#SideHustleMillionaire: Hard Truths About Running a #SideHustle

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  • Contributing Editor
    • May 2014
    • 2711

    #SideHustleMillionaire: Hard Truths About Running a #SideHustle

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    Truth: Side hustle millionaire status is possible for anyone to achieve if they put their mind to it and do the transformation business work out of inspiration or desperation. Earning your first $1 million on line will not be easy. Just like everyday life and dealing with people, you will go through something before becoming a millionaire. Family members, your past and current employer, ex-girlfriends and ex-boyfriend's contacting you after the discovery in secrecy you got rich, and people from your past coming out the wood works after they discover you became a millionaire are some of many things you'll experience.

    The millionaire life has "as an unwritten rule" that you change your current way of thinking as you might be seen as a "weirdo" to some people and unable to fit in anymore. It's a good idea to think outside the box and be a peculiar person as a side hustle millionaire in the making. Why? You need time to yourself to create and execute your business strategy without someone always in your year or in-your-face distracting you from achieving your future side hustle millionaire online business goals. The ironclad truth is, unless you're willing to go through the mud while building a business from the ground floor up, not only will you never be a side hustle millionaire, which will also stay on your cushy 9 - 5 day job and live paycheck to paycheck, making someone else rich off the sweat off your back for the next 20 to 30 years, while they allegedly-secretly laugh behind your back as you continue bring their "yes man or yes woman."

    Transformation from "employee to side hustle millionaire," and "terminated to side hustle millionaire" is possible for the everyday working class person to achieve online. Side hustle laying on the Internet using a process well known to Americans and others globally known as "affiliate marketing and blogging" allows him every day working class person quietly unleash their entrepreneurial ambitions online, putting them in the driver's seat to be a future "side hustle millionaire." Most people today still don't have a clue what a blog is and how they came generate a full-time income from blogging and quit their day jobs.

    A good thing to know about the Internet is not only an everyday working class person start a blog as a part-time side hustle working from the comfort of their home with or without daytime employment, but they can also blog their thoughts into a blog post without being a polished or perfect writer, drive traffic to your blog from social networks and search engines, slowly but surely building up their online income potential from ads on their blog.

    The beauty of the Internet is not only can an everyday working class person achieve this, but there's no each limit on starting up an "affiliate marketing and blogging side hustle." Unlike show business such as acting, modeling, professional wrestling, or even professional IFBB Pro bodybuilding which are by the way age limited businesses, side hustling online allows anyone to use [affiliate marketing and blogging] to make the biggest financial comeback of their life. That is, if you're serious about using affiliate marketing and blogging as your work from home side hustle to achieve future status of [side hustle millionaire].

    Today's food for thought: Don't let anyone tell you, especially jealous family members such as aunts and cousins and your former employer, tell you what you can and can't achieve as an independent thinking individual striving for excellence. Take that chance today and get that side hustle going. Get organized without further delay!

    The best of the best today who went above and beyond and achieved more than side hustle millionaire status started out just like the average everyday working class person: struggling, bootstrapping their businesses by working job to job the job, wrongfully terminated possibly because "they claimed religion shamelessly on-the-job and their narcissist employer secretly set them up for wrongful termination," denied pay raises, "slandered by family members," turned on by childhood friends, etc.

    Through nonstop struggle and learning to use the awesome power of positive thinking to transform adversity into more than financial opportunity, and ambitious minded person such as yourself can use negative life experiences "past and present" as the "motivational vehicle" to keep the undying fire burning with in as an ambitious entrepreneur and side hustle millionaire in the making.

    Moreover, don't go around telling family members, friends, coworkers, childhood friends, and sometimes even your parents how passionate you are about entrepreneurship and starting a business. Debbie downers are everywhere. The people closest to you are the likely ones that you'll discover are "dream killers." They'll sit there and listen to you spill your guts and see how happy you are about starting a business. They'll look at the glowing your eyes and notice how ambitious you are about going from ordinary to extraordinary, and working class everyday person to side hustle millionaire. Then, after they finish listening to everything you said and you spilling your guts to smithereens, they'll slowly but surely pluck your mind by inserting negative words and "what if's."

    What if's: "What if your business doesn't work, how are you going to balance a day job and side hustle entrepreneurship, that doesn't sound like a viable business plan, you're better off working a day job and not taking the risk because you'll embarrass yourself and be broke and everyone will laugh at you."

    Stop worrying about what people think and "what if's." What if you're side hustle Internet business plan doesn't work? Research and those who failed the hardest and succeeded the most by performing searches in your favorite search engine like Bing.com, Google.com and YaHoO.com for more information on "side hustle entrepreneurs who failed miserably and succeeded abnormally." When you worry about what people think and after starting your online side hustle, you're guaranteed to fail. People will talk negative anyway before and after you start your "work from home side hustle."

    Let those people talk and ignore them. In fact, the more they spend time talking about you, the more you're making a positive difference in someone's life. It means you're doing something right and being a leader for transformational change as a side hustle millionaire and successful entrepreneur in the making.

    Lastly, with billions of dollars quietly awaiting to be earned on the Internet, it pays for you to start your side hustle today. Imagine waking up in the morning never having to go to work again for the unthankful employer. Your blog ranking well in the search engines without you shelling out zero dollars in pay per click-PPC paid advertising costs, making money from ads on your blog while you're sleeping, and inching closer while you're sleeping at night to achieving the future status of "side hustle millionaire."

    This is all very possible you get started today and believe in yourself by "doing the transformation business work out of inspiration or desperation," and creating "lots and lots of content" for your blog. While your blog won't start out earning lots of money in your [work from home affiliate marketing and blogging side hustle], it should be a passionate side hustle blogging project you want to do as a labor of love. When you do something as a passionate labor of love and keep going though you're not making money in the very beginning of your side hustle entrepreneurial journey online, you'll keep going regardless because the Spirit is now in you to do so.

    MarieForleo.com speaks on the "side hustle and blogging":

    Whatever you do, don't give up creating [lots and lots of content] for your blog regardless how long it takes for you to earn your first $1 million online. There's more than enough millions to go around for everyone to earn. It's long overdue for you to get your side hustle going now!