed at. Keep doing the entrepreneurial transformation work. They want you to quit. They want to see you fail. They want to know they have power over you.

    Related: 7 side hustles that pay $100,000 a year - MarketWatch.com

    Stay the course and distance yourself from negative people. Everyone faces some kind of adversity in their lives. Let your adversity be your biggest transformation inspiration to not only be the best entrepreneur possible, but also, living life to your fullest positive potential, while having gratitude in your heart towards helping others succeed. That's the truest transformation of a humble hearted entrepreneur. By staying the course in building your business from scratch, you'll be a "true entrepreneurial transformation inspiration" to someone who doubted their ability to succeed in entrepreneurship. Business is not only about spiritual and financial growth, but most importantly giving back to your community and inspiring others in your transformation life journey. Lastly, entrepreneurship is not about feeling like you're better than others because you have money. Money can't be taken with you into eternity nor can you use it to buy yourself out of judgment on the day of Pentecost.