#TerminatedToMillionaire: Strongarming Passive Income From Haters Through Side Hustles

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    • May 2014
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    #TerminatedToMillionaire: Strongarming Passive Income From Haters Through Side Hustles

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    3 concrete facts about life:
    • Adversity is an unfortunate, yet, profitable process that's unavoidable that has hidden riches in it.
    • Adversity opens doors of spontaneous opportunity, above and beyond benefiting from passive income online.
    • You'll never learn until you get burned by those closest to you: Family members, some people in Church, your heathen-hellion narcissist employer, etc.

    Getting fired from your job can be a subliminal blessing in disguise!

    Haters are everywhere. In the workplace. In every family. Haters manifesting themselves in the ending of personal - dating relationships. Haters are manifested through strangers in most situations for no reason. Haters are mostly manifested through jealous and slandering family members who continue to have an art against you since childhood, carrying over until adulthood, because you're a peculiar person and don't fit into the family. As haters are completely unavoidable in this life, dealing with them can benefit you financially and subliminally to the point of using their negative energy to start a passive income based side hustle. As your mind grows entrepreneurially while enduring hardship from dealing with haters from all walks of life for all sorts of reasons, whether it's people closest to you such as friends and family members, you'll discover that enduring such hardship of dealing with haters will be a blessing in disguise in the long run, above and beyond benefiting from them financially.

    It's a blessing in disguise when an employer or coworker sets you up for wrongful termination. It's tough going through the hardship in the moment of controlling your feelings to the point of acting like everything's cool, while going through workplace related negativity. It's a better pill to swallow to be respectful and talk to a hateful employer or coworker with due diligence - respect. As your direct employer or coworker indirectly harasses you in the workplace and tries to put the blame on you by taking the blame as the Fall Guy before being set up for wrongful termination, you sometimes might feel feelings of wanting to bald your fist up and knocking their teeth cleaned down their throat. Or, you may be tempted possibly to spew ugly words out of your mouth you normally wouldn't utter. These types of feelings are associated with enduring workplace related harassment because you're a peculiar person. As spewing words you normally wouldn't say off the tip of your tongue or inciting physical violence on the job, following peace with your employer and co-workers indirectly benefits you in spiritual and entrepreneurial growth. Moreover, following peace with people you work with, whether it's a co-worker, employer or other member of upper level management and keeping your mouth puts you in the prominent position to gather your thoughts together in formulating entrepreneurial ideas for starting a near future million dollar based internet side hustle. In the end long after your wrongful termination and putting your creative entrepreneurial juices to work, you are the victor. And, your workplace adversaries have no choice, but get the cheap seats and spectate your side hustle business success. That is, if you end up making it big and getting featured on major business websites, such as Bloomberg.com, CNN.com, Forbes.com, TheAtlantic.com, TheNewYorker.com, GQ.com, and Wired.com.

    10 killer entrepreneurial tactics for using family, former friend, and workplace haters to capitalize off of in earning and sustaining passive income on the way to achieving side hustle millionaire status:

    Document your weight loss journey on a blog, website or YouTube channel monetized with advertisements and promote on twitter, facebook, linkedin, permission based email marketing notifications:
    Good people are motivated to restart the transformation weight loss journeys by reading blogs from everyday people like themselves who are naturally losing weight. Not only do they read blogs, but they also watch motivating weight loss YouTube videos on creative ways to approach weight loss. If you doing a current fitness weight loss transformation and want to inspire people to follow your lead in losing weight while putting yourself in the driver seat to make money online from passive income through Google AdSense and affiliate programs on your blog, it's a good idea to document the fitness journey by starting your self-hosted WordPress weight loss blog. Moreover, it's also a good idea to start a weight loss related YouTube channel. The reason you want to do that is because you want to not only capitalize financially off of your fitness transformation by showing everyday people you're just like them and losing weight by staying motivated and documenting your weight loss journey online, but you also want to build a brand around it and turn this into a full-time business. Besides the fact that you're going to be earning passive income from your weight loss fitness transformation, a good thing to know about it is passive income also results in you making money from your blog and YouTube channel while you're sleeping. It's a pretty good feeling waking up in the morning knowing you made money potentially 24 hours a day.

