3 Humble Business Startup Success Stories Worth Reading Now

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  • Contributing Editor
    • May 2014
    • 2715

    3 Humble Business Startup Success Stories Worth Reading Now

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    • A side hustle can be started by anyone at any age without previous online marketing experience.
    • Doing something you love to do online turning a hobby into a business is quietly making regular people internet millionaires.
    • Lack of energy, time, financial hardship, and feeling depressed about your past are no longer valid excuses for not getting started today with a side hustle.

    CNBC.com has an amazing section of their website where they solely focus on business startup success stories. Not just business success startup stories. But, humble side hustles that started from the bottom and ended up becoming bigger than what the entrepreneur originally hoped for. While starting a business from the bottom on a shoestring budget with or without a day job can be challenging and daunting in the infancy of online entrepreneurship, it produces a thick skin and determination for going the extra mile to succeed in the uncertain game called life. If you’re in every day working class individual, current college student, working odd jobs wondering where your life is going and seeking to financially strengthen yourself in silence by starting an online-based side hustle with a self hosted WordPress blog and domain name, in combination with using affiliate marketing to generate diversified streams of passive income, this is not only the post for you to read, but bookmark to your favorite social network, email to family, friends, and coworkers, and perhaps bookmark to your web browser favorites section for reading time and time again in the near future. If you’re wondering in the back of your mind if it’s too late to start a business because you feel you’re getting “old,” feeling fatigue settling in, have a congested schedule, or currently suffer from sleep apnea due to low energy, always know whatever you’re currently going through in life can be changed. How? Through the power of positive thinking and believing in yourself. Starting an online side hustle and working on it slowly but surely. Third, by cutting down on discretionary spending. And lastly, continuing to read this post.

    Abraham Piper didn’t come from money. He wasn’t born rich. He worked a plethora of odd jobs uncertain where his life was going. According to CNBC article, not only did he work a series of different jobs before making big as a million-dollar blogger today, but it also took him over 10 years to graduate from college. Abraham is one of those people who used ambition within to start a business out of inspiration or desperation, by doing transformation business work. After failing numerous times as a working class person in holding a steady job, decided to try something different. He took a peculiar approach to entrepreneurship out of curiosity one-day by creating a blog. What was that blog about? That blog was about his day doing a 4 mile walk, according to the CNBC article.

    As he started to write personal blogs about his 4 mile journeys without knowing anything about making money online from blogging and side hustle using affiliate marketing, continued writing because it was in him to write blogs and passion. While time went by and he continued writing his blogs, it’s assumed by this website that he possibly “somewhere along the way” studied about the power of content marketing, and how content marketing can drive gangs of free search engine traffic for years to come, resulting in the increased probability of making money from affiliate marketing and blogging as a side hustle. He also started his blog not just because of the fact that you wanted to document his for our walks in a blog doing it as a hobby before monetizing into a business, but he was also frustrated at competing bloggers. Hence, he came up with a unique idea to start a blog as an online business with the purpose of making money on the Internet. His unique idea was to start a blog called 22words.com. He picked the domain name for his idea coming into fruition on February 22. Going forward, he didn’t allow the fact that he couldn’t keep his steady job hinder him from moving forward in entrepreneurship. He started wondering how he could turn his blog into a business. Somewhere along the way, he potentially learned about affiliate marketing and AdSense. He had a mind to monetize his blog so he can earn 100% living from it with the intent to stop working regular jobs altogether. The majority of his content in his blogs were about his personal life and family, according to the CNBC article. Flirting with affiliate marketing, he started placing Amazon affiliate links within the body of his blog posts, with the intent to make money as an Amazon affiliate. As is block traffic group because he was sharing blog posts on a formerly famous bookmarking site known as StumbleUpon.com, not only did his blog traffic grow because he was being consistent in his blogging efforts, but he started earning increased affiliate income from the Amazon links place within the body of his blog posts. His content within the body of the blog posts is far from perfect. But the fact is, he was no different from the average everyday person who was now using blogging as a means of positioning himself to be a future online blogging millionaire. And indeed he possibly achieved just that.

