The Choice to Change Your Career From Employee to Entrepreneur is Possible

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  • Contributing Editor
    • May 2014
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    The Choice to Change Your Career From Employee to Entrepreneur is Possible

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    Truth: Thousands of potentially millions of Americans and people across the world stay put in cushy jobs. Why? They fear change. Many of these people have an idea in the back of their mind to start a business. Yet, they do nothing. They possibly do nothing because of lack of finances. They possibly do nothing because they fear failure. They possibly do nothing because they’ve been on their cushy job for decades will possibly be close to 10 years and scared of losing their only and what they deem “stable source of employment income.” They also do nothing about turning their idea into entrepreneurial reality because they fear they are too old to start a business from the ground floor up, so they stay on their cushy jobs to make sure they can earn a 401(k) retirement or old-school pension. Today’s age of information technology and the Internet makes it possible for anyone at any age, with or without business experience, to start a side hustle working from the comfort of their home online in their spare time.

    Are you one of millions of people in America or across the world steered to start a business because you think you’re too old? Guess what? Col. Sanders founded Kentucky fried chicken in his mid-60s. He had no prior business experience. He did the transformation business work out of inspiration or desperation by taking a leap of faith and believing in himself. He had retirement check coming in which was nothing more than a measly can of beans. If you’re worried about age and wondering if your business idea will work, fret no more about feeling old. Getting old is nothing more than gaining wisdom. Look at things that way from a positive viewpoint. Moreover, look at aging on your behalf as “gracefully seasoning.” Gracefully seasoning, in the sense of gaining priceless life experience, looking back on your achievements, and being in a place today mentally and spiritually to the point of believing enough in yourself to start that side hustle business online from the comfort of your home. It’s never too late to start a business. Ditch the old world thinking of worrying about what people will think if you start a business in the mid-age.

    Related: Every Self Made Millionaire Has This Mindset…Do You? -

    A good thing about starting an online business working from the comfort of your home is you’re going to make mistakes along the way. You’re going to make mistakes guaranteed. Everyone does when they’re starting out online. A good thing about starting your side hustle online business working from the comfort of your home is not just making mistakes, but doing so in the privacy of your home, dusting yourself off, and continually going the extra mile. You can start a side hustle business working from the comfort of your home using that creative business idea that’s been lingering in the back of your mind for so long. Whether it’s buying and reselling things online for a profit from your local thrift store, promoting affiliate programs on your blog or website through a process known as “affiliate marketing,” or selling things that you create yourself, you can get started with your own side hustle business working from home in your spare time even with the day job by starting a blog or website. It’s possible for you to change your career through working part-time online in your spare time side hustling for supplemental income. Today’s age of information technology makes it possible for you without a college degree or previous online business experience to go from employee to entrepreneur. The Internet can make you a millionaire or better known as a “side hustle millionaire,” if you believe enough in yourself and never give up in the process of building your online side hustle business from the ground floor up. Of course, it’ll take you a few years before you hit the $1 million mark. Believe and trust when you read this sentence that says “all things good are possible to those who believe by steamrolling in faith and doing the transformation business work out of inspiration or desperation.”

    Many of today’s Internet marketing millionaires and side hustle millionaires started from the bottom just like everyday people. Some more homeless. Some were wrongfully terminated from previous jobs and labeled a troublemaker, some were threatened by a previous employer, some were threatened by a previous employer to either sign a contract against their will or be terminated and humiliated in front of store customers and other employees looking on, etc. Yet, they didn’t allow adversity to dampen their spirits to do the transformation work in going from employee to aspiring entrepreneur and future side hustle millionaire. They use the adversity and negativity from previous employers, phony family members, fake friends and anyone else to fuel their fire-entrepreneurial ambition to work smarter and not harder at building their online businesses in secret.

    Ever been wrongfully terminated from a job and had a negative reference given about you to another job you are applying for? Have you ever been slandered by a family member jealous of you since childhood? Have you ever lived with a former best friend whereas the former best friend suspectedly robbed you of rent money mailed to your mailbox to pay their half of the rent? Have you ever been falsely accused and forced to accept a plea deal to stay out of prison for crime you never committed? If the answer is yes to one or any of the above questions, you can use that negativity to bring out goodness in you and in undying fire build your business from the ground floor up and achieve [side hustle millionaire] status by making a career change from employee to entrepreneur, regardless of your current age.

    When people talk against you and rely on you, use that as a vehicle to profit from, whereas your naysayers and others who oppose you are actually making you rich beyond imagination. Profiting from people who oppose you doesn’t necessarily mean accumulating worldly riches. Getting rich off of someone is absolutely possible even if you don’t have one dime in your bank account. Getting rich and profiting off of someone is also associated with “what have you learned from this person and how will you use what they dished to you to turn it into good?” Profiting off of someone, even if they are filthy rich of this world loaded with millions of dollars in their bank account, it’s absolutely possible. And it’s also possible to be richer than a billionaire without one dime in your bank account. Always remember the positive spirit in you and your drive to succeed outweighs any dollar gained in this life.

    Let these words now sink in you, as you do soul-searching to discover your hidden potential to prosper in spiritual wellness and entrepreneurship.