    Start a side hustle doing something you love to do online as a passion project and craft it slowly but surely for passive income potential: A the majority of people start side hustles or traditional businesses because they don’t want to work a regular job, despite the fact that their heart is not truly vested into the business niche their starting. In other words, they start a business because they just don’t want to work a day job and hoping they’ll get rich quick. In the business of side hustles and traditional entrepreneurship, there is no such thing as getting rich quick. When you start a business, it’s an unwritten mandatory rule to do it as a labor of love straight from the heart. Reason being is because there’s going to be days, months, and perhaps years ago whereas you’re not making the type of money you hope for. When you start and continue the journey on a side hustle doing something you love to do as a passion project and continue doing the transformation business work out of inspiration or desperation, that’s where true growth occurs. You learn to stay the course because it’s something you can see yourself doing for the next 10, 20, 30 or possibly 40 years from now. You’re not getting into line with starting a side hustle that you work for five years, then switch to another field and do something else. The good thing to know about having a side hustle online is working from the comfort of your home or laptop on the go as a digital nomad. Passion projects that are managed online as side hustles allow the digital nomad-content creator to work on the project in their time, without the pressure and hassle of an employer virtually standing over your neck wondering when you’ll generate the next sale for the company, or meet production deadlines. A side hustle passion project online allows you to make all the mistakes you want and correct yourself in privacy, without looking or dealing with people in the real world. When someone criticizes your passionate side hustle project online, you learn from the valuable feedback, thus never having to worry about bumping into the person in the real world while improving your side hustle. This is the beauty of having an Internet-based hustle and doing what you do from the heart as a true labor of love.

    Use descriptive writing in your blog posts, web pages and videos to describe intimate feelings and details of how you used your adversities to overcome your challenges and profit from it in your side hustle: Writing blog posts in descriptive writing mode of your own persona helps you to stand out from average blogging competitors listed in search engines like Bing.com, Google.com, and YaHoO.com. Your descriptive way of writing in blog posts may be far from perfect. But the good news is, it’s your unique way of writing. Over the course of time in blogging consistency, your style of writing in your blog posts will grow on your loyal, target reading audience. Overall, your blog writing does not have to be absolutely perfect. As long as you keep going the extra mile regardless how many writing mistakes you make in your rough draft and published final edit blog posts, your mind will become institutionalized over time to make auto corrections to your writings before and after publishing the final blog draft. In the header of every blog post, you want to illustrate 3 to 5 key points of the message your blog post is trying to convey. After those 3 to 5 key points, you want to add an image or video to the beginning of your blog post before your writing. Once you’ve achieved that, dive right in to your descriptive writing, and how your feelings were affected by the situation you had to win door, whether it’s harassment from an employer on your job, a friend falsely accusing you of trying to sleep with his fiancée, a family members slandering you, struggling with losing weight, or how you currently progressing in your college studies. Describing intimate feelings in the body of your blogs will allow your readers to know that you’re a real human being, and not just trying to sell them a product or service from an advertisement in the header or sidebar section of your blog. The more descriptive in your current and future blog posts, the more your loyal blog readers are bound to return without asking them to do so. Why? They become “quietly emotionally attached” to your blogs, as well as becoming “emotionally attached quietly,” to the consistency of you publishing new blog posts vs. competing bloggers in your niche that’s possibly publishing blogs perhaps once weekly. Not only do blog readers become “emotionally attached” to the style of your writing and the consistency of your published blogs, but search engine algorithms also reward consistent bloggers who publish content daily, or every other day to their blogs. This is why it’s important to incorporate consistency, intimate feelings, and sincerity into the writing of your blogs in rough draft mode.

    Level up by wearing good smelling fragrances to feel good about yourself and indirectly attract members of the opposite gender: A man that takes care of his oral and physical hygiene that complements his masculinity with a good smelling fragrance can look forward to direct and indirect attention from females. A man who maintains good hygiene across the board achieves more than commanding unspoken respect and attention from women. When he decides to level up in his personal appearance and complements it with good smelling fragrances, he can look forward to problems in the workplace from women who feel they don’t have a chance at dating him. Most single and widowed women in the workplace who consistently smell attractive fragrances from a man quietly grow attracted to him, and are tempted to make subliminal offers to him to give her attention outside of the workplace. A man who wears a good smelling Cologne achieves more than gaining respect and attention from women; he commands respect, attention, problems from women who feel they won’t be able to engage in secret romantic encounters with him, and potential jealousy from other men for his upgraded thinking and appearance. Moreover, a man who wears good smelling fragrances to business networking events and combines it with maintaining good oral hygiene by brushing his teeth and rinsing his mouth out with Listerine.com can potentially look forward to more entrepreneurial opportunities from partnering advertisers. One thing advertisers-online merchants don’t mention at Internet marketing events conducted off-line is: they sometimes quietly judge potential affiliates they look to recruit into their affiliate programs at off-line meetup events, based on not just handsome looks, but also their personal appearance. Advertisers who prospect affiliates at off-line Internet meet up events are likely to prospect potential affiliates who smell good, dress nice, and have good breath. Why? Simply because those affiliates may someday make a good faith in being a spokesperson for the company. And, advertisers also preferred to deal with clean-cut affiliates who think more of themselves to maintain good hygiene and wear good smelling fragrances. This is why it’s important to properly groom yourself as a man and where good smelling Cologne, anywhere you go.

