Scared of What Your Financial Future Will Be Like After Getting Fired and Written Off by Family? Watch This Video Now With #LewisHowes #SaraBlakely About "#Greatness"

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  • Contributing Editor
    • May 2014
    • 2702

    Scared of What Your Financial Future Will Be Like After Getting Fired and Written Off by Family? Watch This Video Now With #LewisHowes #SaraBlakely About "#Greatness"

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    You're probably a peculiar person whereas you don't last long on jobs. You're probably a peculiar person that doesn't get along with your own blood kin family due to spiritual reasons. You're probably a person that gets picked on spiritually by employers, phony friends, coworkers and others because you just don't fit in with the world. No, you're not a weirdo. No, nothing is wrong with you. you just don't fit in with the world. However, just because you've been turned on by phone the family members that you have to look at in church every Sunday or every other Sunday, and picked on and threatened by employers, doesn't mean that it's the end of the world to the point where as you can't start your own business. Standing out like a needle in a haystack as a peculiar person can be a subliminally and spiritually good thing.

    If you feel you can't blend in anywhere or get along with many, you're actually cut out for a life of spiritual peculiar nest and side hustle entrepreneurship. Not fitting in with people is a spiritually good thing. It means that not only are you not cut from the same cloth as them, but you have spiritually and entrepreneurially good traits that their spirit probably can't tolerate about you. When you feel you can't fit in with people and you can't keep a regular job, use that negaative motivation to start your own business. That's what Sara Blakely of and Lewis Howes did in going from nothing to side hustle millionaires.

    When people try to make you feel like it's the end of the world and nothing you try will ever work, never lose hope in yourself. Keep going the business transformation work by believing in yourself, and showing up daily. By showing up and striving for excellence on a daily basis spiritually and entrepreneurially, you've already won half the battle regardless of family members who turn up on you like pure hypocrites, or employers who wrongfully terminate you. Their heads will keep with coals spiritually, when they find out later down the road you to their negative motivation, built the business off of their jealousy, envy and hatred and malice, and achieved "side hustle millionaire" status. Just because someone doesn't treat you right doesn't mean "you're not worth it."

    When the going gets tough in life, believe in yourself. Get that side hustle business going. Build from the ground floor up and never quit regardless who switches up on you. When family turns their backs on you like hypocrites, keep coming to church. When employers wrongfully terminate you or before you feel they go to wrongfully terminate you, start a side hustle working from home and don't tell any coworkers.

    Most importantly, get yourself a gym membership and get in the mindset that you're going to get healthy and stay on track with cardiovascular progress. By doing cardio in the morning on an empty stomach, you'll sustain more energy throughout your day to work on your side hustle business, inching you closer to future status of [side hustle millionaire]. You'll need all the energy you can get as a side hustle millionaire in the making, using the negative energy from phony friends, your ex-girlfriend, ex-boyfriend, current or former employer, and negative-hateful-hypocrite family members to build your business. The more adversity you face now, the more triumphant you'll be spiritually and entrepreneurially down the road.

    If you get started now before the new year with starting your own business online or off-line, you're already one step ahead of the haters.