#SideHustleMillionaire: How to Defeat #UBER If You Drive for Them and Had Your Paycheck Cut by 25 Percent

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  • Contributing Editor
    • May 2014
    • 2713

    #SideHustleMillionaire: How to Defeat #UBER If You Drive for Them and Had Your Paycheck Cut by 25 Percent

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    Rumor is floating around the Internet that Uber allegedly cut the drivers paychecks possibly by 25%. If this is true on Uber’s behalf that they did cut employees pay by 25%, this is certainly not a good look for the company. Most people drive for Uber.com as a “side hustle,” hoping to earn a few extra dollars so they can put food on the table for their family and pay off outstanding personal debt.

    While Uber for the moment seemed like a stable side hustle for many, now that the company is reported to have allegedly sever drivers pay suspected lead by 25%, it’s forcing Uber drivers, at least some of them, and other people working traditional day jobs to seek other types of stable side hustles that pay well and have stable “side hustle affiliate payment history.”

    Just in case you’re unfamiliar with with the term [side hustle], it’s a project you work on the side with or without a day job that brings in extra revenue for you. The extra accrued revenue can be used toward paying off personal debt, using money to pay bills such as utilities, keeping extra food in the refrigerator, paying rent or an extra month on your home mortgage. Or you can use earnings from your side hustle, whatever that site also lists, to put money away in the bank for your future retirement. Side hustle revenue is money made on the side to serve what ever purpose. As with any revenues generated with your side hustle, always pay your independent contractor taxes. You must pay your own taxes because a side hustle is considered a business in which you are an “independent contractor.”


    If you’re one of those people that allegedly had your drivers pay cut by 25% by UBER, it’s not the end of the world for you. The good news about side hustles is that there’s thousands of them and virtually unlimited ways for you to make money. The best side hostels are online. It’s dearly recommended for you to form a search in your favorite search engine for more information about “getting started with an online side hustle,” and your preferred search engine such as Bing.com, Google.com and YaHoO.com should serve you a plethora of information in search engine results of virtually unlimited pages showing you how to get started with your own side hustle online and off-line. Truth is, if you learn and master the art of the side hustle and commit yourself 100% wholeheartedly to making the site also work “online side hustles,” you can put yourself in a position to never work a day job ever get a day in life and become an Internet millionaire.

    Related: How A 28-Year-Old Got Fired Then Built A $500K-A-Month Business While Traveling The World - Forbes.com

    UBER drivers who unfortunately had their paychecks allegedly cut by 25% may be at a positive advantage to unleash their current frustrations by starting their own online businesses and using that bottled up frustration to build their Internet based businesses from the ground floor up as future online millionaires in the making. Sharing an experience about having a paycheck allegedly cut by 25% with the general public online will drive instant amounts of traffic to a site that has advertisements on it. And when your site with an advertisement on it gets a sale from a site visitor, you make money that’s known as an affiliate commission. If you do this enough, you can make money online potentially 24 hours a day and never have to worry about being a side hustle taxi cab driver and worrying about if you get paid what’s due to you.

    Related: How we went from $0-$10,000/month blogging in less than a year - MakingSenseofCents.com

    If you truly desire to defeat Uber.com and become a #sidehustlemillionaire or go from #terminatedtomillionaire, you need to get started today with affiliate marketing and blogging and working on your blog from home or anywhere as a part-time side hustle. Blogging can truly be the way for you to potentially make money online 24 hours a day because search engines like Google and YaHoO! are always crawling the web looking for fresh content to index in their search engine results pages. Many bloggers have went from struggling, unemployed, living on a friend’s couch and homeless to being “side hustle millionaires,” using their personal ambition to build up their blog as a side hustle. The Internet can make you a very wealthy person if you’ve ever felt wronged by an employer or cheated out of your $ gUaP $.

    Hopefully, this post will inspire you to change your current way of thinking if you’re an UBER driver or not, and consider taking the side hustle millionaire mindset seriously to the point of taking a chance with starting an online business. You’ll never be treated right financially while working for someone else whether you’re an Uber.com driver or working a regular day job. It’s long overdue to let the “side hustle millionaire” mindset out and try your hand at online entrepreneurship. You’ll be glad you did so years from now when you’re in the blessed position of making money online while you’re sleeping!