Disclaimer: The following is only for recreational reading and was created as a discussion module for a presentation. These estimates about Nike.com are only a "hypothesis."
Nike.com: (SWOT analysis)
Strengths: Established name since the early 1970’s. Doesn’t need to pump tons of money into advertising versus competing footwear companies. Easy sales. Respected world brand.
Weaknesses: Doesn’t have enough online/sales to attract instant sales and use the Internet as a means of increasing sales by better understanding consumer buying behavior through spontaneous online flash sales (ex: a quick 4-5 hour flash sale on men’s and boys Jordan retro sneakers). Additionally, Nike doesn’t have social share buttons under each product description along with a shared account that’ll tell the company how many people shared the image from a particular product on a certain social network. Example: 150,000 people shared the new Jordan retro 12 floral blue image on twitter. 93,000 people shared the Jordan retro 12 floral blue image on Facebook. And 4000 people shared the Jordan retro 12 floral blue image on Pinterest.com.
Oppy’s: Nike can also use the special image coding for writing unique product descriptions for every new product they upload to the website. Footwear competitors “at least most of them” are not doing this as a way of using website viewers as a subliminal leverage to get free advertising. If Nike starts inputting image descriptions, they made possibly get more search engine traffic for free, free advertising by people sharing the images on social networks, and increase sales while decreasing advertising spend.
Threats: Too many celebrity endorsements and shelling out too much money without putting more emphasis on using product descriptions in the back of images on the website to increase sales potential. Not using the Internet to its fullest marketing potential by spending more on traditional advertising and celebrity endorsements and not paying closer attention to the effectiveness of press releases, pay per click advertising, and using people online as free energy-free advertising to increase corporate profits.
View more here on SWOT Nike analysis by Marketing 91 - Marketing91.com