    Get organized in your side hustle by allotting certain days and times to designate online business related tasks: getting organized has its fringe benefits beyond the willing determination to get it together mentally and entrepreneurial. The first benefit of getting organized is you're getting yourself together spiritually. Getting yourself spiritually organized through the willing determination to make healthy spiritual changes should be your first and main priority in thinking beyond the things of this world. Secondly, getting organized has a fringe benefit of helping you get mentally organized to the point of getting not just your business off of the ground and your side hustle going from a small potato to a future million dollar operation, but organizing yourself will also put yourself in the potential position to increase your net worth while positioning yourself to benefit from future stable streams of passive income. It’s one thing to get in the mindset of getting organized. Staying that way willingly is another. When you make a conscious decision to level up across the board and stop settling for less by changing your way of thinking as the first initial action step, you’ll discover through experience that getting organized comes along with family and friends turning when you. Striving for excellence will make you a truly peculiar person in the eyes and minds of many. Don’t be surprised if those closest to you who say they are your staunch supporters drive a virtual-emotional knife in your back, after telling you how much they truly appreciate and love you. Enduring such adversity by getting organized should motivate you to get consistent in your thinking. If you’re considering starting an online side hustle or already managing one on the Internet, it’s a good idea to designate certain days and times for certain Internet related business tasks. For example, if you have a video marketing agenda whereas you plan on uploading videos to your YouTube channel at least twice weekly, it’s a good idea to film your YouTube videos in advance. When filming your YouTube videos in advance for pre-video uploading, get in a consistent mindset after filming and editing your videos to write a clear and concise description of what your video is about. Be mindful to write a search engine friendly YouTube title and relevant video search keywords. Moreover, after you’re done filming and editing your videos with the keywords you desire to use in your video and a YouTube search friendly video title, upload your videos to your channel and schedule them to post on certain days and times. Once you get in a consistent mindset of doing that, you now have additional time on your hands for creating rich content for your self hosted WordPress blog or static PHP website. As you designate certain days to create video content and other days to create and publish blog or website content, you’ll notice you’ll start having a peace of mind, as your mind will potentially stop wandering and wondering when things will come together. Getting organized in your side hustle by doing certain things on certain days will definitely increase your passive income potential, making you less dependent on your day job and more independent from your unthankful, “hellion employer.”

    Document every occurrence of your employer's or coworkers harassment: Your [hellion employer] doesn’t know it. Don't know what? Everytime she or he harasses you indirectly or directly in front of others, it can pan out to be profitable experiences. Not in terms of getting “lawyered up,” but profitable in the sense of sharing your workplace harassment experiences with others through content and video. Sharing your experiences with your current and past employers in YouTube videos will show everyday working class people that you’re just like them, giving them videos and valuable insight they can relate to. Regular people who read your blogs, webpages, and frequently watch your YouTube videos after every documented occurrence of your employers or coworkers harassment will give them creative ideas on how to deal with their own internal workplace harassment. Not many content creators create niche YouTube channels or blogs-websites documenting occurrences of workplace harassment. Carving out this niche as your topic on the Internet is highly profitable. Especially if you’re coming home from work almost every day with a new documented occurrence, while working on the Internet as a side hustle. When documenting harassment claims from a coworker or employer, be mindful to be as descriptive as possible in your writing. If possible and applicable, record your employer harassing or threatening you. If possible and applicable, have your phone on record and silent while catching your coworker or employer off guard saying under the cuff things to you. If you’re unable to record a coworker or your boss verbally harassing or threatening you, wear a wire, whereas the wire is coming up to the top of your cufflink inside your shirt taped to your arm. In many cases, when a boss has an employee in their office in a closed one on one meeting, they think it’s okay to say anything they want, thinking no one will know or hear anything they said. When you wear a wire and catch your employer off guard, that can be legally held in court as documented evidence of workplace harassment from your boss. Moreover, that recording can also be shared in YouTube videos and podcasts shows without mentioning your employer’s name or the company you work for or worked for in the past. Lastly, if you decide to strap up with a voice recorder and catch your employer off guard by wearing a wire, make sure that your voice recorder has the capability to plug into your computer, whereas your boss’s voice can be converted into text and published on a blog, website, or in the YouTube video description for everyone to read. And when you monetize your employer’s harassment with ads, this is where the passive income potential really goes into “virtual overdrive!”

