Motivational Reads Straight From The Horse's Mouth: It's Never Too Late to Start an Online Business And Quit Your Day Job

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  • Contributing Editor
    • May 2014
    • 2711

    Motivational Reads Straight From The Horse's Mouth: It's Never Too Late to Start an Online Business And Quit Your Day Job

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    Key Points:
    • It's in your most challenging moments as a working class, college student, or someone going through the trials and tribulations of life that you need to read or view a video from someone or a site you can relate to.
    • Adversity has a keen way of opening your understanding to take your hidden creativity and business ideas pushed to the back of your mind and use it in a way to start a profitable online business.
    • The best is yet to come. Hang in there and do the tranformation business work. It's not too late to start an online business and quit your day job.

    If you find yourself debating if you should stay on the job and keep giving your employer your all or get that online business started now in the most trying time of your life, chances are that your time to get that side hustle going is now. Pissed off about not getting that raise you deserve? Or that promotion? How about getting dropped by the temporary employment agency when you worked your way to becoming perm? Vent that anger into creatively brainstorming about starting a business. No current or former employer wants to know the one they swept under the bus is aboit to start a business on th3 internet and become a near future online millionsire. That would eat their mind up to smitheriness.

    Below are motivational reads for whatever you're going through or curious about starting. If you're about to start a business online, alway sknow you need a domain name, dedicated web server, a WordPress blog installed on your dedicated server, a YouTube channel, and a reliable 4k digital camera.

    Read and feel inspired to start a business on the internet now so you can join "the great resignation":

    All good things take time to come into fruition. It starts with a vision. Take that vision and outline your goals. After paying your tithes 1st of 10% out of every paycheck from your GROSS income every 2 weeks, then set aside your offering. After Tithe & offering is paid, then set aside a small percentage of your check to invest in your side hustle. An online business is more than an entrepreneurial fashion trend. Remote work is here to stay. This is why it's never too late to get onboard with changing your mindset and aspiring through faith and work to achieve full-time digital nomad status.


    When you start a side hustle with a regular job and know you're about to be set up for wrongful termination, that alone should be your biggest motivation to go all the way in on building your online business. When you discover profit in adversity, you'll see subliminal opportunity. Moreover, you transition into the "bulletproof Baby Ruth," and "immune in refusing to lose."


    When your mind is free of worrying about what people think and build your side hustle out loud without a care in the world, you can mentally shake a leg in doing the twist. Opinions and naysaying is dismissed. Moving forward in your quest to greatness is the primary goal in doing your own business. The beauty of positive thinking is knowing that visionary thinking puts you in the prominent position to quietly benefit from untapped online profits.


    The core of your business is to help people solve problems, such as inspiring them to change the history of their thinking in adapting to the side hustle mindset. Not everyone will find you to be useful. You can't please everyone with solutions in motivating them to turn to side hustles. You're not a failure because you refuse to bow to "people pleasing mode." If you do what you do as a labor of #love and genuinely desire to help others, you'll understand greatness requires doing the transformation work + patience without trying to please everyone.


    Silent opportunity is at your fingertips. You have a computer or laptop. Internet access. An idea. But what about endurance to embrace trial and tribulation in building from the ground floor up and sticking it out in longevity? All good things are possible to those who believe and put in the work.


    One step here. One step there. No one started a business online or offline doing things perfectly to a "T." Everyone makes mistakes, gets inconsistent, and sometimes blunder off the map. Side Hustles are everyone's gateway to breaking away from the corporate rat race scott-free. Start a business and do it from the heart when working from home. This way, you won't look at how long it takes or how many mistakes you've made. Just keep going and don't quit.


    Lifting others up to believe in themselves and achieve more than building a business from scratch does more than inspire you to have a mature spiritual and entrepreneurial character. Don't tear others down or try to make them feel less than you with your mouth in spreading misinformation or gossip. Tell someone not "smooth words," but kind words of sincerity. That's the true transformation of the heart. If you bring out the best in a person and lift them up, it'll do more good than benefiting your business in longevity beyond gaining tangible prosperity.


    Learn to see the good in challenging times. There's profit to be gained during struggle. Profit from learning from your current and past experiences + applying it in your business building efforts. Profit is strategic thinking in taking your online business agenda to the public 9th step. Profit is moving forward in overdrive without seeing the light at the end of the #tunnel. You have to learn to adapt quickly to thrive. To stay relevant, you have to not only learn to have a thick skin as an entrepreneur, but also hustle and motivate others as a #leader for change.


