Side Hustles: Earning Passive Income As A Digital Nomad

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  • Contributing Editor
    • May 2014
    • 2715

    Side Hustles: Earning Passive Income As A Digital Nomad

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    Key Points:
    • Age is of no concern when starting a part-time basis side hustle working remotely from anywhere with your laptop or working from home online.
    • Many of today’s full-time digital nomads started off with part-time side hustles and worked their way up to earning steady streams of passive income, putting themselves in a prominent position to quit their day jobs and work for themselves.
    • Affiliate marketing, blogging, YouTube video marketing, and reselling online from thrift stores is today’s new norm for building financial security versus working a traditional day job.

    Virtually everywhere you look online whether it’s in a search result, news article, or on, almost everyone is talking about the amazing potential of side hustles. Everyday people start side hustles working from anywhere on their laptop or from home online with the intent to generate healthy streams of passive income to the point where they no longer need a day job. In fact, some everyday people became so confident in themselves that they started a small side hustle using affiliate marketing, blogging, or vlogging on YouTube as a means of generating a secondary stream of income, building themselves up to the point of out earning their day job income, thus joining the great resignation era and earning a 100% living online. Believe it or not, this can be you if you believe in yourself, get started now, and do the transformation business work out of “inspiration or desperation.”

    ‘Lose the Insecure Feelings’

    Many people have a mind to start a side hustle despite having solidified job security. But many people who want to start side hustles that have job security grandfathered in are possibly insecure about starting one. In fact, some day jobbers wonder if they can truly live 100% off of an online-based side hustle. Truth is, absolutely. These day jobbers are insecure about taking the leap of faith because they’ve been on their job so long and don’t want to lose their 401(k)-pension-retirement. So as a result, they stay on the job and work for less money because of their potential insecure feelings, wondering if the side hustle income will be enough to live off of.

    Insecure feelings is the reason many people won’t succeed in this line of work. The side hustle lifestyle is a test of your personal faith. You will feel insecure in the infancy of starting a side hustle. Why? Because you’re unsure if it’ll work. Truth is, many of today’s side hustle millionaires started out insecure. They had to endure hardship like a good soldier and unsure if their side hustle efforts will pay off in the long run. Despite dealing with insecure feelings, ambitious side hustlers continued moving forward, by doing the transformation business work out of [inspiration or desperation]. Side hustle millionaires are no better than the average everyday person that works paycheck to paycheck. What this means is you can be just as successful as today’s side hustle millionaires who started out as “small potatoes.” Swallowing insecure feelings and getting started now with a side hustle will open your mind to the infinite possibilities of the potential for earning healthy, unlimited streams of passive income, even while you’re sleeping. The best way to also get rid of insecure feelings after starting your side hustle is to make mistakes as you go along in your journey as an aspiring digital nomad. Learning as you go along and making mistakes will help you build “entrepreneurial endurance.”

    Thrift Store Reselling Side Hustle

    A thrift store-based side hustle is a low-cost startup-based side hustle day jobbers can start with less than $100. Goodwill and other small potato mom-and-pop thrift stores harbor secret treasure. And for pennies on the dollar, day jobbers can set aside a portion of their biweekly paychecks as a means of investing in their side hustle. For less than $100, a person can visit a thrift store, browse female and male closet racks, and pick out the best items they feel will resell online at a markup on sites like,,,, and Depending on which site you choose to resell thrift store items on, you may pay a percentage close to 20%, 20% seller fee, or potentially more. PoshMark charges a 20% seller's point of everything sold. The good thing about posh Mark is after you upload items, the poshmark algorithm quietly creates a PPC “pay per click” listing potentially in search engines like to host your listing. Pay per click listings raise traffic to your posh Mark listings at a faster pace, helping you to sell items faster and collect your money. When your items sell quickly online after purchasing from the thrift store, you’ll feel motivated to continue the journey in your buying and reselling thrift store-based side hustle. Additionally to reselling items online through your reseller profile, you can promote your thrift store listings through YouTube video marketing, sharing your items on,,,, and flip The goodness of doing that increases online visibility to your seller listings and helps you make money online faster. As a pattern develops of you earning money online quickly from reselling your items from the thrift store, you’ll feel compelled quietly to rely less on your day job income. Your thrift store-based side hustle can in fact become a full-time job and generate enough income for you to quit your day job, thus joining “the great resignation club.” Another good thing to know about buying and reselling online from thrift stores is not just the fact that you can start up with less than $100, but no previous online marketing experience is required for you to start the thrift store-based side hustle, and build your way up to earning a potential five figure monthly passive income. Always remember that side hustles our faith-based operations that tests not just your personal faith, but also provides value to people.