    Reject opportunities when presented from a co-worker or other personnel in the workplace for out of workplace romantic encounters: Ever heard of the saying “you don’t poop we you eat?” The word [poop] is supposed to mean another word which is not going to be repeated on this website. When you poop where you eat, the person you allegedly engage in workplace romance with may turn out to be a milk dud. A sour bomb. A stock flop. And, long after the workplace romance feeling has fizzled out, you still have to look at and work with this person. Imagine how that feels. If a coworker or management personnel presents an opportunity for dating, kindly reject the opportunity. Especially, if you plan on starting or maintaining a side hustle in secrecy. You never want to date someone you work with because if they find out you have a side hustle and you're earning passive income slowly but surely, that person may start to feel they’re worthy of a cut of your passive earnings from your Internet based side hustles. Mixing business and pleasure is like oil and water; it just doesn’t mix. For men, it doesn’t matter how big her chest is or how thick her thighs are. Nor should it matter how pretty her toes are, when she shows off her feet at work. If that woman is constantly showing off how nice her feet look and wearing super attractive things to work and always coming near you when you’re trying to be productive, be equal in your demeanor-reaction to kindly letting her know that you don’t date women from the job. For women, keep your mind focused on your side hustle business and ignore that man if he comes on to you. A side hustle and the income potential is worth avoiding dating someone you work with. Sure, we all desire companionship from a genuine person. But the workplace is not the place for dating. Romantic encounters are to be avoided at all costs. You don’t want to look back knowing you dated someone you worked with and she or he found out in secret you became a “side hustle millionaire,” having to watch over your back and take extraordinary measures to protect yourself because they now know you’re an online millionaire. It’s best to stay single, perform an honest day's work for an honest day's pay on the job, come home, and work on your side hustle in secret.

    Use memories of childhood jealousy and slander by family members to stay focused in your transformational weight loss journey and side hustle business building: Remember cousins who always had it out for you since you were a kid jealous of you for no reason? Those same cousins are the ones that contained jealousy in their hearts that spilled over into adulthood, finding a reason to still have an ought against you to this very day. It’s not because you don’t fit into the family. That’s not the main reason. The main reason is because of “spiritual warfare.” It’s not just cousins that may have something in their hearts against you in harboring childhood jealousy. It could be an uncle, uncles, aunt or aunties. Childhood jealousy aimed at you by any family member is not an act of “unfeigned love.” Because a family member poses as a hypocrite towards you and makes you feel as if you don’t fit in to the family because of their alleged jealousy towards you since your childhood, you can take those negative feelings that are bottled up inside you, using it as negative motivation to start a future million-dollar online side hustle. While there’s all kinds of reasons to start a side hustle on the Internet and achieve “side hustle millionaire” status, knowing in the back of your mind that jealous family members want to see you fail and continually suffer throughout your life should give you enough subliminal motivation to go the extra mile in your entrepreneurial side hustle journey. Moreover, if you know a particular family member wants to see you suffer because of their jealousy by slandering your name and your character, though they did not mention your name directly online or off-line and you have no legal basis to sue them in a court of law, you can still capitalize off of a slanderous family member by putting forth extra effort in your Internet based online side hustle. One thing family haters don’t realize is the one they hate the most is likely the one to end up being the most spiritually blessed, spiritually protected, and the most financially prosperous. Lastly, be thankful you have family haters. If you don’t go through something with people closest to you such as family members, or even sometimes your own brother or sister, or perhaps father or mother, you’ll never discover your true hidden spiritual and entrepreneurial power. It’s in times of adversity of enduring trial and tribulation from family haters and others that brings out hidden things you never knew were in you. If you hang in there and keep doing the transformation business work out of inspiration or desperation, you’ll prosper spiritually through the opening of your understanding, in addition to profiting spiritually and financially from your growing pains of enduring “haterade” from jealous-slanderous family members.