    Life doesn't work like that. Most people may have that intention, but don't have it in them to get started and stay focused as a labor passion. Life has all kinds of bumpy roads that slow a person's mind and progress down. Don't be discouraged if you don't earn your first million dollars by a certain age. Today's age of information technology allows anyone to start a side hustle w/ or w/o Internet marketing experience by working from home or on the go in their spare time as a digital nomad. Setting realistic business goals allows you to work on your passion project as a labor of love without disappointment. It doesn't pay to think superficially.


    It's never too late to get that side hustle going. Age and lack of experience is of no importance online. What matters most is consistency and dedication doing something you love, transforming passion into a profitable business that produces multiple streams of passive income. The choice is yours what you make of the Internet.


    Food can be fuel to advance your online business, or keep you in a lifestyle of gluttony. Losing weight can help you increase your financial weight. Then you can rejoice later in feeling and saying "checkmate." Stay humble and hungry.


    How are you investing in yourself today to achieve extraordinary status? Are you eating the right foods? Are you building numerous side hustles through affiliate marketing, blogging, vlogging, and striving to lose weight? Or are you still in your yesteryear habits? Put the candy, "Tuesday struggling to make it to payday to repay with hamburgers," bon bons and twinkies down. Striving daily to get the pounds down and working from home is possible to accomplish. If you want to be great, you gotta get out of your emotional comfort zone. Start a side hustle, eat healthy, and change your mindset. Are you listening?


    While the digital marketing industry allows you to earn passive income from your side hustle as a part time or full-time digital marketer, it's a good idea to strategize now on creative ways to save money for your golden years.

    You can save money and increase your #online income through:

    * Real estate

    * Creation of multiple YouTube channels in a variety of niches

    * Start a restaurant

    * Purchase a gas station

    * Network with oil and gas billionaires in Dubai - UAE to tap into Saudi Aramco profits

    * Start a health food store

    * Blog passionately and create a separate bank account to let those online profits sit in a nest egg - dormant account

    The list goes on.

    With so much opportunity to earn affiliate income online from freelancing, why continue wasting your priceless energy and time working for an unthankful employer who keeps a cap on your salary and glass ceiling cap on how far you move up in the company you work for? It's long overdue to take power back today from your employer by getting that side hustle going and start saving the money you earn online for senior years.

    Put in that work now with your passion project online. This way, you have stable and recurring streams of passive income, without a worry later about your social security income and pension.


    New thinking. New outlook. New relationships. New way of dressing. New way of "conversing," (not conversating). New way of achieving business objectives. New way of everything else you can imagine. Change your mindset. Believe. Achieve. Progress. When your thinking changes, everything else falls into place for the good. And that benefits more than your online business. Keep going and always be willing to try something new. The new mindset sees profit in everything. Taking adversity and transforming it not only into a sustainable business, but a side hustle that you truly love. When you transform challenges into businesses, it sets you up quietly to benefit from passive income streams.


    When naysayers nay say behind your back, counterattack that. Not with physical violence, but complex intelligence. Let the jibba jibba be your #fuel to #levelup. Growing pains are good for being in #preparation for future status of ________________. (stay tuned).


    Face the fear and build that online business. If you're scared and iffy about if it's going to work, stop worrying and get that side hustle going. The "what if" mindset is like milk. It'll do your body "NO good." Face + feel the fear and do the business work anyways. Time will pass. The more you put off starting a business, the more you'll regret waiting until things are right in your life to start. Dedicated entrepreneurs with a creative entrepreneurial mindset "start before they're ready."


    The same ones that back away quietly when you're starting from the bottom are the same ones quietly keeping tabs on your progress. Your ex, a former employer, family, childhood friend, the crush from the high school prom maybe. And they sometimes use #footsoldiers (speaking through other people or using others to keep tabs on you). When they see your progress growing and your side hustle blossoming, then some of them try to come back around the block trying to speak and acting like it's all good. Use their strange ways to profit, stay humble, and keep it moving.


    Long after your ex dumped you, they find a secret way to keep tabs on your progress long after the relationship is over. After they find out you started a business and managed to thrive without them and develop stable sources of passive income, don't be surprised if you get an email, friend request on Facebook, they discover your YouTube channel, and come back around the block trying to speak. Keep going on your side hustle. Ignore your ex. And explore infinite possibilities through independent entrepreneurship.


