#Entrepreneurship: Working for Others vs. Working for Yourself

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  • Contributing Editor
    • May 2014
    • 2715

    #Entrepreneurship: Working for Others vs. Working for Yourself

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    When you're working for someone else, there's the feeling of intensity in staying committed to a "T." When you work for yourself, there is virtually the same feeling; however, it's not that robustly intense vs. meeting working deadlines for a boss that presides over you. The beauty of committing to others while working for yourself is that you can have a piece of mind and not totally feel that you have to do many things at once in making the grade to please others, but feel committed with a mind at peace. That's part of the beauty of having your own business as a side hustle project.

    Working for someone else and trying to do everything right in pleasing your boss can be a take-home-job, and then some. You may find yourself wondering a gazillion ways on how to do this and how to do that, in trying to accomplish something for someone else in a short period of time, and not get it totally right. This feeling may come about because you are striving to keep your job, and uniquely stand out from the average employee in making your own productive mark, showing you're being abnormally productive and innovating.

    Working for yourself has unique benefits. First, you can work in your own time and schedule. Second, working for yourself allows you to be creative, and not have to worry about meeting deadlines all the time (except for certain projects and customer expectations), while having a peace of mind in thinking of new ways to keep your business useful to others having them come back for more. As a business owner, you are still committed, but at a more comfortable pace. It's your business, and it becomes what you make of it. That's the beauty of being your own boss, and not having to have a virtuous nerve-wrecking mindset about meeting the expectations of a day-job boss, or everyone you encounter. You can still please a majority of folk through your commitment as a business person, and be happy at the same token.

    Read this: Millennial millionaire: The 8 steps I took to make my first million - CNBC.com

    Working for yourself is more challenging than getting up and going to work for someone else. Either way you look at it, you're still committing yourself to doing something voluntarily. Only thing in being an entrepreneur is that you have to go above and beyond, as it may take longer to succeed in striking out on your own as a business CEO, versus going to a day job and putting in work for your employer. Many folk find the feeling to be quite aggravating in the morning, when it's time to get up, get dressed and go to a job.

    There's nothing like the feeling of being committed to your own business, your customers, and waking up when you'd like to, and running your own business without someone wanting you to punch the employee time clock in and out on a scheduled time. Being your own boss in this day and age has more positive benefits than one can imagine. In this age of side hustles and information technology, you're pretty much better off starting your own side hustle as soon as possible. It doesn't matter what type of college degree you have. A person with a high school diploma can have you terminated because they've been on the job longer than you and have something in their heart against you. You can have an MBA and them a normal H.S. diploma or GED. They'll still have you fired and escorted out the door. Starting your own hustle on the side online prevents you from relying on narcissistic employers and creates a piece of mind to embrace soon to come financial security. Never rely on a cushy job to earn a living, because though you're qualified for the job, they'll find a sneaky back door to have you booted. But little do they know having you booted will be a blessing for you soon down the road.

    Check back regularly for more business inspiration and videos on the topic of side hustles, small business entrepreneurship, internet marketing, working from home or your smartphone, and more. Share this thread with everyone you know on Pinterest.com, Twitter.com, Facebook.com, LinkedIn.com, and in YouTube.com videos.