    While his blog traffic grew slowly but surely, he started developing a strategy for staying consistent with his blog writing. He would often wake up in the wee hours of the morning and start preparing content to post his blog for shuttling off to work. As he stuck to the script of writing for his blog before heading off to work in the morning, his theory toward turning his blog into a full-time 24 hour cash machine worked. It possibly took him close to two years before his blog earned a potential 24 hour income from the Internet through ad monetization.

    Abraham Piper discovered his inner strength and used his entrepreneurial vision to start a business in the most trying time of his life. At the moment, he was struggling, started from the bottom, and endured financial uncertainty. Abraham is an average person just like you. If you’re working paycheck to paycheck and a hidden entrepreneur lies within you, never too late to get started using the Internet and experimenting with blogging as a means of making money online through affiliate marketing and Google AdSense.

    If you didn’t know already, two things to know. Number one, your blog content doesn’t need to be perfect. Making mistakes in your blog writing lets people know that not only are you genuine and human just like them, but you’re also an original writer who’s not copying-plagiarizing from others. Some people would rather give you more business on your blog by making blogging mistakes vs. trying to be someone you’re not in your blog writing efforts. Even if you’re over 50 and have no experience with starting a self hosted blog and using affiliate marketing, it’s never too late to get started.

    Affiliate marketing is a performance marketing-based industry where people from all walks of life promote affiliate programs on blogs, websites, and promote affiliate links in the body of YouTube videos for the purpose of generating streams of passive income by earning “affiliate commissions.”

    Abraham Piper is successful to the point today with his blog that he no longer needs a day job to earn a full-time living. He’s living off of the Internet 100%, as his blog makes money 24 hours a day from monetized advertisements on it. If you believe in yourself and start today fresh from scratch and work slowly but surely at building up the content of your blog with or without a day job using a domain name, self hosted WordPress blog, and having your WordPress blog hosted on a dedicated server, within a few short years YouTube can position yourself to earn healthy streams of passive income from Google AdSense and affiliate marketing just like Abraham.

    Three quick reasons why you need a side hustle:
    • To cushion you from unexpected furloughs. and unexpected furlough is something no one wants to experience. a furlough can happen even after 30 years tenured into your employment. Furloughs are devastating. with a side hustle, you're doing something you love to do while building an online business project from the ground floor up. Moreover, building the side hustle while maintaining daytime employment can help emotionally Cushing you from the unexpected furlough coming years or decades down the road. This is why it's important that when you start a side hustle, do something you love to do as a passion project. Why? Simply because a passion project makes you feel as if you're not performing work. Lastly, a side hustle helps you to stay off of the unemployment line and independent on government money, which is controlled funding. side hustles are today's new Norm of generating streams of passive income doing something genuinely from the heart, with the intent of potentially building it into graduating to side hustle millionaire status in the future.
    • The feeling of making a huge comeback in life and messing up the minds of doubters should be one of your reasons to get started now.
    • To help your parents with financial security. How would you feel if you built your side hustle successfully to the point, whereas you were in a fortunate position to help your parents every month with paying the mortgage, utility bills, and filling your refrigerator with fresh groceries including lobster, shrimp and crab without your parents asking you for one dime of help? that would be a pretty good feeling, wouldn't it? sure it would. side hustle can help you achieve those types of things. Whether you're using blogging to make money online from affiliate marketing, YouTube to earn money from ads or affiliate links inserted in the YouTube video description, or promoting affiliate links using pay-per-click advertising such as Google AdWords, trust and believe that the money is there and ready to be earned online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It's up to you to change the history of your human thought process and believe in yourself enough to get started with the side Hustle lifestyle. Moreover, while money is waiting to be earned online 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, it's your choice to get consistent and stay determined in using the internet in generating streams of passive income. with a side hustle, you can achieve your financial objectives. While it won't be easy and the infancy of starting your side Hustle and you'll have to endure great trial and tribulation before reaching the other side, you may incur feelings along the way of wanting to give up. These feelings are common among aspiring online entrepreneurs inside hustlers. shrug those feelings off by continuing to move forward, by way of producing YouTube videos or updated blog posts. If you use a combination of YouTube and blogging for making money online, that's definitely a good thing. Just be mindful not to burn yourself out because it's easy to get overwhelmed with doing this and that online in hopes of making money from ads.