    Change your mindset today. Thinking big like the empire state puts you at odds sometimes with a person you're dating, an employer, relative, next door neighbor, or even people you went to school with. This comes along with making the effort to shift focus and double down to getting serious in business. Don't be surprised if that ex, family or someone you grew up with comes out of the woodworks later down the road who doubted you and tries to come back in your life. It's never too late to get organized.


    It's always a good idea for young people to get a job so they get that real world experience as a working class citizen in the workplace. Never get content with a job: job meaning "just over broke." A side hustle is today's new way of creating and sustaining financial security. Never put all your trust and eggs in a basket working for any employer, even if you're a union employee. Joining a union is good. It still doesn't guarantee job security. True job security is believing in yourself and doing the transformation business work by starting a side hustle. When you take advantage of the digital nomad opportunity of doing something you love as a passion project #transforming it into a business that generates residual passive income, you're breaking free from corporate bondage of being confined to a traditional career, bulletproofing yourself from being at the mercy of your employer.


    When you decide to start your side hustle and take power back from your boss by refusing to allow them to dictate your paycheck and refuse to work overtime, you inch closer to achieving financial freedom. Imagine your own internet business, whereas you have no employees, go up and go as you please as a digital nomad, and travel without planning in advance. This is possible for you when you decide to change your mindset and plot on making good of entrepreneurship. Job security is in your creative potential to flourish as a creative entrepreneur.


    For most working-class, Coming toward the end of the workweek is a sigh of relief. They got through another week of productivity, enduring looking at coworkers they likely can't stand and don't talk to outside the workplace, and thinking about where they'll party tonight.

    For ambitious and creative side hustlers, Friday night and weekends are crunch time for:

    ● Brainstorming YouTube video ideas and taking time to plan near future Q & A's

    ● Enjoying a night out on the town filming YouTube videos for promoting their affiliate marketing, blogging, and podcasting side hustle agendas

    ● Content planning for the following week

    ● Avoiding nightclubs

    ● Staying in the digital nomad mindset and looking to the future with their side hustle tunnel vision

    ● Thinking of creative ways to increase passive income and not splurging on purchasing new luxury cars the moment they receive their #AdSense checks or affiliate commissions via bank transfer

    ● Hitting the treadmill and using weight loss progress to increase energy levels for the purpose of getting healthy and using the newfound energy to increase side hustle productivity.

    The list goes on.

    While Friday is a day of relief for the working class, don't spend your paycheck on nonsense and buying the newest Jumpman23 sneakers or While those high-ticket fashion items are somewhat of an investment, not spending wisely can also keep you BROKE by trying to keep up with the #Joneses with the latest fashion styles.

    Be wise and spend less in frugal living.


    Fast fact: Video is changing the way online entrepreneurs approach business. It's responsible for the accelerated growth of blogs, podcasts, websites, and YouTube channels.

    People gravitate to watching countless hours of video when a video content creator sticks to the script of consistent video uploading.

    For video content creators, the financial rewards of consistent video marketing are endless.

    The change in mindset to go from day job to digital nomad starts with you.

    With the Amazon influencer program now up and running and YouTube partner program paying video content creators handsome sums for their efforts, that alone should motivate the everyday working-class person to shift focus in their thought process and get on board with video marketing as not just a side hustle, but using it as a full-time business venture and a medium to never go back to the workforce and keep making their employer rich.

    It's never too late to get started.


    It profits to have a positive mindset and look to the future with your business goals.

    Thinking for the future inspires you to have a greater respect for life, relationships, side hustles, and keeps you out of the "working for someone else and making them rich mindset."

    Believe in yourself by starting a business, a willingness to shift focus in the way you think and thinking broader, and using adversity as a profit vehicle, by using people who think less and doubt you to propel you and your business to unthinkable levels of greatness.

    You are what you think.


    Fast fact: Female entrepreneurship is on the rise. As most women continue enduring workplace related harassment, they're now using their creativity to start side hustles with the intent of overcoming disparate treatment from their employer and co-workers. Build a legacy, not just a business. Build passive income, not just a way to supplement your income and hold onto a job. Build beautiful memories of how you started a side hustle from scratch, nurtured it, and watched it sprout like a Chia Pet.

    A woman who feels disparate treatment in the workplace should use her narcissist employer as subliminal motivation to propel herself to be a future online millionaire.

    With employers getting away with all kinds of workplace harassment and the #MeToo movement still at full strength, females ought to know now is the perfect era to build an online business, with the intent of defeating their #boss.

    Let the bad bring out the good in you.

    Female business leadership is a beautiful thing for all men to admire.