    Building a million dollar side hustle off of the strength of a former childhood friend or childhood friends stealing money from you when they said they had your back: If you grew up with some childhood friends that turned out to be virtual milk duds in adulthood after stealing money from you, you can use that negativity as subliminal motivation to build a million-dollar based online side hustle. Most people don’t think about this, but long after they’ve parted from their childhood friends because of differences, former friends came to quietly check on the progress of one another. It could be anything from using other friends to check on Facebook profiles of former friends. It could be searching for a former friend on YouTube to see if they have a YouTube channel. It could also be trying to call an old phone number to see if the former friend is still available at that number. Or perhaps sending an email to see if they would get a response directly from the former friend. Either way you look at this, former friends have a quiet tendency of checking on the progress of each other long after severing childhood friendship ties. Have you ever grew up with someone you knew virtually since a baby that you grew emotionally attached to, only to find out later in life the person was your enemy “wolf in sheep’s clothing?” Have you ever taken a chance on a childhood friend and moved to a different state with them to share an apartment, condo or house together, only to find out not long after you move in that the former friend not only married someone allegedly less than three months after meeting them in a gas station, but allegedly left you hanging with their half of the rent and utility bills? And, having to deal with the emotional turmoil of a childhood friend turning on you after moving to a state you knew nothing about and being left for virtual death, by having to pay their half of the bills and rent? If the answer is yes and you’ve experienced this, you can use that type of negativity and memory from the past as a way of quietly encouraging yourself to build a future million-dollar based online side hustle. Your former friend from the past would feel burned alive in their mind and head spiritually heaping with Coles, if they found out in secret you used their past negative actions to become an online millionaire today. They could never say anything to you ever again in life. Then again, they would probably try to speak because they found out you got rich, and try to play like everything is cool between you and them wanting to be friends again. Using negativity from former childhood friends adverse actions can pan out to make you truly blessed financially in the long run. Adversity opens doors of spontaneous opportunity. Agree?

    Capitalizing off of rejection long after a former dating partner dumped you and decided to go back to the past in being with their ex again: Most people don’t understand the hidden lessons to be learned long after the relationship has been severed after dating someone. Look at failed relationships like this: if the person you dated at the time wholeheartedly accepted you and married and you came into spiritual and entrepreneurial understanding later in life after marrying the person you thought you loved, you would’ve discovered that you made a huge mistake after changing the history of your human thought process. You would’ve literally hated yourself for the rest of your life. The person you dated in the past deeds you a huge justice by helping you dodge a virtual bullet; themselves. The emotional turmoil you potentially experience long after a breakup can pan out to be a huge blessing in disguise financially. If the person you dated decided to let you go and tell you to your face after taking you out to dinner in the last meeting that they decided to “go back to the past,” get yourself organized by not chasing them after they dumped you. Start a business in the midst of your emotional turmoil and prove to yourself you are “worth it.” Using emotional turmoil to start a side hustle is a great way to set yourself up positively to benefit from streams of passive income. The person you dated not only turned out to be a hater in disguise of your true spiritual and business potential, but they have also “without their knowledge” pushed you to a new horizon of accelerating you to be a future “side hustle millionaire.” Be thankful the relationship didn’t work out because now, you can use their negativity to capitalize off of the person financially who dumped you. When they find out later in life you’re doing well without them financially, don’t be surprised if they potentially come out of the wood works virtually and contact you wanting to get back together. You’re better off ignoring them and moving forward with your life, never allowing them a second chance. But it’s mandatory that you forgive them for their wrongdoing, so you stay blessed spiritually.


    Strong arming passive income takes time and consistency. There is no such thing as get rich quick overnight. Passive income can be achieved by good working class people they stay the course and build out their side hustle from the ground floor up, operating in faith at full strength. Passive income it's possible to achieve working from anywhere on your laptop or working from home, giving you the grand potential to make money online potentially 24 hours a day even while sleeping. Affiliate marketing, blogging and side hustles are here to stay. Anyone, anywhere, at any age can get started online with little to no money.

    Never allow a jealous family member like a slanderous cousin, a narcissist employer who gets off on saying things to an employee in private when they think no one hears them, an aunt, an uncle, a jealous brother or sister hinder your potential from flourishing as an entrepreneur and side hustle millionaire in the making. The greater your challenges, the more determined you should be to rise against them and succeed in your side hustle, capitalizing off of their negativity by increasing your passive income in silence.

    Hate makes the mental growth stagnate. When your employer and family members contemplate and continually hate, let that quietly increase your financial weight. You’ll be the victor in the long run by enduring hardship as a faithful side hustle millionaire in the making and will someday say “checkmate!”