    'Nurse to Side Hustle Millionaire'

    A nurse with a degree unintentionally became a side hustle millionaire after graduating from nursing school, according to a FOXBusiness.com news report. Because she had no one to study with, she would record her notes and post them to social media, according to so many words listed in the Fox business online article. Once her notes started posting to social media by using sites such as TikTok.com, her son also started gaining traction. As she continued using the video site to advertise herself and her side hustle, her followers grew as she started earning passive income from the Internet as a side hustle. According to Fox business, she started “selling her notes in June 2020 and surpassed $2 million in profits last year alone.”

    As she became serious about selling on the popular buying and selling site Etsy.com, her side hustle income. According to a FOX business news article, she sold study sheets. Furthermore, she sold the students who are approaching the board exam and taking tests in nursing school, the nurse explained in a Fox news article online. When she started selling her notes in June 2020, she went from starting from the bottom to earning over $2 million in profits in 2022. Her study sheets sell at two dollars per sheet, while it’s uncertain at this time if her prices have risen.

    While she believed enough in herself to start aside also and she could graduate to the public ninth step of earning a potential full time income, she believed enough in herself to use her day job as a means of supporting herself until her son also took. She’s an everyday person that took the leap of faith and started a side also fresh from scratch. While we live in error today with rising inflation because of covert 19 and the Russia Ukraine, many people are uncertain if he’ll make it to retire, despite the fact that they’ve been on the job for 25 to 35 years and still working today. Sign nozzles are today’s new norm of generating passive income streams online, using the power of the Internet to create content rule blogging and uploading videos to YouTube for the purpose of earning money from ads. If it is not yet you’re not yet using affiliate marketing, blogging and you too for generating healthy streams of passive income through a side also, always know that age, job experience, education, credit history, and current financial status or of no concern when starting an online base side hustle. This line of work requires you to use your personal ambition to build a business from the ground floor up, in addition to a visionary mindset way you see yourself going with your side hustle start up 5 to 10 years from now.

    JP Mancini II

    For everyday working-class people, earning $39,000 a month as side hustle seems like a dream that will never come true. Making money off of things you already own as a side hostel is possible for the everyday working class person. Making a change in your mindset through deploying visionary thinking is one of the keys toward the entrepreneurial transformation solution, by way of virtually creating money out of thin air on the Internet. Earning passive income by creating user generated content is today’s new norm of generating passive income online and becoming independent on the sole-source of relying wholeheartedly on day job income. And if you didn’t know already, content marketing can make you an online millionaire. Especially if you deploy full strength ambition and steamroll ahead at full strength in making content marketing work for you financially..

    One of the ways this gentleman works toward achieving $39,000 monthly as side hustle income is by renting out his vehicle. Not just any regular vehicle, but a boat. He finagled some investment strategies in order to leverage his side hustle income by renting out his boat to strangers for the purpose of achieving passive income. While this method of making money from side hustles is not recommended because one is taking a great risk by personally owning goods out to people they don’t know from a can of paint, his entrepreneurial ambition looks past the fact that he’s renting out something personally dear to him to complete strangers for money. And his investment is truly paying off.

    He also created his backyard to become a private dog park. He rented out his backyard to strangers for a measly can of beans as a monthly rental fee. While the CNBC article notes his business being slow in the infancy of his side hustle career renting out his backyard for the purpose of achieving side hustle income, eventually, word-of-mouth grew along with his backyard dog park rental business. And as a result, he started earning healthy streams of passive income from it. Because this entrepreneur thought out of the box in going from regular to peculiar, he increased his side hustle income through faith and work.

    ‘Food For Thought’

    What’s holding you back from starting a side hustle? Is it a lack of energy? Overweight? Do you have a bulging male waistline and feel insecure about delving full steam ahead into entrepreneurship?

    Believe it or not, if you believing yourself and get started today with a side hustle, you can build in Imperial side hustle dynasty off of faith and doing something you love to do on the Internet as a side hustle, going from a small potato online business operation to growing your business like an overweight waistline to earning unthinkable streams of passive income.