Willing to Change Your Mindset and Become an Entrepreneur? Reading This Might Inspire You.

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  • Contributing Editor
    • May 2014
    • 2715

    Willing to Change Your Mindset and Become an Entrepreneur? Reading This Might Inspire You.

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    Stop worrying about what people think, and how you'll look to others when you start your side hustle.

    Everybody who started out online that's earning passive income started out as small potatoes.

    They made countless online marketing mistakes and kept going the extra mile in creating content.

    Your lack of marketing experience online means nothing. Most entrepreneurs #online are self-taught affiliate marketers, bloggers and digital product sellers.

    They did the transformation business work out of inspiration or desperation.

    They didn't care what others were uttering or murmuring under their breath or behind the back of the ambitious entrepreneur.

    They looked to the future because they know someday they'll achieve more than being in Forbes, and being bigger than the New York City Times Square billboards.

    The internet and your consistency + dedication can and will transform your life and turn you into a quiet walking back. But it's up to you to use your mind and make a difference in the lives of others, by providing quality content - information to keep them coming back for more.

    A side hustle is what you make of it. If you're sick of working for someone else and you feel your employer doesn't appreciate you and keeps getting rich off of your hard work while you get no pay raise or are duped out of commissions, maybe this is your calling to the digital nomad life.

    Additional food for thought: While many people view side hustles as a means of earning extra money on the side as a way of "getting by," a side hustle is more than that.

    A side project is a passionate labor of love you do from the heart.

    You do it because it's something that's in you. And, something you can see yourself doing for the next 10 to 40 to 50 years. A side hustle is also something you do from within that never fades like changing fashion trends.

    When you willingly adapt to shifting focus from day job employee to side hustle entrepreneur, you'll notice things changing in your life.

    Things such as:
    • Feeling in control of your destiny-future.
    • Feelings of confidence and increased humility.
    • Coming into the understanding that [job] means [just over broke].
    • A wrongful termination means a promotion in life to greener pastures and new horizons for spiritual and entrepreneurial growth.
    • Coming into the understanding that despite that you might be financially successful in your side hustle, you can't take money with you into "eternity." Money is just an "earthly" thing.

    And NO, you can't buy your way out of judgment, even if you're worth over $200 billion dollars today.

    Feeling better about yourself when you help others and show them the way how to turn a side hustle into a full-time money making portal by working from home without expectation. True transformation of the heart is when you do for others without expecting in return.

    Coming into the understanding that being mistreated and harassed by your employer on the job is a subliminal indicator that you're better than being an employee. You're destined for greatness.

    There you have it. As long as you're in the land of the living and showing up daily, you have no more excuses to stay in the employee state of mind. Get on board now and "get that side hustle going."