    As your thrift store-based reselling side hustle takes off and you start earning a healthy five figure monthly passive income, you can triple your online earnings by creating a separate YouTube channel discussing your humble beginnings as an online-based thrift store reseller. Being down to earth in your YouTube videos as a thrift store online-based reseller will show people not just the fact that you’re in everyday regular person with a day job in transition to full-time online entrepreneur status, but subliminally inspire people who watch your YouTube videos that they to can do the same thing you’re doing if they believe in themselves, and do the transformation business work out of inspiration or desperation. Sometimes, people need to watch videos of other regular everyday people to get subliminal inspiration to start a business. And you can be one of those regular everyday people that motivates regular working class people to believe enough in themselves to start thrift store online-based reselling side hustles. Lastly, creating a separate YouTube channel discussing your humble beginnings as an online-based thrift store reseller may turn the switch on mentally in some people who are struggling with their personal faith, as you’ll potentially be rewarded with free advertising and unlimited income potential by selling more products and services in your YouTube videos.

    Vlogging on YouTube With a Phone at $0 Investment

    If you’re on a constricted budget and don’t have a mind for securing a dedicated Web server and domain name for now, that’s absolutely fine. You can always expand your mind and your online presence at a later time by acquiring a domain and dedicated server. The purpose of having a dedicated server and a domain name is to build your personal online real estate with a self hosted WordPress blog installed on your dedicated server. On the flip side, you can make your online presence known with a zero dollar investment by creating a niche based YouTube channel.

    For people on a budget with 0% intent on shelling out a small investment for a domain name and dedicated web hosting to host a self hosted WordPress blog for earning an independent stream of passive income, anyone can use their camera phone to start a vlogging based YouTube side hustle. For YouTube to work for you as a side hustle, unique ambition, creativity, a long-term visionary mindset. And don’t forget “lots and lots of content.” Starting a YouTube channel with zero dollars upfront allows you to showcase your creativity and ambition to the public ninth step. It also tests your faith to see what you’re made of if you can turn nothing into something. Using a camera phone and YouTube channel is an ideal way to showcase your expertise and speak your mind in YouTube videos to empower your audience with useful information, while building your subscriber base to 1000 YouTube subscribers and 4000 hours of watch time in hopes of becoming a future YouTube advertising partner.

    Believe it or not, alone can help you earn a 100% living outside of your day job, putting you in the driver's seat to quit your day job in the future and join [the great resignation club]. YouTube vlogs are also ideal for promoting affiliate links in the YouTube video description section without owning a blog or website. Video marketing is the ideal way to capture people’s attention quickly with zero dollars invested upfront as a means of building your business slowly from the ground floor up. Most importantly, whether you start a self hosted WordPress blog or use YouTube as a means of making money online, there’s no age limitation when it comes to starting side hustles.

    Coupon Marketing Side Hustles

    Are you the type to search intensively for discounts on certain products and services at supermarkets by searching newspapers and searching in search engines like,,,, and for the best coupon discounts for saving money food or fashion shopping? Guess what? Coupon affiliate marketing earns healthy streams of passive income for coupon affiliate marketers who promote coupon related affiliate programs as side hustles. There’s a plethora of “coupon affiliate networks” available for newbie side hustlers-affiliate marketers-online marketers to sign up for absolutely free of charge. Once approved as a new coupon affiliate, you can simply take your coupon affiliate link and promote it as a side hustle through email newsletters, word-of-mouth, promote your coupon affiliate links on social networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. and make easy money. When people click your coupon affiliate link and download free coupons, you earn a percentage whatever that affiliate program is offering as a commission to coupon-based affiliates. Coupon affiliate marketing is an excellent side hustle for earning streams of passive income in longevity, putting you in the prominent position to become more and more independent from day job income.

    Coupon affiliate links can easily be promoted in YouTube videos, blogs, websites, forums, social networks, and through “mobile phone affiliate marketing.” It's the easiest money to earn from promoting coupon affiliate links because there’s nothing to sell. People love “free.” For you, that means “easy affiliate money from coupon related side hustles.” For more information on capitalizing on coupon related affiliate marketing and earning affiliate commissions as a coupon side hustler, check out (For Me To Coupon) for more information.


    With the potential to earn millions of dollars online from your ambition and creativity as an aspiring side hustle entrepreneur hoping to transition successfully from day job employee to full-time online entrepreneur, you have no more excuses not to set yourself up to achieve financial freedom in the near future. Now’s the perfect time to start a side hustle in the most trying time of your life to see what you’re truly made of.

    If you’re sick and tired of working paycheck to paycheck being at the mercy of your employer, feeling like it’s the end of the world because you don’t have someone in your life in terms of a spouse, enduring spiritual related challenges, and feeling a need for change, this is the perfect time to put your faith to the test and get your side hustle going. It won’t be perfect starting out, but well worth taking the first initial action step in getting started.